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IBM Websphere MQ - SAP RFC


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I'm actually really proud of myself today. I'm always keen on using AutoIT wherever I can, as I've been developing in it since the age of 14 and whenever I meet any new technical staff or developers at the different clients I visit it always gets a mention and a demonstration. So we had a minor problem today at one of our clients, whereby they had an existing Windows Service implemented with a config file but the source-code was missing, which limited the ability of our company to enhance the interface in any way.

Now considering the fact that I was paid to develop this I will refrain from divulging any company names or "secrets" as, of course, there are clauses in my contract that state that my work belongs to them. I am however a SAP ABAP developer by trade so anything that falls outside of the defined limits of this trade I can technically share, but regardless I'll keep the information limited.

So the requirement was to pull data from IBM Websphere, write it out to a file and post it into SAP through a custom built RFC. It turned out to be much less complicated than I imagined and through the research on these forums, I had discovered that similar things had been attempted but that nothing concrete had been written for AutoIT specifically (The MQ part, not the SAP part). So without further adieu I present my thinking.

I started out with the IBM Websphere dll using DllOpen and DllCall. After a few frustrating attempts at creating COM objects through the DLL Call. I finally discovered that there was another dll that I could register using regsrv32. It was called MQAX200.dll

Once this dll was registered on the system I could access the following piece of code;

EnvSet("MQSERVER", $iniServer) ;MQ Server Environment Variable
$MQSess = ObjCreate("MQAX200.MQSession")
$QMgr = ObjCreate("MQAX200.MQQueueManager")
$QMgr = $MQSess.AccessQueueManager($iniQM) ;Queue Manager
ConsoleWrite("Connected" & @CRLF)

After this was complete and I successfully tested my connection I added the following to read from MQ;

$Queue = $QMgr.AccessQueue($iniQueue, 2) ;Queue (2=MQOO_INPUT, 16=MQOO_OUTPUT)
While 1
$GetMsg = $MQSess.AccessMessage
$GetOptions = $MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions
$Queue.Get($GetMsg, $GetOptions)
If $Queue.ReasonCode = 2033 Then ;When there aren't any new messages sleep for 2 seconds.
#EndRegion Accessing MQ
#Region Write File
$MsgData = $GetMsg.MessageData

I then wrote this out to a file and attempted my SAP connection using the following code;

Dim $LoggedIn = False
$oConnection = $LogonControl.NewConnection
$oConnection.System = $System
$oConnection.ApplicationServer = $AppServer
$oConnection.SystemNumber = $SysNumb

$oConnection.User = $User
$oConnection.Password = $Password
$oConnection.Client = $Client
$oConnection.Language = $Language
$LoggedIn = $oConnection.Logon(0, True)
Return $LoggedIn

which resulted in failure as the SAP COM object wasn't registered on the system. After attempting to register the correct object without installing SAP GUI, I ended up with a slightly different solution for an executable supplied by SAP called startrfc.exe;

$foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $RFCExec & " -3 -h " & $AppServer & " -s " & $SysNumber & " -F " & $RFC & " -u " & $User & " -p " & $Password & " -c " & $Client & " -l " & $Language & " -E FNAME=" & $FilePath & " -E PNAME=" & $Program, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
While 1
   $line = StdoutRead($foo)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $LogFile = FileOpen(StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Logs\"), 2)
    FileWrite($LogFile, $Line)
    FileMove($FilePath, StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Out\"))
While 1
    $line = StderrRead($foo)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $ErrFile = FileOpen(StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Errors\E"), 2)
    FileWrite($ErrFile, $Line)
  FileMove($FilePath, StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Errors\"))

One last piece of code that you should keep in mind if you attempt this so that your program doesn't stop when a COM error is returned (MQ returns an error that indicates there is no data available on the queue as you see with the reason code check earlier);

Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc") ;Catch COM errors

In conclusion, I really enjoyed implementing something that'll be used for the foreseeable future at a powerful company and writing it in my favorite language. I hope you find some use in these snippets.

This will be running as a Windows Service from now on using srvany.exe.

Edited by Bennet
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Bennet,

cool solution. :thumbsup:

What is the content of the variable $RFCExec?

If you like you can try this: http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-40480

CCo is a COM-Wrapper around SAP NetWeaver RFC library.

At the moment I try to create an example with AutoIt as SAP server application, hope it will work.



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  • 1 year later...

Hey StSchnell,

A very late response to your post. :) $RFCExec contains the path to the startrfc.exe file supplied by SAP.

I ended up changing the solution in any case to rather check for new files using a background job every five minutes.

Kind regards,



Hello Bennet,

cool solution. :thumbsup:

What is the content of the variable $RFCExec?

If you like you can try this: http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-40480
CCo is a COM-Wrapper around SAP NetWeaver RFC library.
At the moment I try to create an example with AutoIt as SAP server application, hope it will work.


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