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Function Reference


Adlib function with support for parameters, pause and resume using Call Back!


_Adlib_Register( "Function" [, "Params" [, Time [, RepeatCount ]]] )
_Adlib_Pause( "Function" )
_Adlib_Resume( "Function" )
_Adlib_SetTimer( "Function" [, Time ] )
_Adlib_UnRegister( "Function" )


; You can call functions with parameters and native functions also!


Version: 0.10


Note: Usage example is included!


Posted Image


  • 0.10.1612.2600b
  • 16/10/2012 -> First release!


João Carlos.

http://forum.autoitbrasil.com/ (AutoIt v3 Brazil!!!)

Somewhere Out ThereJames Ingram


dropbo10.pngDownload Dropbox - Simplify your life!
Your virtual HD wherever you go, anywhere!



Is there any way to call the function with different parameters every time?

the way it it right now, the parameters are stored when _Adlib_Register() is called.

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Adlib_SetParams
; Description ...: Pauses the Enhanced Adlib functionality for defined function.
; Syntax.........: _Adlib_Pause( "Function", "Params" )
; Parameters ....: Function - The name of the adlib function to pause.
;                  Params - The new parameter(s).
; Return values .: Success - Return 1
; Failure - Return 0
; Author ........: darthWhatever
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......: _Adlib_Resume, _Adlib_Register, _Adlib_UnRegister, _Adlib_SetTimer
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; _Adlib_SetParams( "MyFunction", "NewParam1|NewParam2" )
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _Adlib_SetParams($sFuncName, $sParams)
Local $iIndex = __ADB_GetIndex($sFuncName)
If Not $iIndex Then Return 0
$avADB_CALLS[$iIndex][1] = $sParams
Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_Adlib_SetParams

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Posted (edited)

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"
_Adlib_Register("_Exit", "Info|Enhanced Adlib function!", 500, 1)

While 1

Func _Exit($sTitle, $sText)
ConsoleWrite("Why Does it crash? Exit code: -1073741819" & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>_Exit

Taken from your example, every time i try a counted Register. It crashes when it reaches its timer?

Is this the same for anyone else ? Is this how that function is meant to work ?

Edited by IanN1990
Posted (edited)

Or I did not understand or I do not know what you're talking about!

The above example had no problems for me, it works normal... :huh:

What is the OS you use, which version of AutoIt?

My SciTE output:

>"D:Program FilesAutoIt3SciTEAutoIt3WrapperAutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "D:DropboxAutoIt v3 - ProjectsAdlibEnhanceExample.au3" /UserParams
+>20:35:07 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0416 Keyboard:00010416 OS:WIN_7/ CPU:X64 OS:X86)
>Running AU3Check ( from:D:Program FilesAutoIt3
+>20:35:07 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:( FilesAutoIt3autoit3.exe "D:DropboxAutoIt v3 - ProjectsAdlibEnhanceExample.au3"
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
+>20:35:20 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
>Exit code: 0 Time: 14.344


Edited by JScript

http://forum.autoitbrasil.com/ (AutoIt v3 Brazil!!!)

Somewhere Out ThereJames Ingram


dropbo10.pngDownload Dropbox - Simplify your life!
Your virtual HD wherever you go, anywhere!

Posted (edited)


I forgot on the laptop ages ago i switched the autoit and autoit64.exe "cant remember why*.

Your Scite Output plus the fact the code worked fine on my dads pc but not the laptop help spark the idea as well.

Sorry for the confusion.

Edited by IanN1990
Posted (edited)

It works, there isnt a problem any more so theres not much output for me to post :D

In the Autoit File i had the 64bit version named 32 "so by default autoit always ran 64 bit". I fear this is what was causing the problem because when i put back the 2 separate version.



It works fine again :) So the problem was my fault.

On a completely different note.

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"

While 1
_Adlib_Register("_Exit", "Info|Enhanced Adlib function!", 2000, 1)

Func _Exit($sTitle, $sText)
ConsoleWrite("_Exit Has RuN" & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>_Exit

The code only runs once, this might be a silly thought but wouldn't it be better when $Count reaches its set limit and the Adlib has finished, the function itself should be de registered as well. So it could be called again later if needed?

