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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Jos said:

Aren't they the same?  see the dates are. 



Yes, the dates are the same, but the json.au3 files are definitely different. I mean that post from you:



This is not the same json.au3 as the one from the first post.

Edited by LukeWCS
  • Developers
21 minutes ago, LukeWCS said:


Hmm.. but _Json(2019.07.15).zip is exactly the same as _Json(2019.01.17).zip. ^^

Yea, you are right, I took it from the wrong place. 
I've cleaned up the commented old lines a bit and also changed the header version data.
Hope it is now the correct/complete version, but the posted testscript is working nicely with this one.


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Posted (edited)

In current (_Json(2019.07.15)b.zip)  JSON_Test.au3:


Test5() has an undeclared variable on Line #79:


Test6 failed.  Not sure if that was intended or not.

> ========= Test6 Start   =========================
+-> .d.5.4.6.h[0].id  =1286
+-> .d.5.4.6.h[0].status  =sunny
+-> .d.5.4.6.h[0].earth  =True
+@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d") = True
!!!!@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d.5") = False
!!!!@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d.5.4") = False
!!!!@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d.5.4.6") = False
!!!!@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d.5.4.6.h") = False
+@@ Json_ObjExists($oTemp, "d.5.4.6.x") = False
!!!!@@ Json_Get($oTemp, "[0].id") = 
+@@ Json_Get($oTemp, "[0].id") = 
! ========= Test6 Failed! =========================


Edited by TheXman
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Jos said:

I've cleaned up the commented old lines a bit and also changed the header version data.
Hope it is now the correct/complete version, but the posted testscript is working nicely with this one.

Okay, then I will update now and test my program with the new JSON UDF version.

Thanks again Jos. :)

Edited by LukeWCS
  • Developers
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, TheXman said:

Test5() has an undeclared variable on Line #79:


Test6 failed.  Not sure if that was intended or not.

mmm...   let me check what is happening ....  guess it has been too long ago I use all of this JSON stuff. :) 

10 hours ago, LukeWCS said:

Okay, then I will update now and test my program with the new JSON UDF version.

Please wait till things are checked!

Edited by Jos

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Alright, release on standby.

BTW, I did several tests and found no problems. All .json files are fine. I keep testing.

A small problem, not a big deal: there is an undeclared variable


on lines 341 and 373.

  • Developers
4 hours ago, LukeWCS said:

BTW, I did several tests and found no problems. All .json files are fine. I keep testing.

Understand as the issue is just with test 6 ( test 5 is fixed), which is an change I made a while ago to support  sub-objects in Json_ObjExists() and ObjGet().
This is not that commonly used.

Just some lack of time at the moment so reverted until that is fixed in the new version.


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Hi together,


I am quite new here and wanted to try out a Webdriver Demo. In that Demo the author is using JSON.au3, but I get a compile error.

And wherever I have searched I don't find the right JSON.au3 or any JSMN.au3, which I can use.

At the beginning of that topic Ward's mentioning, "..I use a machine code version of JSON parser called jsmn.."


Hot to deal with it. I am lost with my first step.

Can anybody see me down there, if so, any help is much appreciated.


Hi Dan, thx for quick answer.

When I click the link of Gabi, there is a self refernce to the same page.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or give me a link for not talented? 





Hi together,


I am quite new here and wanted to try out a Webdriver Demo. In that Demo the author is using JSON.au3, but I get a compile error.

And wherever I have searched I don't find the right JSON.au3 or any JSMN.au3, which I can use.

At the beginning of that topic there is a 



works, thank you very much :)


Hi together,


I am quite new here and wanted to try out a Webdriver Demo. In that Demo the author is using JSON.au3, but I get a compile error.

And wherever I have searched I don't find the right JSON.au3 or any JSMN.au3, which I can use.

At the beginning of that topic there is a 

Posted (edited)

Update: I reverted to the earlier json.au3 file (01-08-2015) and the code worked fine.   I can't figure out why the code change to the json_get function in the 2019 version caused the error I'm getting but since it's a work in progress, my bad for not waiting for a more "official" release.

Hello All:

I'm trying to read a json file created by a website API.  Initially all I've tried to do is read a couple of the values but haven't been able to get past that step.

I'm using the json_get function from Json.au3 but keep receiving an @error = 1 that indicates it's a "no specific object" error.  I've used code from this site that doesn't appear to require the calling function set a variable as an object before calling the json_get function. 

In the examples I've seen and I've used below, it seems that the code $object = Json_Decode($data) is sufficient but I have not been able to get that to work.  I've tried setting the variable $object = Json_ObjectCreate() before setting $object = Json_Decode($data) but that has not worked either.

I've looked at the Json.au3 code and read as much as I can on the site that relates to what I'm trying to do but haven't found anything that works. 

I've included a test.json file and the first 3 records from the json.dump to show what the structure looks like.

I'm just starting to try to figure out JSON and the Json.au3 functions so any help would be appreciated.


Note: uncomment the #include <json.au3> line in the code below.  If you don't need to see the full dump file you should comment out or remove the json_dump($data) line of code.

Func _JsonTest()
    ;#include <json.au3> ; Using the 01-17-2019 version
    Local $data
    Local $id
    Local $sTestJSonPath = @ScriptDir & "\test.json"
    Local $iFileSize = 0
    Global $object

    Local $hOpenFile = FileOpen($sTestJSonPath)
    If @error Then
        ConsoleWrite("@error = " & @error & @CRLF & "Could not open " & $sTestJSonPath & @CRLF)

    $iFileSize = FileGetSize($sTestJSonPath)

    $data = FileRead($hOpenFile)

    ; Dump the json file contents

    $object = Json_Decode($data)

    Local $i = 0
    While 1
        ConsoleWrite("$i = " & $i & @CRLF)
        $id = json_Get($object, "[" & $i & "].id")
        ; Get an @error = 1, which I believe is the "no specific object" error in json_get

        If @error Then
            ConsoleWrite("@error = " & @error & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite('id:' & $id & @CRLF)
        $i += 1
EndFunc   ;==>_JsonTest


test.json Dump.text

Edited by OldGuyWalking
Reverted to earlier json.au3 and problem solved.
  • 2 months later...

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