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Posted (edited)

Hello, some time ago I worked on a project which was meant to be some kind of windows "cover". A combination of RocketDock(toolbar), a console(cmd) and many other things. I am looking for someone who would like to work with me on this project. I have just two demands: English or Polish - speaking and having an avarage or good knowledge of au3. I am tired of working alone and I have always wanted to work in a group, solving different issues :) Here is a preview of what I have so far. Feel free to message me or just post below :)





What is working:

Adding apps into toolbar(.exe and .lnk)

Deleting apps from toolbar

Autosaving options

Adding folders into toolbar(sometimes extracting icons doesn't work)

Showing/Hiding toolbar/console(ctrl + 1/2)

Effect glass on windows 7

Ohh I forgot to ask you for some suggestions. What would you like to see in this project that could improve the usage of Windows?


Here is the code, all the comments are most of them are in polish because i was writing it mainly for polish forum i am using and i didn't have time to translate that comments into english. Nevertheless, all the variables should be named in English.

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <GuiListView.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1)
Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3)

HotKeySet("^2", "_show_hide_console")
HotKeySet("^1", "_hide_show_toolbar")
HotKeySet("^!{NUMPADADD}", "_volume_up")
HotKeySet("^!{NUMPADSUB}", "_volume_down")
HotKeySet("^!{NUMPADDIV}", "_volume_mute")

;Dane ikonek
Global $exeDir, $n = 0, $Start

;Dane okien
Global $stateTool = True ;ukryty/pokazany toolbar, gdzie True = pokazany
Global $stateConsole = False ;ukryta/pokazana konsola, gdzie False = ukryta
Global $stateOptions = False
Global $tX = @DesktopWidth / 4
Global $tY = 0
Global $i = 2, $j = 6 ;zmienne potrzebne przy liczeniu wysokosci i szerokosci okna
Global $tWidth = @DesktopWidth / $i, $tHeight = @DesktopHeight / $j + 10
Global $cHeight = @DesktopHeight / 2

;Ukrywanie okien
Global $hide_speed = 10;

;Efekt glass
Global $Struct = DllStructCreate("int cxLeftWidth;int cxRightWidth;int cyTopHeight;int cyBottomHeight;")
Global $sStruct = DllStructCreate("dword;int;ptr;int")

If Not IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", "") Then
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", $n)
$n = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", "")


$Toolbar = GUICreate("Flawless Toolbar by Zwierzak", $tWidth, $tHeight, $tX, $tY, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))
$LV = GUICtrlCreateListView("", -1, -1, $tWidth + 30, $tHeight + 5, BitOR($LVS_SINGLESEL, $LVS_ICON, $LVS_EX_REGIONAL)) ;liczby dodawane aby ukryc "biale linie"
_GUICtrlListView_SetIconSpacing($LV, 80, 80)
_GUICtrlListView_SetView($LV, 1) ;ustawia rozmiar ikon
;niewidoczny przycisk odpowiedzialny za tworzenie hotkey'a jedynie dla aktywnego okna
$buttonDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 0, -50)
$buttonExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 50, -50)
Local $AccelKeys[2][2] = [["{DEL}", $buttonDelete],["{ESC}", $buttonExit]]
GUISetAccelerators($AccelKeys, $Toolbar)

$hConsole = GUICreate("Flawless Console by Zwierzak", @DesktopWidth, $cHeight, 0, -$cHeight, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW));zostanie stworzona ukryta
$consoleList = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hConsole, "", 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, $cHeight - 30, BitOR($ES_MULTILINE, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL))
$consoleInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 0, $cHeight - 30, @DesktopWidth - 50, 30)
GUICtrlSetFont($consoleInput, 12)
$Enter = GUICtrlCreateButton("Enter", @DesktopWidth - 50, $cHeight - 30, 50, 30)
GUICtrlSetState($Enter, $GUI_DEFBUTTON)

$Options = GUICreate("Opcje", 400, 500, 192, 124)
$Apply = GUICtrlCreateButton("Zapisz", 0, 470, 100, 30)
$Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Anuluj", 300, 470, 100, 30)
$tabs = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 400, 470)
$page1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Ogolne")
$Checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Uruchom przy starcie systemu", 8, 32, 161, 17)

$tr_options = TrayCreateItem("Opcje")
$tr_hotkeys = TrayCreateItem("Klawisze skrótów")
$tr_opis = TrayCreateItem("O programie")
$tr_exit = TrayCreateItem("Exit")

