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Hello all,

How to calculate the nearest Sunday?

  • 2012/12/30 (Previous Sunday)
  • 2013/01/03(Today)
  • 2013/01/06(Coming Sunday)
Here considering today's date(2013/01/03) the nearest Sunday is coming Sunday(2013/01/06)

How to achieve this using AutoIt? any function close to this?




Are you saying that you want the next Sunday following any date? It may not be the "nearest", for example, if it is Monday the "nearest" Sunday is the previous Sunday.


Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


....for example, if it is Monday the "nearest" Sunday is the previous Sunday.

Yes exactly, and I'm looking the same.

If it's Monday then then nearest Sunday is previous Sunday(date?) and If it's Friday then nearest Sunday is coming Sunday(date?)

All I want to get is the date of that day.

Thanks kylomas, can you please provide rough example.



This will get you started

; get closest Sunday from whatever date this is run

#include <date.au3>

if @wday <= 4 then
    local $Sunday = _dateadd('D',-(7-@wday),_NowCalcDate())
    ConsoleWrite($Sunday & @LF)
    local $Sunday = _dateadd('D',(7-@wday)+1,_NowCalcDate())
    ConsoleWrite($Sunday & @LF)


Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill

Posted (edited)

Here a little example:

#include <date.au3>
#include <DateTimeConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1)

Global $sTitel = 'Nearest Sunday'

Local $hMainGui = GUICreate($sTitel, 400, 280, 140, 150)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_MyExit')
Global $idMnuHELP = GUICtrlCreateMenu("?", -1, 1)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Autor: autoBert", $idMnuHELP)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("e&xit", $idMnuHELP)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_MyExit')

Local $idEdtDATE = GUICtrlCreateDate("01.01.2009", 20, 10, 150, 25, $DTS_UPDOWN)
Local $DTM_SETFORMAT_ = 0x1032
Local $style = "dd.MM.yyyy"
GUICtrlSendMsg($idEdtDATE, $DTM_SETFORMAT_, 0, $style)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12)

GUICtrlCreateButton('&Check nearest Sunday', 220, 10, 150, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_CheckDate')

Local $idLblRESULT = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 12, 50, 200,25)
GUICtrlCreateButton('e&xit', 220, 115, 150, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, '_MyExit')


While 1

Func _MyExit()
EndFunc ;==>_MyExit

Func _CheckDate()
Local $sCheckDate = GUICtrlRead($idEdtDATE), $sMsg
Local $iDay = StringLeft($sCheckDate,2)
Local $iMonth = StringMid($sCheckDate,4,2)
Local $iYear = StringRight($sCheckDate,4)
Local $iDayOfWeek = _DateToDayOfWeekISO($iYear,$iMonth,$iDay)
Switch $iDayOfWeek
Case 7    ;<=
$sMsg = "Lol, today is a sunday!"
case 1,2,3
$sMsg = "The nearest sunday is " & _DateAdd("D",$iDayOfWeek*-1,$iYear&"/"&$iMonth&"/"&$iDay)
Case Else
$sMsg = "The nearest sunday is " & _DateAdd("D",7-$iDayOfWeek,$iYear&"/"&$iMonth&"/"&$iDay)
GUICtrlSetData($idLblRESULT, $sMsg)
EndFunc ;==>_CallEaster

Edit: Script correctedt, thanks to Malkey

Edited by AutoBert

Your Welcome! You'll find the Help file very useful for the rich compliment of date manipulation functions.

Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


This example appears to be returning the results you are after in post #1.

