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Let's say I have multiple PowerTerm Pro windows open.

Global $oObj = ObjGet("", "PowerTermPro.Document") ; <-- Production command works ok for the first instance only
Global $oObj = ObjGet("", "PowerTermPro.Document", 1) ; <-- Beta command gives COM Error: 0x80020006 Unknown name.

Can anyone shed any light on this? How can I get access to multiple objects of the same class?

Posted (edited)

Use something like in the _ExcelBookAttach function?

$o_Result = ObjGet("", "Excel.Application")
 If @error Or Not IsObj($o_Result) Then
;~   ConsoleWrite("--> Warning from function _ExcelAttach, No existing Excel.Application object" & @CRLF)
  Return SetError(1, 1, 0)
 Local $o_workbooks = $o_Result.Application.Workbooks
 If Not IsObj($o_workbooks) Or $o_workbooks.Count = 0 Then
;~   ConsoleWrite("--> Warning from function _ExcelAttach, No existing Excel.Application windows" & @CRLF)
  Return SetError(1, 2, 0)
 For $o_workbook In $o_workbooks
  Switch $s_mode
   Case "filename"
    If $o_workbook.Name = $s_string Then
     Return $o_workbook
   Case "filepath"
    If $o_workbook.FullName = $s_string Then
     Return $o_workbook
   Case "title"
    If ($o_workbook.Application.Caption) = $s_string Then
     Return $o_workbook
   Case Else
;~  ConsoleWrite("--> Error from function _ExcelAttach, Invalid Mode Specified" & @CRLF)
    Return SetError(1, 3, 0)
Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
Posted (edited)

To be able to send COM commands to the PowerTerm Pro object, the best way I've found so far is this:

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _PTProAttach
; Description ...: Attach to the first PowerTerm Pro object
; Syntax ........: _PTProAttach()
; Parameters ....: None
; Return values .: On Success    - Returns an object variable pointing to a PowerTermPro.Document Application object
;                On Failure  - Returns 0 and sets @error:
;                |@error     - 0 ($_PTProStatus_Success) = No Error
;                |@error     - 1 ($_PTProStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
; Author ........: GMK
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _PTProAttach()
Local $sFuncName = "_PTProAttach"
Local $oDoc = ObjGet("", "PowerTermPro.Document")
If Not IsObj($oDoc) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "PowerTermPro.Document Object Creation Failed")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0)
Local $oReturn = $oDoc.GetApplication
If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "PowerTermPro.Document Application Object Creation Failed")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0)
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn)
EndFunc ;==>_PTProCreate

; #FUNCTION# =====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _PTProCreate
; Description ...: Creates a PowerTerm Pro object
; Syntax ........: _PTProCreate([$sSetupFile = ""[, $iCommType = ""[, $sTerminalName = ""[, $sHost = ""[, $sPort = ""]]]]])
; Parameters ....: $sSetupFile - [Optional] PowerTerm Pro setup file location
;                $iCommType  - [Optional] Comm Type:
;                                            $pt_Telnet  = 0
;                                            $pt_Com         = 1
;                                            $pt_Nsvt    = 2
;                                            $pt_Lat         = 3
;                                            $pt_Cterm   = 4
;                                            $pt_Bapi    = 5
;                                            $pt_Rlogin  = 6
;                                            $pt_TAPI    = 7
;                                            $pt_Superlat = 8
;                                            $pt_Nwlat   = 9
;                                            $pt_Tn3270  = 10
;                                            $pt_Mssna   = 11
;                                            $pt_Nwsaa_ipx = 12
;                                            $pt_Nwsaa_TCPIP = 13
;                                            $pt_Tn5250  = 14
;                                            $pt_Nsrouter = 15
;                                            $pt_Winappc     = 16
;                $sTerminalName - [Optional] Terminal Name
;                $sHost      - [Optional] Host (IP or DNS Address)
;                $sPort      - [Optional] Port
; Return values .: On Success    - Returns an object variable pointing to a PowerTermPro.Document Application object
;                On Failure  - Returns 0 and sets @error:
;                |@error     - 0 ($_PTProStatus_Success) = No Error
;                |@error     - 1 ($_PTProStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
;                |@error     - 3 ($_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
;                |@error     - 4 ($_PTProStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
;                |@error     - 5 ($_PTProStatus_FileNotFound) = File Not Found
;                |@extended  - Contains invalid parameter number
; Author ........: GMK
; ================================================================================================================================
Func _PTProCreate($sSetupFile = "", $iCommType = "", $sTerminalName = "", $sHost = "", $sPort = "")
Local $sFuncName = "_PTProCreate"
Local $oDoc = ObjCreate("PowerTermPro.Document")
If Not IsObj($oDoc) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "PowerTermPro.Document Object Creation Failed")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0)
If $sSetupFile <> "" And Not FileExists($sSetupFile) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_FileNotFound")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_FileNotFound, 1, 0)
If $iCommType <> "" And Not IsInt($iCommType) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0)
If $iCommType <> "" And Not ($iCommType >= 0 And $iCommType <= 16) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidValue")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0)
If $sTerminalName <> "" And Not IsString($sTerminalName) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0)
If $sHost <> "" And Not IsString($sHost) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0)
If $sHost <> "" And Ping($sHost) = 0 Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidValue")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0)
If $sPort <> "" And Not IsString($sPort) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "$_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0)
Local $oReturn = $oDoc.GetApplication
If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then
__PTProErrorNotify("Error", $sFuncName, "", "PowerTermPro.Document Application Object Creation Failed")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0)
Switch $iCommType
Case 0
_PTProSessionSetTelnetParameters($oReturn, $sTerminalName, $sHost, $sPort)
Case 1 To 16
_PTProSessionSetCommType($oReturn, $iCommType)
_PTProSessionSetTerminalName($oReturn, $sTerminalName)
_PTProSessionSetHostName($oReturn, $sHost)
_PTProSessionSetCommPort($oReturn, $sPort)
If $sSetupFile <> "" Then _PTProOpenSetupFile($oReturn, $sSetupFile)
If $sHost <> "" And Not _PTProIsCommunicationOpen($oReturn) Then __PTProErrorNotify("Warning", $sFuncName, "", "Unable to connect to server.")
Return SetError($_PTProStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn)
EndFunc ;==>_PTProCreate

So it's very backwards--create or attach to a "document," then get the application from there and you can send your commands.

Edited by GMK

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