If @OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_7" Then
GUICtrlSetBkColor($LV, 0x000000)
GUICtrlSetColor($LV, 0xFFFFFF)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($consoleInput, 0x000000)
GUICtrlSetColor($consoleInput, 0xFFFFFF)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($Enter, 0x000000)
GUICtrlSetColor($Enter, 0xFFFFFF)
_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetBkColor($consoleList, 0x000000)
_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($consoleList, 0xFFFFFF)


GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, "GuiEvent", $Toolbar)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "GuiEvent", $Toolbar)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_show_options", $Options)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($buttonDelete, "GuiEvent")
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($buttonExit, "GuiEvent")
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Enter, "GuiEvent")
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Apply, "_save_settings")
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Cancel, "_show_options")

TrayItemSetOnEvent($tr_exit, "_exit")
TrayItemSetOnEvent($tr_options, "_show_options")
TrayItemSetOnEvent($tr_opis, "_about")
TrayItemSetOnEvent($tr_hotkeys, "_hotkeys")

AdlibRegister("cout", 100)


GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Toolbar)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hConsole)
TrayTip("Info", "Klawisze skrótów opisane są w menu tray, znajdują się pod pozycją 'Klawisze skrótów' ", 10000)

While 1

Func GuiEvent()
Switch @GUI_CtrlId
Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $buttonExit
Case $buttonDelete
If _delete() = 0 Then ContinueCase
Case $Enter
Switch GUICtrlRead($consoleInput)
Case "exit"
_add_edit(GUICtrlRead($consoleInput) & @CRLF & "Exiting console...")
GUICtrlSetData($consoleInput, "")
Case "cls"
Local $number = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetLineCount($consoleList) ;zwraca liczbe linii
Local $last_line = _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetTextInLine($consoleList, $number) ;zapisuje ostatnia linie
_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText($consoleList, "")
Case Else
StdinWrite($cmd, GUICtrlRead($consoleInput) & @CRLF)
GUICtrlSetData($consoleInput, "")

Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFname, $szExt, $name
$exeDir = @GUI_DragFile ;sciezka do pliku
_PathSplit($exeDir, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFname, $szExt)
If $szExt = "" Then ;folder
$name = StringSplit($exeDir, "")
If $name[$name[0]] <> "" Then
$name = $name[$name[0]]
$name = $name[$name[0]-1]
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($name, $LV)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $exeDir, -1, 1)

If @OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_7" Then
$icon_dir = IniRead($exeDir & "desktop.ini", ".ShellClassInfo", "IconResource", "")
If $icon_dir = "" Then
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @SystemDir & "shell32.dll", 4, 1) ;ikona podstawowa
$test_string = StringSplit($icon_dir, ",")
GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$test_string[1], $test_string[2]+1) ;ikona pobrana

ElseIf @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_XPe" Then
$icon_dir = IniRead($exeDir & "desktop.ini", ".ShellClassInfo", "IconFile", "")
If $icon_dir = "" Then
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @SystemDir & "shell32.dll", 4, 1) ;ikona podstawowa
$icon_dir = StringReplace($icon_dir, "%SystemRoot%", EnvGet("SystemRoot"))
$icon_index = IniRead($exeDir & "desktop.ini", ".ShellClassInfo", "IconIndex", "")
GUICtrlSetImage(-1,$icon_dir, $icon_index+1) ;ikona pobrana
ElseIf $szExt = ".exe" Then ;aplikacja
ElseIf $szExt = ".lnk" Then ;skrot
Local $dir = FileGetShortcut($exeDir)
EndFunc ;==>GuiEvent

Func cout()
$line = StdoutRead($cmd)
$error = StderrRead($cmd)

If $error <> "" Then _add_edit(@CRLF & $error)
If $line <> "" Then _add_edit($line)
EndFunc ;==>cout

Func _add_edit($text)
_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($consoleList, 10, "Lucida Console")
_GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendText($consoleList, Console_CP852_to_UNICODE($text))
GUICtrlSetState($consoleInput, $GUI_FOCUS)
EndFunc ;==>_add_edit

Func _save_settings()
If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox1) = 1 Then
FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptDir & "" & @ScriptName, @StartupDir & "" & @ScriptName, @ScriptDir)
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "settings.ini", "autostart", "value", "1")
FileDelete(@StartupDir & "" & @ScriptName & ".lnk")
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "settings.ini", "autostart", "value", "4")

