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Hi there , im very new to AutoIT, and i have 1 quick question.

Lets say i have, 20 Variables, i want to match up against something, if any of them match id like the if function to execute what is below it.

Is there a way to put it that would be less CPU intensive then;

Func Abc()

$1 = a

$2 = b

Etc etc,

If $1 OR $2 OR $3 etc etc




I have never used Arrays, and i just looked in to them abit in the help file, still dosnt seem to make 100% sence.

Oh, and if i try to make the Variables Global, as in only load on script startup, i get the Error that the variable was not declared, how can i fix that?

Thank you very much in advance!


Here is an array in a nut shell.

$my_array[5] is the same as declaring five variables. When you write $my_array[0] then that't the same as accessing the first variable that was declared. Same as for $my_array[1] which will be the second variable. The numbers start at zero and not one because indexing is not counting.


see 'Dim' in the help file

if you still need help you should post some code so we can see what you're trying to do - 1 line of code is worth 1000 words :)

FUNCTIONS: WinDock (dock window to screen edge) | EditCtrl_ToggleLineWrap (line/word wrap for AU3 edit control) | SendEX (yet another alternative to Send( ) ) | Spell Checker (Hunspell wrapper) | SentenceCase (capitalize first letter of sentences)

CODE SNIPPITS: Dynamic tab width (set tab control width according to window width)

Posted (edited)

Let’s say I have, 20 Variables, I want to match up against something, if any of them match id like the if function to execute what is below it.

This is something I would personally do with an array and a for loop, here is a small example that might help you.

#include <Array.au3>
Local $NamesArray[5] ; Creating your array.

$NamesArray[0] = "Mark" ; Setting the values of the array.
$NamesArray[1] = "John"
$NamesArray[2] = "Ben"
$NamesArray[3] = "Michael"
$NamesArray[4] = "Tim"

For $i = 0 to 4 ; This loop will execute until $i = 4 going up in increments of 1.
If $NamesArray[$i] = "Tim" Then ; If the array matches to the name Tim then display message.
MsgBox(64, "Testing", "Hello Tim!")
MsgBox(64, "Testing", "You Are Not Tim You Are: " & $NamesArray[$i]) ; Else display other message.

Edit: I am not entirely sure if this is what you are after you might want to read up on switch statements to if you haven’t done so already.

Edited by Venix
Posted (edited)

Thank you very much guys, i tried to make an array and it works perfectly now, it dosnt load up the variables every func call, that took alot of my CPU, "Global $Var" dosnt work for some reason, but the array did.

Anyhow thanks again (:

EDIT: There is no way of shortening this i asume?

IF $arr[0] OR $arr[1] OR $arr[2] OR $arr[3] OR $arr[4] OR $arr[5] OR $arr[6] OR $arr[7] OR $arr[8] OR $arr[9] OR $arr[10] OR $arr[11] OR $arr[12] OR $arr[13] OR $arr[14] OR $arr[15] OR $arr[16] OR $arr[17] OR $arr[18] OR $arr[19] OR $arr[20] OR $arr[21] = True Then

Edited by Makaveli10a
Posted (edited)

EDIT: There is no way of shortening this i asume?

IF $arr[0] OR $arr[1] OR $arr[2] OR $arr[3] OR $arr[4] OR $arr[5] OR $arr[6] OR $arr[7] OR $arr[8] OR $arr[9] OR $arr[10] OR $arr[11] OR $arr[12] OR $arr[13] OR $arr[14] OR $arr[15] OR $arr[16] OR $arr[17] OR $arr[18] OR $arr[19] OR $arr[20] OR $arr[21] = True Then

uhh this?

This is something I would personally do with an array and a for loop, here is a small example that might help you.

#include <Array.au3>
Local $NamesArray[5] ; Creating your array.

$NamesArray[0] = "Mark" ; Setting the values of the array.
$NamesArray[1] = "John"
$NamesArray[2] = "Ben"
$NamesArray[3] = "Michael"
$NamesArray[4] = "Tim"

For $i = 0 to 4 ; This loop will execute until $i = 4 going up in increments of 1.
If $NamesArray[$i] = "Tim" Then ; If the array matches to the name Tim then display message.
MsgBox(64, "Testing", "Hello Tim!")
MsgBox(64, "Testing", "You Are Not Tim You Are: " & $NamesArray[$i]) ; Else display other message.

Edited by Victorique

Dim is bad. Use Local or Global exclusively.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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