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Anyone know if it is possible to create status bars yet? I checked for a GUI reference in the help file, and for a function reference too. I even checked if it was maybe added as a style/extended style for a window command. I didn't even see it as an option. So, I am just wonderig if the developers have added it yet, or if I still have to wait.

The script I'm writing, I'm kind of waiting on the command for, as it will be of much use.

Any useful answers will be of much help.

Thanks in advance.

"... and the Lord said to John, "Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life," but instead John came fifth and won a toaster."



Anyone know if it is possible to create status bars yet? I checked for a GUI reference in the help file, and for a function reference too. I even checked if it was maybe added as a style/extended style for a window command. I didn't even see it as an option. So, I am just wonderig if the developers have added it yet, or if I still have to wait.

The script I'm writing, I'm kind of waiting on the command for, as it will be of much use.

Any useful answers will be of much help.

Thanks in advance.


How about GUICtrlCreateProgress

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother


How about GUICtrlCreateProgress


Not a progress bar.

A status bar... the little bar at the bottom of a window that shows you what going on. Like when you look at the bottom of your browser window to see if the page is still loading or whether it's done.

"... and the Lord said to John, "Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life," but instead John came fifth and won a toaster."


Something like this ?

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

$GuiMain = GuiCreate("Window", 200, 100, 100, 100, BitOr($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))

$StatusLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Ready", 0, 100 - 16, 200, 16, BitOr($SS_SIMPLE, $SS_SUNKEN))
GUICtrlSetResizing($StatusLabel, $GUI_DOCKSTATEBAR)


While (1)
    $Msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $Msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop

Yeah, that'll do nicely. Thanks a lot. :whistle:

"... and the Lord said to John, "Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life," but instead John came fifth and won a toaster."

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