EndFunc ;==>_save_settings

Func _load_settings()
GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox1, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "settings.ini", "autostart", "value", ""))
EndFunc ;==>_load_settings

Func _save($data)
;data - sciezka do pliku
Local $szDrive, $szDir, $szFname, $szExt
$n = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", "")

_PathSplit($data, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFname, $szExt)
Local $wd = $szDrive & $szDir

$n += 1
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n, $data);zapisuje sciezke
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n & "_wd", $wd) ;zapisuje working dir

IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", $n)
EndFunc ;==>_save

Func _load_icons()
$n = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", "")
For $i = 1 To $n Step +1
Update(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $i, ""))
EndFunc ;==>_load_icons

Func Update($directory)
$IHM = _WinAPI_ExtractIconEx($directory, -1, 0, 0, 0)
Local $filename = FileGetVersion($directory, "ProductName")

If $filename = "" Then
Local $string = StringSplit($directory, "");string[0]=ilosc elementow, string[string[o]]=ostatni element="name.exe"
Local $name = StringSplit($string[$string[0]], ".");name[1]=nazwa, name[2]="exe"
$filename = $name[1]
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($filename, $LV)
GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $directory, -1, 1)
EndFunc ;==>Update

Func _delete()
$n_index = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark($LV)

If $n_index = -1 Then Return 0;jesli nic nie jest zaznaczone, wychodzi z funkcji

$n_index += 1
$n = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", "")

IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n_index)
IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n_index & "_wd")
For $i = $n_index + 1 To $n Step +1
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $i - 1, IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $i, ""))
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $i - 1 & "_wd", IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $i & "_wd", ""))
IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n)
IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $n & "_wd")

IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "number", "n", $n - 1);aktualizuje n

;nie chcialo mi sie sprawdzac kiedy tworzy sie zerowy wpis, wiec po prostu zawsze go usuwam xD
IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", "0")
IniDelete(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", "0_wd")

Return 1
EndFunc ;==>_delete

Func _Start()
If $Start Then
$Start = 0
Local $index = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark($LV)
Local $path = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $index + 1, "") ;czyta sciezke
Local $wd = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "data_shortcuts.ini", "shortcuts", $index + 1 & "_wd", "");czyta working dir

ShellExecute($path, "", $wd)
EndFunc ;==>_Start

Func _exit()
EndFunc ;==>_exit

Func _show_options()
If $stateOptions = False Then
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Options)
$stateOptions = True
GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Options)
$stateOptions = False
EndFunc ;==>_show_options

Func _hide_show_toolbar()
$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($Toolbar))

If $stateTool = True Then ;toolbar jest widoczny
While $winpos[1] + $winpos[3] > 0
$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($Toolbar))
WinMove(WinGetTitle($Toolbar), "", $tX, $winpos[1] - 10)
$stateTool = False
Else ;toolbar jest niewidoczny
While $winpos[1] < 0
$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($Toolbar))
WinMove(WinGetTitle($Toolbar), "", $tX, $winpos[1] + 10)
WinMove(WinGetTitle($Toolbar), "", $tX, $tY);umieszcza okno gdzie bylo przy tworzeniu
$stateTool = True
EndFunc ;==>_hide_show_toolbar

Func _show_hide_console()
If $stateConsole = False Then ;konsola jest ukryta
$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($hConsole))
WinMove(WinGetTitle($hConsole), "", 0, $winpos[1] + 30)
Until $winpos[1] > 0
WinMove(WinGetTitle($hConsole), "", 0, 0)
$stateConsole = True
Else;kosnola jest widoczna
$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($hConsole))
WinMove(WinGetTitle($hConsole), "", 0, $winpos[1] - 30)
Until $winpos[1] < -$cHeight
$stateConsole = False
EndFunc ;==>_show_hide_console

Func _volume_mute()
EndFunc ;==>_volume_mute

Func _volume_up()
EndFunc ;==>_volume_up

Func _volume_down()
EndFunc ;==>_volume_down

Func _about()
MsgBox(64, "Flawless Toolbar", "Flawless Toolbar Beta by zwierzak(autoit.xaa.pl)")
EndFunc ;==>_about