Edited by IanN1990
Posted (edited)

_Adlib_Register( "Function" [, "Params" [, Time [, RepeatCount ]]] )


_Adlib_Register("_Exit", "Info|Enhanced Adlib function!", 2000)

Runs forever!

Try this:

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"

_Adlib_Register("_Exit", "Info|Enhanced Adlib function!", 2000)

While 1

Func _Exit($sTitle, $sText)
    ConsoleWrite("_Exit Has RuN" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_Exit


Edited by JScript

http://forum.autoitbrasil.com/ (AutoIt v3 Brazil!!!)

Somewhere Out ThereJames Ingram


dropbo10.pngDownload Dropbox - Simplify your life!
Your virtual HD wherever you go, anywhere!

Posted (edited)

hmm not quite what i ment :)

In my code i have a mouse hook, and as i am sure most people know you should not use sleeps, whiles or anything that delays code in a hook. It should be procressed and control returned as fast as possible. So for big codes i would call a AdlibRegister (which will prob be replaced in any event with this improved version :)". I just figured i could have some code that calls your fuction, with a count of 1. So it would only run once until the hook is triggered again.

Random Example i came up with might be like this. Its kinda bad but shows my mind-set ^^ (Yes its not the hook example but that code is long and a example would be complicated)

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"

local $hWnd = GUICreate("", 260, 100)
local $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button1", 45, 0, 150, 20)
local $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button2", 45, 75, 150, 20)

While True
$Msg = GUIGetMsg()
     Switch $Msg
Case $Button1
_Adlib_Register("TimeOut", "Button1|", 250, 5)
Case $Button2
_Adlib_Register("TimeOut", "Button2|", 250, 5)

Func TimeOut($sTitle, $Text)
ConsoleWrite($sTitle & " Has been Pressed, This is a random function" & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>_Exit

So as you can see, you could only click one of the buttons only once, as once the count is finished. The Function is not unregistered and therefore cant be called again.

Edited by IanN1990

Nice UDF. Will be very useful for a few of my projects. Thanks!


“Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.”


  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

So this adlib works just like the normal adlib in Autoit except that you can parse params, right?

That means that the main script is beeing paused when the adlib is called?


Edit: even a MsgBox isn't stopping the adlib? :D
What is this? Some kind of "multithreading"?

Edit2: When limiting the calls of the adlib, the function get's automatically unregistered? So there is no need to unregister it myself?

Edited by Leo1906
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @JScript

I love this UDF, but I ran into an error when I used _Adlib_UnRegister.

When I ran the script below it would give me Array Errors

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"

Global $iCount = 0
_Adlib_Register("_Test1", "", 500)

While 1

Func _Test1()
    ConsoleWrite("(Stop @ 5)" & @TAB & "Count: " & $iCount & @CRLF)
    If $iCount = 5 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Yes! Stopped @ " & $iCount & @CRLF)
    $iCount += 1

I played around a bit and found it works If I pause it first then unregister it.

So I modified the UDF function to kill the timer first as shown below:

Func _Adlib_UnRegister($sFuncName = "")
    Local $iIndex

    $iIndex = __ADB_GetIndex($sFuncName)
    If Not $iIndex Then Return 0
    __ADB_KillTimer($avADB_CALLS[$iIndex][4], $iIndex) ; Added This Line

    For $i = $iIndex To UBound($avADB_CALLS) - 2
        For $j = 0 To 9
            $avADB_CALLS[$i][$j] = $avADB_CALLS[$i + 1][$j]
    ReDim $avADB_CALLS[$avADB_CALLS[0][0]][10]
    $avADB_CALLS[0][0] -= 1

    Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_Adlib_UnRegister

Now it works perfectly!


  • 3 years later...

Hey, the UDF is still working, so I hope to find some help or a "newer" UDF :)

I want to register one function with different Paramters. Like this, but this isnt working:

#include "_AdlibEnhance.au3"

_Adlib_Register("_MyAdlib", "1", 1000)
_Adlib_Register("_MyAdlib", "2", 2000)
_Adlib_Register("_Exit", "", 5000)

While 1

Func _MyAdlib($sText)
    ConsoleWrite($sText & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>MyAdlib

Func _Exit()
EndFunc   ;==>_Exit

Right now my code isnt very flexible, I use "Helper"-functions like this:

AdlibRegister("AdlibHelperPega" & $iID)

Func AdlibHelper1()

Func AdlibHelper2()


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