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send string to remote server not working

Go to solution Solved by travo,

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Hi, I have an autoit script that sends strings to remote server. The script works fine when I am active on the remote server, but does not work when I am not on the remote server. The issue is I was using the send function to send my strings and if I am not active on the server send is not send the strings where I want. I updated the script to use controlsend and controlsettext, but neither of these commands works if I am on the server or not. They only send the first character of the string. Part of the issue is that I need to send the strings into a grid that autoit can't really read. I am able to open the grid and hit the down arrow until I get to the field I want to send my string. I'm thinking that since I am able to use controlsend to use the down arrow to get to the field I want I should be able to also use controlsend to send the string to that field once I am in the field. I am not sure why only the first character is sent to field.


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A little more information. I am able to get the coordinates where I want the string  sent. However, I have not seen any way to send a string to coordinates. So, I am able to arrow down the grid to  the field I want and then use the following to send the string to the correct field which is the field that is active - Send($strNGPATH2,1). Since I will not be active on the server, that command does not work, so I need to find a way to send the string  to that field or coordinates. Below is an example of the controlsend command that sends only the first character, a from the string abc here. Install information is the name of the tab the grid is on. I also tried the following, but the result was the same. Instance 5 is the entire grid. 

Title: Server Configuration
Class: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2bf8098_r15_ad1

Instance: 5
ClassnameNN: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.2bf8098_r15_ad15
Name: grdInfo
Advanced (Class): [NAME:grdInfo]


ControlSend("Server Configuration", 'install information', '', "abc")

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