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Posted (edited)

I am not sure whats going on but attached is my script. It calls a function that generates a text file then reads in the text file and sends it over TCP. It is reading all of the data from the text file and storing it in the variable $chars just fine. The problem is that not all of the data is being sent. It gets cut off. I have set tcpRead to accept 999999999999 chars and it still cuts off at the same spot. I also tried forcing it to send in binary but made no difference. Any help would be appreciated.

Global $Socket_Data[1], $Recv
Global $Listen = TCPListen(@IPAddress1, 6543, 500)
If @error Then
$Socket_Data[0] = 0
While 1
For $x = $Socket_Data[0] To 1 Step -1;front to bck loop cos of _ArrayDelete
$Recv = TCPRecv($Socket_Data[$x], 1000000)
If $Recv == "report" Then
Local $file = FileOpen("C:\apptemp\file0.txt", 0)
; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
; Read in 1 character at a time until the EOF is reached
Global $chars = FileRead($file)
$chars2 = StringToBinary($chars, 4)
$chars3 = BinaryLen($chars2)


TCPSend($Socket_Data[$x], $chars2 );send some response if needed or additional code before closing that socket
$Socket_Data[0] = $Socket_Data[0] - 1
Func _Accept()
$Accept = TCPAccept($Listen)
If $Accept <> -1 Then
$Socket_Data[0] = $Socket_Data[0] + 1
Edited by kudrow
Posted (edited)

If it cuts off you'll have to divide your string into small parts and then send/recv in for/while loop.

Yeah I adjusted my client side script to just troubleshoot and found that it is not waiting long enough to reveive all the data. I simply added a sleep(100) to test this and it worked but I am affraid it is not the best solution. Any thoughts? I know that the server is sending all of the data now. The client is just not waiting for all of it.

$Socket = TCPConnect("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", 6543)
If $socket = -1 Then Exit
TCPSend($Socket, 'report')
;gona try if needed to recive last msg from server (named 'haha' in server script) before exiting
$Recv = TCPRecv($Socket, 90000, 1)
Until $Recv

$file = FileOpen ("C:apptempfile0.txt", 2)
FileWrite($file, $Recv)

Edited by kudrow


The data length depends on your connection, don't use big numbers, it's dirty and It won't make it work better.

So, according to this length you have to split your file in order to send each part at time (use an offset for that).

And, for the receiver, you need to wait until the end of the file, because the whole data won't be sent at once. I suggest you to put a "code" like for beginning the transfer.

Br, FireFox.



The data length depends on your connection, don't use big numbers, it's dirty and It won't make it work better.

So, according to this length you have to split your file in order to send each part at time (use an offset for that).

And, for the receiver, you need to wait until the end of the file, because the whole data won't be sent at once. I suggest you to put a "code" like for beginning the transfer.

Br, FireFox.

I think I am going to try and prefix the data with the number of bytes and do a check on the receiving end to make sure I get the total amount. I did a little research and the biggest TCP packet size will be based on the MTU size which is 1500. So it looks like the client side receives 1500 bytes and goes on when there is actually about 2900. Thanks for the insight everyone.


I did a little research and the biggest TCP packet size will be based on the MTU size which is 1500.

Right, but it's automatically splitted by your network card.

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