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Is Biginteger possible with AutoIt:

Something like this:







Welcome to the forums!

Currently this functionality is not available. It would be possible to program some AutoIt code to manipulate such large numbers to an extent though (where they can be handled as a string -- e.g. addition, subtraction and modulus are easy because they can be done on a digit-by-digit basis).

  • 5 months later...
  • Moderators

Can anybody post a examples or DLL to import?

Um... a bit to much to drink tonite? What does your question have to do with this topic, and if it does have to do with this topic, why weren't you more specific on what you wanted? And if your the original poster, what's up with the different name? And since I'm asking so many questions, why aren't I in bed?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


Can anybody post a examples or DLL to import?

Here's an example to add big integers stored in string format. It only works for positive integers (unexpected results will occur if the strings contain anything other than digits).

Local $A = '12345234532453454576357673567463245342635525324534567890'
Local $B = '2323453245234532454352452352352345235354567'
MsgBox(0, "$A + $B", Add($A, $B))

Func Add($1, $2)
    Local $Output = ''
    Local $DigitSum = 0
    While $1 <> '' Or $2 <> ''
        $DigitSum += StringRight($1, 1) + StringRight($2, 1)
        $Output = Mod($DigitSum, 10) & $Output
        $DigitSum = Int($DigitSum / 10)
        $1 = StringTrimRight($1, 1)
        $2 = StringTrimRight($2, 1)
    If $DigitSum Then $Output = $DigitSum & $Output
    Return $Output

It's not the most efficient code but it proves that it's possible.

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