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Posted (edited)



Bad bad example Melba lol

Does it work? Yes

Does it show the syntax? Yes

Was it part of a post to help people understand some of the new features? Yes

Didi it spark interest in the operator? Yes

Sounds like a result to me. ;)

If trancexx wants to provide better examples for the features she introduced then she has only to post them.


Edit: Removed unpleasant comments and apologised to the target.

Edited by Melba23

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Posted (edited)

How am I supposed to know who wrote the example? Does it matter who wrote it?

I had to look up for the meaning of expression "to cast aspersions". Hm, I'm not sure how exactly did I deserve the comments I got from Melba23. Once again I've been accused for doing things I didn't even thought of.

Melba23, if you have something personal against me then please deal with that privately. PM me or whatever, say what you want to say and then leave me alone.

Edited by trancexx





Does it work? Yes

Does it show the syntax? Yes

Was it part of a post to help people understand some of the new features? Yes

Did it spark interest in the operator? Yes

Sorry to take a contrary view, but you would never actually write code like that, so I wouldn't want it in the helpfile.

TranceXX has already given an example where the operator actually provides new functionality rather than just a new syntax, and others have posted better examples.

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It was not in the Help file - it was in a post from a self-avowed hobbyist poster offering some assitance to the community on how the syntax for the new features actually work, as explained in the very lines you quoted. :mad2:

Anyway, as I have now learnt how poorly my attempt was regarded by others, I will not bother in the future and leave it to those who consider themselves better coders. If they can be bothered to do it, of course. ;)


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area



It was not in the Help file - it was in a post from a self-avowed hobbyist poster offering some assitance to the community on how the syntax for the new features actually work, as explained in the very lines you quoted. :mad2:

Anyway, as I have now learnt how poorly my attempt was regarded by others, I will not bother in the future and leave it to those who consider themselves better coders. If they can be bothered to do it, of course. ;)


I didn't say it wasn't useful, I just said it was a bad example  :huh2:

Unfortunately you picked the one feature that is most likely to be abused in the future. That's probably why the users who have seen it in other languages were so quick to point that out to you.


Come'on guys, mine was only a gag / joke based on the "terrible terrible example", don't take it so seriusly and please continue with the constructive discourse. I can only learn from you because i can't teach nothing. Thanks

Posted (edited)

Better learn Arabic then. Apparently that's the most readable language?


I thought they had no vowels in written Arabic. I think that's one of the major problems in International relations: things often get lost in translation.

Ths sntnce hs n vwls.

I think what the world really needs is a Babel fish.

Edited by czardas

Better learn Arabic then. Apparently that's the most readable language?


Says who?  Not me.  From what I can tell, Arabic script looks like a drunk chicken walked through the inkpot.

Lofting the cyberwinds on teknoleather wings, I am...The Blue Drache


I don't share this opinion. Arabic is a beautiful and very ornamentic script. Have you ever been to one of the arabic countries or south of spain?

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I don't share this opinion. Arabic is a beautiful and very ornamentic script. Have you ever been to one of the arabic countries or south of spain?


Blue_Drache's wording made me laugh. Andalucia is like a second home to me.


$ValueOfThisTopic = ($bMostlyArguing Or $bDiscussingArabic) ? -1 : 1

in the negatives i'm afraid...

On a side note, C, C++ and D allow the result to be used as an LValue so that you can conditionally modify/assign values to different variables:

(which ? x : y) += 5

On a side note, C, C++ and D allow the result to be used as an LValue so that you can conditionally modify/assign values to different variables:

(which ? x : y) += 5

Which is what AutoIt should do, I believe it doesn't at the moment. The ternary I put into Disk Manager was returning true, not the output of the ternary concatenated with a string I appended.


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Also, AutoIt doesn't support ternary left hand values because assignment is not an equation operator.


Just because you don't feel you will use it doesn't means others will. Try to look beyond your limitations as a developer.

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Updated: 22/04/2018


Which is what AutoIt should do, I believe it doesn't at the moment. The ternary I put into Disk Manager was returning true, not the output of the ternary concatenated with a string I appended.

Referring to >this post:

$Export_File = (StringRight(StringLower($Export_File), 4) == ".dma") ? $Export_File : $Export_File & ".dma"


How do you suppose that is returning true?  I suspect you aren't fully grasping how the ternary operator, or AutoIt's interpreter, works. The condition is tested, if its TRUE then what comes between '? .. :' is evaluated, otherwise what follows ':' is evaluated.  After evaluation, if there is an assignment on the left hand side of the ternary expression, the result of the evaluated expression is then moved into that .

Optimizing compilers (which AutoIt isn't) could possibly fix that flawed code by doing a no-op or an append, but its better to fix the problem where it starts - at the programmer level.

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