Func _hotkeys()
MsgBox(64, "Flawless Toolbar", "Aby pokazać / ukryć toolbara wciśnij ctrl+1" & @CRLF & "Aby pokazać / ukryć konsolę wciśnij ctrl+2" & @CRLF & "Aby skasować ikonkę z listy zaznacz ją i wciśnij 'delete'" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Korzystając z klawiatury numerycznej..." & @CRLF & "Aby zwiekszyc głośność dźwięku wciśnij 'ctrl alt +'" & @CRLF & "Aby zmniejszyc głośność dźwięku wciśnij 'ctrl alt -'" & @CRLF & "Aby wyłączyć/włączyć dźwięk wciśnij 'ctrl alt /'")
EndFunc ;==>_hotkeys

Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam)
Local $hWndFrom, $iIDFrom, $iCode, $tNMHDR, $hWndLV, $tInfo
$hWndLV = GUICtrlGetHandle($LV)

$tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $ilParam)
$hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom"))
$iIDFrom = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "IDFrom")
$iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")
Switch $hWndFrom
Case $hWndLV
Switch $iCode
Local $LVHT = _GUICtrlListView_HitTest($hWndLV)
If $LVHT[0] <> -1 And StringRight($exeDir, 4) <> ".icl" Then
$Start = 1;click approved
$LHT = ($LVHT[0] + 1)
EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY

Func _Vista_EnableBlurBehind($hWnd, $bColor = 0x000000)
Const $DWM_BB_ENABLE = 0x00000001

DllStructSetData($sStruct, 1, $DWM_BB_ENABLE)
DllStructSetData($sStruct, 2, "1")
DllStructSetData($sStruct, 4, "1")

GUISetBkColor($bColor, $hWnd)
$Ret = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "int", "DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sStruct))
If @error Then
Return 0
Return $Ret
EndFunc ;==>_Vista_EnableBlurBehind

Func Console_CP852_to_UNICODE($sText = "")
; Tablica zamienników Strony kodowej CMD (CP/OEM 852) na standard Unicode (UTF-8)
Dim $CODEPAGE[20][2]
$CODEPAGE[1][0] = "0x88"
$CODEPAGE[1][1] = "ł"
$CODEPAGE[2][0] = "0x9D"
$CODEPAGE[2][1] = "Ł"
$CODEPAGE[3][0] = "0x86"
$CODEPAGE[3][1] = "ć"
$CODEPAGE[4][0] = "0x8F"
$CODEPAGE[4][1] = "Ć"
$CODEPAGE[5][0] = "0x97"
$CODEPAGE[5][1] = "Ś"
$CODEPAGE[6][0] = "0x98"
$CODEPAGE[6][1] = "ś"
$CODEPAGE[7][0] = "0xE0"
$CODEPAGE[7][1] = "Ó"
$CODEPAGE[8][0] = "0xA2"
$CODEPAGE[8][1] = "ó"
$CODEPAGE[9][0] = "0xA5"
$CODEPAGE[9][1] = "ą"
$CODEPAGE[10][0] = "0xA4"
$CODEPAGE[10][1] = "Ą"
$CODEPAGE[11][0] = "0xA8"
$CODEPAGE[11][1] = "Ę"
$CODEPAGE[12][0] = "0xA9"
$CODEPAGE[12][1] = "ę"
$CODEPAGE[13][0] = "0xAB"
$CODEPAGE[13][1] = "ź"
$CODEPAGE[14][0] = "0x8D"
$CODEPAGE[14][1] = "Ź"
$CODEPAGE[15][0] = "0xBD"
$CODEPAGE[15][1] = "Ż"
$CODEPAGE[16][0] = "0xBE"
$CODEPAGE[16][1] = "ż"
$CODEPAGE[17][0] = "0xE3"
$CODEPAGE[17][1] = "Ń"
$CODEPAGE[18][0] = "0xE4"
$CODEPAGE[18][1] = "ń"
$CODEPAGE[19][0] = "0xF5"
$CODEPAGE[19][1] = "$"

$sRet = ""
For $iIter = 1 To StringLen($sText) Step 1
$itmp = StringMid($sText, $iIter, 1)
For $iRep = 1 To 19 Step 1
If Asc($itmp) = $CODEPAGE[$iRep][0] Then $itmp = $CODEPAGE[$iRep][1]
$sRet &= $itmp
Return $sRet
EndFunc ;==>Console_CP852_to_UNICODE

;Autor: zwierzak(autoit.xaa.pl)
Edited by zwierzak

seems like a nice project, though i am doubtful if anyone wants to join you.

is this all in autoit? opensource?

in terms of finding helpers, you may have more luck poking around on IRC channels.

ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search


that came out a little rude. what i mean is this forum doesn't really do much in the name of big development.

ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search

Posted (edited)

Yea it would be an open-source project. Hmm I don't really know any IRCs that could help me find someone to work with. Any nice IRCs?

Is it all in au3? Basically - yes. I mean atm it is all in au3. However - later on if the project gets bigger and more complicated funtions would be needed I thought about writing my own dll's in C++ so that the whole program would work faster.

Edited by zwierzak

I looked at the console .png and thought "wow that is really cool". The idea of having a console like thing "where i could invent my own syntax while maintain a nerd feelin on the desktop" seams very appealing to me ^^

If its the case you have written this all in .au3, could you release the source code for the console. As i would much like to have it on my system :)


Sure I can. But remember that this console is hooked to the CMD one, so in fact you can only use procedures from CMD. However, you can easily add new funcions using au3, nothing simplier than that :) I posted the code for whole project in the first post.

Posted (edited)

@Zwierzak. I apologise for not replying sooner. My pc is missing its graphics card, and the laptop doesn’t have internet. So i can only access the forums when dad is out and i can use his pc.

First. Thanks again for providing the source code, when i saw the pictures i thought “i would love this on my pc” but with limited experience with GUIs would not of turned out as nice as yours J. Now i understand your looking for a partner and at first glace this response might seem promising for you unfortunately though i have only taken an interest to that feature of the code *and only for a standalone machine, not unicode working for all pcs*. The second reason is because this is your vision / baby / project, it will require someone that shares your exact vision for how / where it should go or they work for you “ie money”. As you will see by the code I provided I have taken it into a massive different direction. I will provide some points / views and 1 improvement as thanks though. I also hope by the fact the source is available maybe some others will skim though it in a effort help improve syntax / performance in creative’s ways.

Second. As a warning, if your protective of your work look away now ^^ As i have stripped, gutted it and reworked it into “My preferred” version for the console. As i said before GUI is a skill i lack allot in Autoit. Mainly because most of my coding is done behind the scenes, where there are no user interactions with GUI Elements.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
HotKeySet("{`}", "Console")

Global $stateConsole = False
local $hConsole
local $consoleList
local $consoleInput

While 1

Func Console()
   If $hConsole = "" Then CreateConsole()
   If $stateConsole = False Then
      $stateConsole = True
      GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hConsole)
      For $A=-256 to 0 step 30
         WinMove($hConsole, "", 0, $A)
      WinMove($hConsole, "", 0, 0)
      ControlSend("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{Space}")
      ControlSend("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{BackSpace}")
      GUICtrlSetOnEvent($consoleInput, "GuiEvent")
   Elseif $stateConsole = True Then
      $stateConsole = False
      GUICtrlSetOnEvent($consoleInput, "")
      For $A=0 to -256 step -30
         WinMove($hConsole, "", 0, $A)
      GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hConsole)

Func GuiEvent()
   If ControlGetFocus("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]") = "Edit1" Then
      Switch GUICtrlRead($consoleInput)
         Case "exit"
         Case "clear"
         Case "Help"
            AddConsole(GUICtrlRead($consoleInput) & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("Commands Alavaible" & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("Help - For command Information" & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("Exit - Ends The Script" & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("Clear - Emptys the Console Cache" & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("" & @CRLF & "C:Windows>")
         Case Else
            AddConsole(GUICtrlRead($consoleInput) & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("'" & GUICtrlRead($consoleInput) & "' is not a recongized as a interal or external command line." & @CRLF)
            AddConsole("" & @CRLF & "C:Windows>")
      GUICtrlSetData($consoleInput, "")
      ControlSend("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{Space}")
      ControlSend("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{BackSpace}")
EndFunc ;==>GuiEvent

Func AddConsole($text)
   _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($consoleList, 10, "Lucida Console")
   _GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendText($consoleList, $text)
   ControlFocus("[Class:AutoIt v3 GUI]", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]")
EndFunc ;==>AddConsole

Func ClearConsole()
   _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText($consoleList, "")
   AddConsole("Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]" & @CRLF)
   AddConsole("CopyRight 2009 Microsoft Corpation. All Rights Reserved." & @CRLF)
   AddConsole("" & @CRLF & "C:Windows>")

