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Installation script with .msi's


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I am currently working on a script to install a driver for a cardreader system and a software package both wrapped in a separate .msi package so that I can install them silently.

Until now I only have been focusing on the fundamental element of installing the drivers. And testing it on 2 vm’s which are Windows XP & 7 32bit (not using 64x). With the code that I am currently using it does work on Windows XP but on windows 7 I keep getting the following error when the script executes the .msi


I know this is a rights issue but what I can’t understand is that I am executing the script as a system Administrator account, I also tried to push this the script with a management software we have. The management software runs the scripts it pushes under SYSTEM account with the same results.

My question is if some of you have some experience with this or maybe have some hints/examples how to approach this.

Here is what i have until now for the installation.

; Script Start - Add your code below here
FileInstall("C:\VM_SHARE\Omnikeydriver.msi", "C:\Omnikeydriver.msi", 1) ; HID_OMNIKEY3x21_x86_R1_2_6_5.msi
FileInstall("C:\VM_SHARE\SafeSign.msi", "C:\SafeSign.msi", 1) ; SafeSign-Identity-Client-3.0.40-admin.msi

$InstallDriver = ShellExecuteWait("msiexec.exe", '/i "C:\Omnikeydriver.msi" /q /norestart')
MsgBox ( 48, "Omnikey", "Return Value: " & $InstallDriver )

$InstallSafeSign = ShellExecuteWait("msiexec.exe", '/i "C:\SafeSign.msi" /q /norestart')
MsgBox ( 48, "Omnikey", "Return Value: " & $InstallSafeSign )

ConsoleWrite ( $InstallDriver & @CRLF & $InstallSafeSign )
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MSI error code 1619 states the package could not be opened, typically due to the file not being where it should be. This is typical of trying to copy to the root of C: on Win7. A couple of things you could try:

  • Place #RequireAdmin at the top of your script
  • Choose a different destination for your FileInstall, like @TempDir.

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