Moderators Melba23 Posted February 6, 2013 Moderators Posted February 6, 2013 Reinhardt1julian,Firstly, if you have not already done so, go and look at your other thread where I show you a much better way of writing the basic code in that script. In this new version I see you are trying to send the $HFarbeH and $TFarbeH variables to a DOS box to set the colour - so I suggest that you replace all the values you assign to those variables by literal strings: "1", "2", "3",...."9", "A",...."F". That way you will send the correct values to the DOS box. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Reinhardt1julian Posted February 6, 2013 Author Posted February 6, 2013 im not sure if im stupid again butI made a variable $var = 1later in the scrip i said $var = Aand it said ERROR: syntax error
PainTain Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 HiYou should post your problem in the german forum - because you are german, I think You can explain your problem better
AZJIO Posted February 12, 2013 Posted February 12, 2013 $iDec = 0x00DBFF $sString = StringFormat("%06X", $iDec) MsgBox(0, 'Yes?', $sString) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c (Title My Prog & @Echo off & Color 1e & cls & set /p Ok=^>^>)') ; color хх (The first digit refers to the background, and the second indicates the color of the text.) ; 0 = Black ; 1 = Blue ; 2 = Green ; 3 = Aqua ; 4 = Red ; 5 = Purple ; 6 = Yellow ; 7 = White ; 8 = Gray ; 9 = Light Blue ; A = Light Green ; B = Light Aqua ; C = Light Red ; D = Light Purple ; E = Light Yellow ; F = Bright White My other projects or all
Draygoes Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 (edited) It doesnt look like anyone has pointed this out, but you have 5 includes with no value. EDIT: This code works. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> $TFarbe = 0xC0C0C0 $HFarbe = 0x000000 $TFarbeH = 7 $HFarbeH = 0 #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Test", 692, 211, 175, 144) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 8, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 40, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000080) $Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 72, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x008000) $Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 104, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x008080) $Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 136, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x800000) $Button7 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 168, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x800080) $Button8 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 200, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x808000) $Button9 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 232, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xC0C0C0) $Button10 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 264, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x808080) $Button11 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 296, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $Button12 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 328, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00FF00) $Button13 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 360, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00FFFF) $Button14 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 392, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF0000) $Button15 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 424, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF00FF) $Button16 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 456, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFF00) $Button17 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 488, 32, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 488, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) $Button18 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 104, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x008080) $Button19 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 168, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x800080) $Button20 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 136, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x800000) $Button21 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 8, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) $Button22 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 40, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000080) $Button23 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 72, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x008000) $Button24 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 200, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x808000) $Button25 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 232, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xC0C0C0) $Button26 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 264, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x808080) $Button27 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 296, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $Button28 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 328, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00FF00) $Button29 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 360, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x00FFFF) $Button30 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 392, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF0000) $Button31 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 424, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF00FF) $Button32 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 456, 100, 25, 25) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFF00) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Wähle die Textfarbe", 8, 8, 125, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Wähle die Hintergrundfarbe", 9, 71, 168, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Button34 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 536, 32, 