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Hello, I want to share with you all something that I have just found recently and now it becomes my everyday companion in working with my computer.

First, some introductions about StrokesPlus.

Basically, this lightweight, free and portable program is a mouse gesture and hotkey management, so it can provide users with their own ways to interact with any applications. StrokesPlus already has a built-in Lua scripting and able to call external .dll with that alone S+ has became the most flexible mouse gesture and hotkey management. However, Lua scripting is not as convenient as AutoIt that we love when dealing with complex functions. So combined with AutoIt, StrokesPlus becomes one of the best apps to increase our productivity.


Hold Right mouse button while scrolling up to increase volume. There is a program that I know that could do this, however with that program it means the gesture (Right mouse button + wheel) is already taken for volume only. With StrokesPlus users could determine the gesture for which window, controls, and even parts of the screen. For example, upper left part of the screen for volume, upper center for screen brightness, etc. Look at the pictures in below link to know what I mean:


I'm sure advanced users could find other creative ways to work with StrokesPlus.

I think that's enough about the introductions.

Now to have a communication between StrokesPlus and AutoIt, one way is by using sendMessage from StrokesPlus to AutoIt.

It's very easy. First we determine a gesture to test, then set it for global, or app specific, or window title or win class specific. Then in the Lua script:

acSendMessage(acFindWindowByTitleRegex("GetTheGesture"), 273, 1, 1)

GetTheGesture = title of our AutoIt window that will received the message from StrokesPlus


1 = wParam

1 = the lParam

Then in the AutoIt script:

Global Const $WM_COMMAND = 0x0111

While 1

Func MY_WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Local $Param1 = Dec(StringTrimLeft ($wParam, 2 ));LoWord
    Local $Param2 = Dec(StringTrimLeft ($lParam, 2 ))
    ConsoleWrite(" "&$Param1&"_"&$Param2&" ")
End Func

Now, each time we fire the gesture that we set to do sendMessage, the AutoIt script could receive it and start doing the works.

To make it more flexible, we could make the AutoIt script to get the window's control of where we do the gesture, instead sending the number for the app, send gsx, gsy from StrokesPlus. gsx, gsy represent the initial mouse position when we started the gesture. It depends of the users how they want to use it. This is one way that I know how to make connection, I believe there are other ways.

I can't believe I just recently know about this wonderful program. So, that's why I want to give you all some introductions. I'm sure many have heard about StrokeIt, however there has been no further release after 2010. While StrokesPlus is continously being developed. So, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions related, feel free to contact the author. The author would be very happy to hear it from you as he wants to create the most flexible but robust mouse gesture and hotkey management app.

Thank you for reading.

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