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Problem with "IsArray" and PNG images as buttons, images are flashing at GUI.


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Hello there!

First of all, thank you for your time n' support.

This is my first post and I hope this isn't an inconvenient.

Well, my problem is that I'm a noob noob noob in AutoIt, and I wanna make a GUI with two PNGs images as buttons, then i need to run an exe when I click under the buttons, I think I'm not far from my objective...

The function of my PNGs buttons works in 3 steps, 1 normal mode non focused, 2 focused, 3 clicked...

I used "GUIGetCursorInfo()" and "IsArray" for detect the mouse pointer over my png.

If I only use one button, all its good, but if I use two or more buttons sometimes the PNGs are flashing at the GUI.

I was reading for many days for make this code.

I'm a beginner and i don't understand as easy as it looks.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Mexican. :)

I hope you could help me!

Thank you guys!

#Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#Include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Include "GUICtrlPic.au3"
#Region ### START GUI Background ###
GUICreate( "NXT-System" , @DesktopWidth , @DesktopHeight , 0 , 0 , $WS_POPUP )
GUISetBkColor( 0xffffff )
GUICtrlCreatePic( @ScriptDir & "\Media\bg_01.jpg" , 0 , 0 , @DesktopWidth , @DesktopHeight )
GUICtrlSetState( -1 , $GUI_DISABLE )
GUISetState( @SW_SHOW )
#EndRegion ### END GUI Background ###
#Region ### START GUI Items ###
$FlashLt = ObjCreate( "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash" )
$FlashLtCtrl = GUICtrlCreateObj( $FlashLt , @DesktopWidth/2 -100 , @DesktopHeight/2 +30 , 112 , 80 )
$FlashLt.Movie = @ScriptDir & "\Media\f_izq.swf"
$FlashLt.Menu = False
$FlashLt.wmode = "transparent"
$FlashRt = ObjCreate( "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash" )
$FlashRtCtrl = GUICtrlCreateObj( $FlashRt , @DesktopWidth/2 +50 , @DesktopHeight/2 +30 , 112 , 80 )
$FlashRt.Movie = @ScriptDir & "\Media\f_der.swf"
$FlashRt.Menu = False
$FlashRt.wmode = "transparent"
$PNGLt = @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_izq.png"
$PNGLtCtrl = _GUICtrlPic_Create( $PNGLt , @DesktopWidth/2 -550 , @DesktopHeight/2 -200 , 300 , 300 )
$PNGRt = @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_der.png"
$PNGRtCtrl = _GUICtrlPic_Create( $PNGRt , @DesktopWidth/2 +250 , @DesktopHeight/2 -200 , 300 , 300 )
GUISetState( @SW_SHOW )
Dim $GO = False
#EndRegion ### END GUI Items ###
#Region ### START GUI Function ###
;~ My problem start here :( --------------------------------------------------------------
While 1
$ReadMouse = GUIGetCursorInfo()
If IsArray($ReadMouse) = 1 Then
Case $ReadMouse[4] = $PNGLtCtrl and $GO = False
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGLtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_izq_o.png" , 0 )
$GO = True
Case $ReadMouse[4] <> $PNGLtCtrl and $GO = True
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGLtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_izq.png" , 0 )
$GO = False
If IsArray($ReadMouse) = 1 Then
Case $ReadMouse[4] = $PNGRtCtrl and $GO = False
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGRtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_der_o.png" , 0 )
$GO = True
Case $ReadMouse[4] <> $PNGRtCtrl and $GO = True
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGRtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_der.png" , 0 )
$GO = False
Switch GUIGetMsg()
Case -3
Case $PNGLtCtrl
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGLtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_izq_p.png" , 0 )
MsgBox( 0 , "" , "Pressed" ) ;after all here will be the run instruction for Run("exe1")
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGLtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_izq.png" , 0 )
Switch GUIGetMsg()
Case $PNGRtCtrl
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGRtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_der_p.png" , 0 )
MsgBox( 0 , "" , "Pressed" ) ;after all here will be the run instruction for Run("exe2")
_GUICtrlPic_SetImage( $PNGRtCtrl , @ScriptDir & "\Media\m_der.png" , 0 )
#EndRegion ### END GUI Function ###


PS. For the PNGs I used "GuiCtrlPic.au3" for an easier code... "@Grossvater has a UDF named GuiCtrlPic.au3 on AutoIt.de"

This is a screenshot of my problem:

Posted Image



Edited by GoldenEye
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search for setting the image using GDI+

that may help

Regards :)

My code:

PredictText: Predict Text of an Edit Control Like Scite. Remote Gmail: Execute your Scripts through Gmail. StringRegExp:Share and learn RegExp.

Run As System: A command line wrapper around PSEXEC.exe to execute your apps scripts as System (LSA). Database: An easier approach for _SQ_LITE beginners.

MathsEx: A UDF for Fractions and LCM, GCF/HCF. FloatingText: An UDF for make your text floating. Clipboard Extendor: A clipboard monitoring tool. 

Custom ScrollBar: Scroll Bar made with GDI+, user can use bitmaps instead. RestrictEdit_SRE: Restrict text in an Edit Control through a Regular Expression.

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