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Hey all, back with some more AD questions. Is it possible to return machine info (computer name) given a username? Id like to know what computer a specific user is logged in to (and maybe a little history of when they last logged in to which computer), and Im thinking my best odds are using the AD UDF? Thanks for any help!!

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You can't get this information using the AD UDF because it isn't stored in the AD.

This subject has been discussed some time ago on this forum and your best bet is to use a login script and store this information on a file share you can access later.

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Good place to start might be this

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As Water stated, this is not something that can be done through the UDF. You would need to do this at a higher level, such as A.D. event logging or creating a login script that records this information, or use an asset management suite such as Altiris or SCCM.

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What version of Altiris? There should be a canned report for Altiris that shows you the primary user for a machine; you should be able to script either pulling the report or simply querying the database directly.

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When you say all servers a user has logged into, are you talking any member server, or do you mean any Domain Controller the user has authenticated against? If it is the latter, you're back to A.D. logging or some other method of keeping track of this, none of it is automagical.

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An intermediate result of function _AD_GetLastLoginDate is a list of Domain Controllers and the date/time of the last login. Is this what you are looking for?

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It sounds like it is what Im looking for. When I try to run it I receive "... ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:" It looks to be failing here:

$__oAD_Command.CommandText = "<LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sAD_DNSDomain & ">;(" & $sAD_Property & "=" & $sAD_Object & ");ADsPath;subtree"

Ideas? Thanks a lot for your help by the way!!

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Can you please post the whole script you run?

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Please have a look at the example script which comes for every function: _AD_GetLastLoginDate.au3

_AD_Open() is missing at the top of the script.

Try to run this code:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters= -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6

; *****************************************************************************
; Example 1
; Get last login date for current user. Returned as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
; *****************************************************************************
#include <AD.au3>

; Open Connection to the Active Directory
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Example Skript", "Function _AD_Open encountered a problem. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended)

; Get last login date for the current user
Global $iLLDate = _AD_GetLastLoginDate()
MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions - Example 1", "Last Login Date for User '" & @UserName & "'" & @CRLF & $iLLDate)

; Close Connection to the Active Directory

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The processing time depends on the number of Domain Controllers to query. If some of them are down it will even take longer.

You could pass the sitename as parameter 2 to reduce processing time.

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Hmm, so after it took around 5 minutes, the messagebox displayed just a date (correctly) but the logs arent much help as the description was a failure. Here is one of them:

COM Error Encountered in script.au3

AD UDF version = 1.3.0

@AutoItVersion =

@AutoItX64 = 0

@Compiled = 0

@OSArch = X86

@OSVersion = WIN_7

Scriptline = 1591

NumberHex = 002000

Number = -21473526

WinDescription =

Description = The server is not operational.

Source = Active Directory

HelpFile =

HelpContext = 0

LastDllError = 0


Any idea what might cause this?

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