; get closest Sunday to whatever date
#include <date.au3>
Local $sDate, $aDate, $sRet, $iDay
For $i = 1 To 14
    $sDate = "2013/01/" & StringRight("0" & $i, 2)
    ConsoleWrite($sDate & " ")
    $aDate = StringSplit($sDate, "/", 2)
    $iDay = _DateToDayOfWeek($aDate[0], $aDate[1], $aDate[2])
    ConsoleWrite(_DateDayOfWeek($iDay, 1) & "  ")
    Switch $iDay
        Case 1
            $sRet = $sDate & " (Today)"
        Case 2 To 4
            $sRet = _DateAdd("D", (1 - $iDay), $sDate) & " (Previous Sunday)"
        Case 5 To 7
            $sRet = _DateAdd("D", 8 - $iDay, $sDate) & " (Coming Sunday)"
    ConsoleWrite($sRet & @LF)

Output @ console:-
2013/01/01 Tue  2012/12/30 (Previous Sunday)
2013/01/02 Wed  2012/12/30 (Previous Sunday)
2013/01/03 Thu  2013/01/06 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/04 Fri  2013/01/06 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/05 Sat  2013/01/06 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/06 Sun  2013/01/06 (Today)
2013/01/07 Mon  2013/01/06 (Previous Sunday)
2013/01/08 Tue  2013/01/06 (Previous Sunday)
2013/01/09 Wed  2013/01/06 (Previous Sunday)
2013/01/10 Thu  2013/01/13 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/11 Fri  2013/01/13 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/12 Sat  2013/01/13 (Coming Sunday)
2013/01/13 Sun  2013/01/13 (Today)
2013/01/14 Mon  2013/01/13 (Previous Sunday)


Your example is incorrectly calling 05/01/2013 a Sunday.


Your example works fine on the 2013/01/04.


malkey, thanks, I tested it with various variable values before switching it back to the @wday macro

Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill

Posted (edited)


After looking at malkey's code I realized that I had not accounted for runday = Sunday. Changed the code as follows

; get closest Sunday from whatever date this is run

#include <date.au3>

; added the following to account for runday = Sunday

if @wday = 1 then
    consolewrite(_nowcalcdate() & @lf)

if @wday <= 4 then
    local $Sunday = _dateadd('D',-(7-@wday),_NowCalcDate())
    ConsoleWrite($Sunday & @LF)
    local $Sunday = _dateadd('D',(7-@wday)+1,_NowCalcDate())
    ConsoleWrite($Sunday & @LF)


Edited by kylomas

Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


This is better (adapting malkey's technique)

; get closest Sunday from whatever date this is run

#include <date.au3>

ConsoleWrite(_ClosestSunday() & @lf)

func _ClosestSunday()

    switch @WDAY
        case 1
            return _nowcalcdate()
        case 2 to 4
            return _dateadd('D',-(7-@wday),_NowCalcDate())
        case 5 to 7
            return _dateadd('D',(7-@wday)+1,_NowCalcDate())



Forum Rules         Procedure for posting code

"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill


Nice functions people.

Just an observation, but it's best to declare variables 'outside of blocks.'

Local $fVar
If True Then
    $fVar = True
    $fVar = False

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Updated: 22/04/2018

Posted (edited)

Here another method:

#include <Date.au3>
ConsoleWrite(NearestSunday("2013/01/01") & @LF)
ConsoleWrite(NearestSunday("2013/01/09") & @LF)
ConsoleWrite(NearestSunday("2013/01/20") & @LF)
ConsoleWrite(NearestSunday("2013/01/31") & @LF)

Func NearestSunday($sDate) ;format YYYY/MM/DD
    Local $aDate = StringSplit($sDate, "/", 2)
    Local $iD = _DateToDayOfWeek($aDate[0], $aDate[1], $aDate[2])
    Switch $iD
        Case 2 To 4
            Return _DateAdd("d", -$iD + 1, $sDate)
        Case 5 To 7
            Return _DateAdd("d", -$iD + 8, $sDate)
        Case Else
            Return $sDate

Edit: ok, it is very close to Malkey's version... :whistle:



Edited by UEZ

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And before someone beats me to it...

The one-line version:

#include <date.au3>
MsgBox(0,"",_dateadd('D',-(@WDAY - 1 + (@WDAY > 4) * -7),_NowCalcDate()))

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