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Posted (edited)

hi all,

I got a nice working au3 bot for fishing in wow, but it fishes every fish :(

I'd like to add an if statement that is able to check the fish and loot it only if it is the fish I want...

I thought I could do so :

$check = pixelgetcolor(42,215)

If Hex($check, 6) = 0xF7FA40 Then

MouseClick("right", 42, 215, 1, 5)

;0xF7FA40 is the color of the pixel at 42,215 of the fish I need

;42,215 is a pixel of the fish in the loot window

The only problem is that it doesn't work :D I think I'm doing syntax errors...

please help ^^

The original script is : (I put :whistle: where I'd like to add this thing)

; AutoIt Version: 3.0

; Language: English

; Platform: WinXP

; Author: Mibz (Pantless Krab)


; Script Function:

; WoW FishBot.


; Wow Window Title - World of Warcraft

; WoW Window Size - w1032 x h795

; classname=GxWindowClassD3d

; Colour of splash - 0xA2A67D

; 0xC1AD7A

; 0xD0C08D

; Position of item - x:44 y:226

; Position of hotkey 0 - x:409 y:768

; Prompt the user to run the script using Yes/No prompt

$run = MsgBox(4, "FishBot", "Do you want to run FishBot?")

; Exit if "No"

If $run = 7 Then



; Initial shit

$time = MsgBox(4, "FishBot - Time of Day?", "Yes = Day | No = Night")

WinActivate("World of Warcraft")

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "EndScript")

; Script Start

While 1


MouseMove(500, 500)

$start = TimerInit()

$dif = TimerDiff($start)

While 1

If $time = 6 Then

$coord = PixelSearch (150, 300, 1024, 560, 0xF6F6F6, 30, 4)


$coord = PixelSearch (150, 300, 1024, 560, 0xEEEEEE, 55, 3)


; 5, 300 - 1024, 560 can be changed if you want to search a wider area.

; Not recommended though since you can just adjust your view to fit all

; the water in that space. The bigger the area, the less likely it is to

; detect it.

; If the splash isn't getting detected then change the hex colour to

; something a bit closer. Top one is day, bottom is night.

If UBound($coord)>1 Then

MouseClick("right", $coord[0], $coord[1], 1, 3)



MouseClick("right", 42, 215, 1, 5) ;this loots every fish





$dif = TimerDiff($start)

If $dif > 30000 Then






; Function to exit script

Func EndScript()

$exit = MsgBox(4, "FishBot", "End FishBot?")

If $exit = 6 Then




Edited by Azrakan
Posted (edited)

Why did you start a new topic and didnt continue on the old one? I had indicated the mistakes you had....Anyway you have to focus on the syntax of commands....Especially If...Then.... You have misplaced an endif again....

;Script Start
While 1
MouseMove(500, 500)
$start = TimerInit()
While TimerDiff($start) < 30000
If $time = 6 Then
   $coord = PixelSearch (150, 300, 1024, 560, 0xF6F6F6, 30, 4)
   $coord = PixelSearch (150, 300, 1024, 560, 0xEEEEEE, 55, 3)

If UBound($coord)>1 Then
   MouseClick("right", $coord[0], $coord[1], 1, 3)
   MouseClick("right", 42, 215, 1, 5);this loots every fish

This is the right code.....I tweaked it also by removing some unwanted lines.Try this and tell me....



C ya

Edited by hgeras
  • 1 month later...

Tested it, doesnt work right.

When i'm checking conditions in games, i'll use PixelChecksum() alot. i'll use a tooltip to figure out the checksum of an area of screen (like the line where the fishname would be displayed) when it's what i want it to be, then have the condition just compare the current checksum vs the desired one and respond accordingly.

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