egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 Hello. I want to download a text file that's in a cgi-bin folder and am not sure the best way to do this. I know how to use InetGet to download files that aren't in cgi-bin folders, and I know how to use the _FtpPutFile function to upload files via FTP, but how can I use FTP to download a file from a protected cgi-bin folder? It's easy to do with my FTP client (FileZilla), so I'm assuming there must be a way to do it with AutoIt3. I did read the InetGet help, but couldn't figure out how to apply it to this situation. When I tried a normal InetGet, a file did download, but it was just a 500.shtml file (the custom 500 Internal Server Error page I made for the site). Please advise.
Gigglestick Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 (edited) Are you making sure your login information is the same as you're using for FileZilla? If you're using the anonymous user, you won't have rights to what you need. Also, the help for InetGet says to use "user:pass@" to specify login information, but I think IE6 blocks this usage. I haven't tested this, so I'm asking whether InetGet has anything to do with this removed functionality in IE or does the code behind InetGet handle this login data on its own? It would be nice to have a real function to set the login information, such as: FtpSetLogin("username", "password") Edited August 22, 2005 by c0deWorm My UDFs: ExitCodes
Developers Jos Posted August 22, 2005 Developers Posted August 22, 2005 did you add the userid and password in the url ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Author Posted August 22, 2005 I've tried these four kinds of InetGets:InetGet("ftp://username:password@hostIP/cgi-bin/folder/file.log", "C:\file.log")InetGet("", "C:\file.log")InetGet("ftp://username:password@hostIP/public_html/cgi-bin/folder/file.log", "C:\file.log")InetGet("", "C:\file.log")..all to no avail.
Developers Jos Posted August 22, 2005 Developers Posted August 22, 2005 I've tried these four kinds of InetGets:InetGet("ftp://username:password@hostIP/cgi-bin/folder/file.log", "C:\file.log")InetGet("", "C:\file.log") InetGet("ftp://username:password@hostIP/public_html/cgi-bin/folder/file.log", "C:\file.log") InetGet("", "C:\file.log")..all to no avail. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What is the exact path you download from when connection with Filezilla ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
w0uter Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 wininet.dll, ftpgetfile. My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Author Posted August 22, 2005 What is the exact path you download from when connection with Filezilla ?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>When I see the word path, as opposed to URL, I think of the actual server path, which would be:/home/account/public_html/cgi-bin/folder/file.logif that's what you meanwininet.dll, ftpgetfile.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know about the ftpputfile function already, so I had already searched for what I figured would be a sister function (ftpgetfile) and didn't find anything at all in the help file or in the AutoIt3 forums, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. I'm trying to stay within AutoIt's functionality here, as opposed to doing a Google and finding some third-party tool.
w0uter Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 autoit can call standard windows dll's (wininet.dll) to add functionality. ex. _FtpPutFile (wich i made) My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
Developers Jos Posted August 22, 2005 Developers Posted August 22, 2005 When I see the word path, as opposed to URL, I think of the actual server path, which would be:/home/account/public_html/cgi-bin/folder/file.logif that's what you meanI know about the ftpputfile function already, so I had already searched for what I figured would be a sister function (ftpgetfile) and didn't find anything at all in the help file or in the AutoIt3 forums, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. I'm trying to stay within AutoIt's functionality here, as opposed to doing a Google and finding some third-party tool.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nope i meant the path in FileZilla.....When you connect with filezilla you probably have to change the directory... what is the path Filezilla shows when you have made cgi-bin as the current directory ? SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Author Posted August 22, 2005 Nope i meant the path in FileZilla.....When you connect with filezilla you probably have to change the directory... what is the path Filezilla shows when you have made cgi-bin as the current directory ?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>OK, here's what I see for Remote Site when I make the cgi-bin folder the current directory:/public_html/cgi-bin/I hope that's what you mean. And thank you for your patience with me.
egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Author Posted August 22, 2005 (edited) autoit can call standard windows dll's (wininet.dll) to add functionality.ex. _FtpPutFile (wich i made)<{POST_SNAPBACK}>OK, I found info on FtpGetFile on this MSDN page. Please tell me: to pull this off in AutoIt3, will I need to use all three dllCall, dllOpen, and dllClose functions? Edited August 22, 2005 by egalvez
Developers Jos Posted August 22, 2005 Developers Posted August 22, 2005 OK, here's what I see for Remote Site when I make the cgi-bin folder the current directory:/public_html/cgi-bin/I hope that's what you mean. And thank you for your patience with me.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Assuming the file you want to dowload is located in a subdirectory "folder" then this should be the correct url:InetGet("ftp://username:password@hostIP/public_html/cgi-bin/folder/file.log", "C:\file.log")Last thing i can think of is : you could check is if there is any case issue with any character.... SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Gigglestick Posted August 22, 2005 Posted August 22, 2005 (edited) Check your server logs for FTP logins to verify that the username:password@ thing is working. Keep in mind that while Windows is not case sensitive, *nix is. "File.log" is NOT the same as "file.log" Edited August 22, 2005 by c0deWorm My UDFs: ExitCodes
egalvez Posted August 22, 2005 Author Posted August 22, 2005 I give up for now. If I get it working, I'll reply again. Thank you.