Func CreateConsole()
   $hConsole = GUICreate("", 1366, 256, 0, -256, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT))
   $consoleList = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hConsole, "", 0, 0, 1366, 256 - 30, BitOR($ES_MULTILINE, $WS_VSCROLL, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_READONLY))
   $consoleInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 0, 226, 1366, 30)

   GUISetBkColor(0x00000, $hConsole)
   _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetBkColor($consoleList, 0x000000)
   _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($consoleList, 0xFFFFFF)
   GUICtrlSetBkColor($consoleInput, 0x000000)
   GUICtrlSetColor($consoleInput, 0xFFFFFF)
   GUICtrlSetFont($consoleInput, 12)
   WinSetTrans($hConsole, "", 200)

Lastly. You asked for some ideas so here is a small list.

*In My code i have removed the cmd function “as it delayed start up by 400 MS, i dislike the idea of a hidden cmd running 24/7. Plus for me i find windows cmd syntax very troublesome. Not something i would want to use to get anything done. But as yours offers many features i do think you should keep it in. “I have even written mine to emulate cmd while really just being a cool looking input box ^^. I might suggest though only "opening the cmd" when the console is opened and closing the cmd when console is finished. To help with system resources.

*I think the transparent effect you added for Vista and W7 “i use w7” is very cool!! But... i really struggled to see any text on a white / bright background. Changing the text colour didn’t work out very well and i have a feeling no matter what colour the text is, on some wallpaper it will be hard to see. In my version i set the back as black, text as white and set the transparty as 175. So it’s like yours, not as cool but allot easier to see. If you did go down this route, you could make it so people could add custom colours “for the background / text” as i get the impression your script can save variables outside the exe "in a .ini file" So that would work.

*I removed the enter button. As this is all text driven,in both yours and mine, any mouse interaction is blocked within the list. Then needing to move the mouse to enter is not needed. Just my preference, adds more text space and plus i think all buttons are ulgy. The pc should read my mind instead of me needing to click a button!! J

*In the GUI Paramaters i set the GUI to transprant “So you can click though it, and doing so losing focus on the GUI, Making it hide. I like it, again personal preference

*Lastly. I did fine one improvement. Instead of doing While, until, checking the pos of the window. Its must easier to do

$winpos = WinGetPos(WinGetTitle($hConsole))
WinMove(WinGetTitle($hConsole), "", 0, $winpos[1] + 30)
Until $winpos[1] > 0
WinMove(WinGetTitle($hConsole), "", 0, 0)

can be replaced with

For $A=-256 to 0 step 30
WinMove($hConsole, "", 0, $A)
WinMove($hConsole, "", 0, 0)

2 Reasons why.

First. Less computing. Doesn’t need to get the mouse pos, title "also u don’t need to do this anyways, u can use the $hConsole directly", add 30, check pos again etc.

Second. It doesn't overshoot it. In yours it runs 1 to many times, so u see move down and then quickly back up a bit :)

Hope some of this has helped :)

**Edit Lastly again, i have never written a post this long in my history of being on the forums. So yea, take it as a sign of respect.

Edited by IanN1990

Two More ideas :)

*In your cmd console, i noticed u can use normal words. Eg. Exit makes the console exit. This also means your able to add more.

Such as

Help - Lists all Custom Commands you have programmed

Clear - Removes all the text built up in the scroll box

If i think of any more ideas, i will add it here

*Reason is. If i edit my last post, the code will lose all spacing and it will take ages to get it back into place :)

Posted (edited)

Thank you for your effort you've put into considering my request. I will surely make use of your advice and improve many things. I was aware of the problem with the letters being illegible, however I haven't managed to write the color-chaning part yet. I was thinking about adding custom command; something like: "color red" that will change the color of the font. And yes, you are right I can easily add new commands into this console so as a result, the are numerous possibilities of developing this project. I am look forward to hearing any new ideas that come to your head :) I would also like to ask you(or whoever) to look into the toolbar part, namely extracting icons for folders. It doesn't always work with different system icons and I don't know why. Thank you in advance!

Edited by zwierzak

Another idea that i had was, I noticed when ever i use the cmd in windows 7. Its only ever to execuate unique commands, most needing a elevated cmd prompt "ie with admin rights".

So maybe that idea might be something useful 2 u ? Also if you have changed your work, and upload ur edited code i will always have a look if i can :) see if any more ideas pop 2 mind.


The thing is that I lack motivation to work alone :-( so in fact I haven't managed to improve anything yet. I would really like to work with some1 on this project :P

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