137, 97) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("AaBbCc", 544, 64, 122, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 27, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $TFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $HFarbe) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 224, 160, 105, 33) $Abbrechen = GUICtrlCreateButton("Abbrechen", 352, 160, 105, 33) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Abbrechen Exit Case $OK GUICtrlDelete($Form1) Run("cmd.exe") $cmdpromptwintitle = WinGetTitle( "cmd.exe" , "" ) Sleep(100) WinSetState( $cmdpromptwintitle, "", @SW_ENABLE ) WinWaitActive($cmdpromptwintitle) Sleep(100) Send("color ") Send($HFarbeH) Send($TFarbeH) Send("{ENTER}") Exit Case $Button1 $TFarbe = 0x000000 $TFarbeH = 0 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button3 $TFarbe = 0x000080 $TFarbeH = 1 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button4 $TFarbe = 0x008000 $TFarbeH = 2 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button5 $TFarbe = 0x008080 $TFarbeH = 3 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button6 $TFarbe = 0x800000 $TFarbeH = 4 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button7 $TFarbe = 0x800080 $TFarbeH = 5 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button8 $TFarbe = 0x808000 $TFarbeH = 6 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button9 $TFarbe = 0xC0C0C0 $TFarbeH = 7 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button10 $TFarbe = 0x808080 $TFarbeH = 8 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button11 $TFarbe = 0x0000FF $TFarbeH = 9 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button12 $TFarbe = 0x00FF00 $TFarbeH = 0x41 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button13 $TFarbe = 0x00FFFF $TFarbeH = 0x42 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button14 $TFarbe = 0xFF0000 $TFarbeH = 0x43 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button15 $TFarbe = 0xFF00FF $TFarbeH = 0x44 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button16 $TFarbe = 0xFFFF00 $TFarbeH = 0x45 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button17 $TFarbe = 0xFFFFFF $TFarbeH = 0x46 GUICtrlSetColor($Label3, $TFarbe) Case $Button2 $HFarbe = 0xFFFFFF $HFarbeH = 0x46 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button18 $HFarbe = 0x008080 $HFarbeH = 3 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button19 $HFarbe = 0x800080 $HFarbeH = 5 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button20 $HFarbe = 0x800000 $HFarbeH = 4 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button21 $HFarbe = 0x000000 $HFarbeH = 0 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button22 $HFarbe = 0x000080 $HFarbeH = 1 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button23 $HFarbe = 0x008000 $HFarbeH = 2 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button24 $HFarbe = 0x808000 $HFarbeH = 6 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button25 $HFarbe = 0xC0C0C0 $HFarbeH = 7 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button26 $HFarbe = 0x808080 $HFarbeH = 8 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button27 $HFarbe = 0x0000FF $HFarbeH = 9 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button28 $HFarbe = 0x00FF00 $HFarbeH = 0x41 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button29 $HFarbe = 0x00FFFF $HFarbeH = 0x42 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button30 $HFarbe = 0xFF0000 $HFarbeH = 0x43 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button31 $HFarbe = 0xFF00FF $HFarbeH = 0x44 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) Case $Button32 $HFarbe = 0xFFFF00 $HFarbeH = 0x45 GUICtrlSetBkColor($Button34, $HFarbe) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label3, $HFarbe) EndSwitch WEnd I added a Wingettitle code for you so that your program will work better as well as the include. I should let you know that not all colors are going to work as long as you are using the hex values. I do not have time to completely re-write the code for you, but I hope this at least helps and answers your question. Ich hoffe, dass die oben genannte Lösung für Sie arbeitet.Das Problem ist, dass Sie wissen, die Codes für die Eingabeaufforderung nicht. Aber das Skript funktioniert.Ich bin mit einem Übersetzer. Ich hoffe, das bedeutet auch. Edited June 9, 2014 by Draygoes Xandy 1 Spoiler "If a vegetarian eats vegetables,What the heck does a humanitarian eat?" "I hear voices in my head, but I ignore them and continue on killing." "You have forced me to raise the indifference warning to beige, it's a beige alert people. As with all beige alerts please prepare to think about the possibility of caring." An optimist says that giving someone power DOESN'T immediately turn them into a sadist. A pessimist says that giving someone power doesn't IMMEDIATELY turn them into a sadist.
Xandy Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 (edited) While we're practicing necromancy, I'll alert you that sometimes when copying code to the forum it removes the includes. It's either a text editing mode and or quotes verse <> include openers. It may even be fixed by now, I have no idea. Edited June 9, 2014 by Xandy Draygoes 1 Human Male Programmer (-_-) Xandy About (^o^) Discord - Xandy Programmer MapIt (Tile world editor, Image Tile Extractor, and Game Maker)
Draygoes Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 (edited) EDIT: I just now realized that I was posting in an old thread. I got here from a users profile. Sorry everyone! Another for the necro thread I suppose right? Edited June 9, 2014 by Draygoes Spoiler "If a vegetarian eats vegetables,What the heck does a humanitarian eat?" "I hear voices in my head, but I ignore them and continue on killing." "You have forced me to raise the indifference warning to beige, it's a beige alert people. As with all beige alerts please prepare to think about the possibility of caring." An optimist says that giving someone power DOESN'T immediately turn them into a sadist. A pessimist says that giving someone power doesn't IMMEDIATELY turn them into a sadist.
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