egalvez Posted August 23, 2005 Author Posted August 23, 2005 (edited) I took the FtpPutFile function from this post and tried to hack it to turn it into an FtpGetFile function, but it's not working because I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm wondering if someone who does know what they're doing could help me, please. Here's what I've got:expandcollapse popup; Access types for InternetOpen() Global $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG = 0 Global $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT = 1 Global $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY = 3 Global $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG_WITH_NO_AUTOPROXY = 4 ; Service types for InternetConnect() Global $INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP = 1 Global $INTERNET_SERVICE_GOPHER = 2 Global $INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP = 3 Global $INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT = 21 Global $INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC = 0x10000000 Global $INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE = 0x08000000 Global $FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x00000000 Global $FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII = 0x00000001 Global $FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY = 0x00000002 Dim $nRetCode Func _FtpGetFile($sServer, $sUserName, $sPassword, $sRemoteFile, $sNewFile, $bFailIfExists, $hFlagsAndAttributes, $nType = 0, $nPassive = 1) Local $hWininet Local $hInternet Local $hConnect Local $aDllRet Local $nRet = 0 $hWininet = DllOpen("wininet.dll") If $hWininet = -1 Then Return $nRet $aDllRet = DllCall($hWininet, "ptr", "InternetOpen", _ "str", "AutoITFTPUDF", _ "long", $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, _ "int", 0, _ "int", 0, _ "long", $INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC) If Not @error And $aDllRet[0] <> 0 Then $hInternet = $aDllRet[0] If $nPassive Then $nPassive = $INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE Else $nPassive = 0 EndIf $aDllRet = DllCall($hWininet, "ptr", "InternetConnect", _ "ptr", $hInternet, _ "str", $sServer, _ "long", $INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT, _ "str", $sUserName, _ "str", $sPassword, _ "long", $INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, _ "long", $nPassive, _ "int", 0) If Not @error And $aDllRet[0] <> 0 Then $hConnect = $aDllRet[0] $aDllRet = DllCall($hWininet, "int", "FtpGetFile", _ "ptr", $hConnect, _ "str", $sRemoteFile, _ "str", $sNewFile, _ "bool", $bFailIfExists, _ "str", $hFlagsAndAttributes, _ "long", $nType, _ "int", 0) If Not @error Or $aDllRet[0] <> 0 Then $nRet = -1 Else $aDllRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "long", "GetLastError") If Not @error Then $nRet = $aDllRet[0] EndIf ; Send QUIT command to ftp server $aDllRet = DllCall($hWininet, "int", "FtpCommand", _ "ptr", $hConnect, _ "int", 0, _ "long", $FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, _ "str", "QUIT", _ "int", 0, _ "int", 0) DllCall($hWininet, "int", "InternetCloseHandle", "ptr", $hConnect) EndIf DllCall($hWininet, "int", "InternetCloseHandle", "ptr", $hInternet) EndIf DllClose($hWininet) Return $nRet EndFunc $nRetCode = _FtpGetFile("", _ "myusername", _ "mypassword", _ "public_html/folder/file.txt", _ "c:\file.txt", _ "FALSE", _ "", _ $FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, 0) if $nRetCode <> -1 Then msgbox(4112,"FtpGetFile test","Download of file was NOT successful") Else msgbox(4160,"FtpGetFile test","Download of file WAS successful") EndIf Edited August 23, 2005 by egalvez
w0uter Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 heres some code that can download from my ftp server. (also a nice sneak preview of the new _FTPOpen func ) CODE#region _FTPOpen ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FTPOpen() ; ; Description: Connects to an FTP server. ; ; Parameter(s): (InternetConnect) ; $s_ServerName - Server name/ip. ; $s_Username - Username. ; $s_Password - Password. ; $i_ServerPort - Server port ( 0 is default (21) ) ; $l_Service - Type of service to access. ; $l_Flags - Special flags. ; $l_Context - I dont got a clue what this does. ; ; (InternetOpen) ; $s_Agent - Random name. ( like "myftp" ) ; $l_AccessType - I dont got a clue what this does. ; $s_ProxyName - ProxyName. ; $s_ProxyBypass - ProxyByPasses's. ; $l_Flags2 - Special flags. ; ; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll ; ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 2 indentifier's. ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR to -1 ; ; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FTPOpen($s_ServerName, $s_Username, $s_Password, $i_ServerPort = 0, $l_Service = 1, $l_Flags = 0, $l_Context = 0, $s_Agent = 0, $l_AccessType = 1, $s_ProxyName = '', $s_ProxyBypass = '', $l_Flags2 = 0) If $s_Agent = 0 Then $s_Agent = Random(1, 99999, 1) & Random(1, 99999, 1) Local $ai_InternetOpen = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'long', 'InternetOpen', 'str', $s_Agent, 'long', $l_AccessType, 'str', $s_ProxyName, 'str', $s_ProxyBypass, 'long', $l_Flags2) If @error Or $ai_InternetOpen[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $ai_InternetConnect = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'long', 'InternetConnect', 'long', $ai_InternetOpen[0], 'str', $s_ServerName, 'int', $i_ServerPort, 'str', $s_Username, 'str', $s_Password, 'long', $l_Service, 'long', $l_Flags, 'long', $l_Context) If @error Or $ai_InternetConnect[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $ai_Return[2] = [$ai_InternetOpen[0], $ai_InternetConnect[0]] Return $ai_Return EndFunc ;==> _FTPOpen() #endregion #region _FTPGetFile Func _FTPGetFile($l_FTPSession, $s_RemoteFile, $s_LocalFile, $i_overwrite = False, $l_Flags_a_a = 0, $l_Flags = 0, $l_Context = 0) #cs BOOL FtpGetFile( HINTERNET hConnect, LPCTSTR lpszRemoteFile, LPCTSTR lpszNewFile, BOOL fFailIfExists, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext ); #ce $l_FTPSession = $l_FTPSession[1] Local $ai_FTPPutFile = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'FtpGetFile', 'long', $l_FTPSession, 'str', $s_RemoteFile, 'str', $s_LocalFile, 'int', $i_overwrite, 'long', $l_Flags_a_a, 'long', $l_Flags, 'long', $l_Context) If @error Or $ai_FTPPutFile[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return $ai_FTPPutFile[0] EndFunc ;==> _FTPGetFile() #endregion #region _FTPClose ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _FTPClose() ; Description: Closes the _FTPOpen session. ; Parameter(s): $l_InternetSession - The Array from _FTPOpen() ; Requirement(s): DllCall, wininet.dll ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error ; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FTPClose($l_InternetSession) Local $ai_InternetCloseHandle = DllCall('wininet.dll', 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'long', $l_InternetSession[0]) If @error Or $ai_InternetCloseHandle[0] = 0 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==> _FTPClose() #endregion $server = '' $username = 'w0uter' $pass = 'some pass' $conn = _FTPOpen($server, $username, $pass) ConsoleWrite(_FTPGetFile($conn, 'autoit-v3-setup.exe', 'C:\ftpget.exe') & @LF) _FTPClose($conn) My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
egalvez Posted August 23, 2005 Author Posted August 23, 2005 Thank you for the code. Unfortunately, when I tried it out, I got this error:Line 47 (File "C:\...\ftpOpen.au3"):Func _FTPGetFile($l_FTPSession, $s_RemoteFile, $s_LocalFile, $i_overwrite = False, $l_Flags_a_a = 0, $l_Flags = 0, $l_Context = 0)Error: Badly formatted "Func" statement.Did I copy and paste that line wrongly somehow?
w0uter Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 is there an enter before $l_Context ? if so remove it. also try replaceing false by a 0 My UDF's:;mem stuff_Mem;ftp stuff_FTP ( OLD );inet stuff_INetGetSource ( OLD )_INetGetImage _INetBrowse ( Collection )_EncodeUrl_NetStat_Google;random stuff_iPixelSearch_DiceRoll
egalvez Posted August 23, 2005 Author Posted August 23, 2005 OK, I changed False to 0. Now I get a different error:Local $ai_Return[2]= [$ai_InternetOpen[0], $ai_InternetConnect[0]]Local $ai_Return[2] ^ ERRORError: No variable given for "Dim", "Local", "Global" or "Const" statement.
Gigglestick Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 Local $ai_Return[2] = [$ai_InternetOpen[0], $ai_InternetConnect[0]] Local $ai_Return[2] ^ ERROR Try changing that code to this: Local $ai_Return[2] $ai_Return = [$ai_InternetOpen[0], $ai_InternetConnect[0]] ...or get the latest beta. My UDFs: ExitCodes
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