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Posted (edited)

I want to make a loop, where it counts to 72000 with 1 sec delay (20h), does something, counts to 14400 does something else and counts to 72000 again etc.

I made this, it works fine for 60 sec tests, but when it has been running for 2h+- it crashes, any explenation?

#include <Timers.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

HotKeySet("{F3}", "StartScript")
HotKeySet("{F4}", "StopScript")

$SetLo = 72000 ; 20h
$CounterLOVarb = 0
$SetLi = 14400 ; 4h
$CounterLinVarb = 0
$Sleep = 0

While $Sleep = 0
Sleep ( 1000 )

Func StartScript() ; Starter med F1
$Sleep = 1
Sleep ( 2000 )

Func StopSCript() ; Stop Script med F2

; |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Func Start()
If ProcessExists ( "Programm.exe" ) Then ; If running start clean
ProcessClose ( "Programm.exe" )
Sleep ( 2000 )
ProcessClose ( "x.exe" )
Sleep ( 7000 )
Run("Programm.exe", @ScriptDir)
Sleep ( 2000 )
Send ( "{F1}" )
Sleep ( 1000 )
ProcessClose ( "Programm.exe" )

Func StartD() ; If nothing is running start all clean
Run("Programm.exe", @ScriptDir)
Sleep ( 2000 )
Send ( "{F1}" )
Sleep ( 1000 )

Func CounterLO()
$CounterLOVarb += 1
If $CounterLOVarb = $SetLI Then
ProcessClose ( "x.exe" )
Sleep ( 2000 )
ProcessClose ( "Programm.exe" )
Sleep ( 1000 )
$CounterLOVarb = 0
Sleep ( 1000 )
$CounterLIVarb = 0
Sleep ( 10000 )

Func LoopLO()
Sleep ( 1000 )
ToolTip ( $CounterLOVarb , 1711 , 227 )

Func WaitForL()
$CounterLinVarb += 1
If $CounterLinVarb = $SetLO Then
Run("Programm.exe", @ScriptDir)
Sleep ( 2000 )
Send ( "{F1}" )
$CounterLOVarb = 0
Sleep ( 1000 )
$CounterLinVarb = 0
Sleep ( 5000 )

Func LoopLI()
Sleep ( 1000 )
ToolTip ( $CounterLinVarb , 1711 , 227 )
Edited by Makaveli10a
  • Developers
Posted (edited)

Have you ran your script through au3check because you have errors in it?

error: WaitForLogin(): undefined function.

Edited by Jos

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  • Developers
Posted (edited)

No intention of running it, so what is the error you get or what is happening at that time?

Are you getting a stack overflow as it looks like you keep on calling Func's without ever returning from them?

Edited by Jos

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No intention of running it, so what is the error you get or what is happening at that time?

Well the error is something in the line of "To many AutoIT programs are running, they have been shut down", Dont hold me up on the exact name of the error, it was something in the line of that, but what is weird, is that it runs fine for 60 sec, when, $SetLo and $SetLi are set to 60, loops and everything, but when i set the values higher, it crashes after some time.

So id say it has something to do with Runtime or the size of the variable?

  • Developers
Posted (edited)

See my last comment in previous post and get us some exact information to work with as that makes it soo much easier to help people :)

Edited by Jos

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Posted (edited)

See my last comment in previous post and get us some exact information to work with as that makes it soo much easier to help people :)

Yeah, thats proberbly it, so how do i prevent that, and thanks a bunch for the help finding the issue :)

Edited by Makaveli10a

Your problem is you're recursing from one function to another and then back to the original function, you can only do that about 1800 times before the script crashes. You need to figure out how to do what you need without functions calling back to their original calling function.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Your problem is you're recursing from one function to another and then back to the original function, you can only do that about 1800 times before the script crashes. You need to figure out how to do what you need without functions calling back to their original calling function.

I asume i could just set a variable and make a "While" loop, to loop the counter, instead of functions calling back.


I asume i could just set a variable and make a "While" loop, to loop the counter, instead of functions calling back.

Yeah i did this, anyhow thanks a bunch for the help guys, probably saved me hours of trying to figure out the issue :-)

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