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Posted (edited)

Hi All, Sorry for my English

I searched the forum a function like that, and not found, indeed, there are many topics request regarding all this function, and I have done this, I did not know what name to put them RegEnumKeyToArray or RegListToArray or ect ect in the end I chose _RegEnumKeyValEx (_RegEnumKeyEx & _RegEnumValEx), the function does almost everything (also includes $sFilter as the >_FileListToArrayEx), and works really fast too



; #UDF# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: Reads\Search the name of a Key\Subkey\Value
; AutoIt Version :
; Language ......: English
; Description ...: Lists all Keys\Subkeys\Values in a specified registry key
; Author(s) .....: DXRW4E
; Notes .........:
; ===============================================================================================================================

; #CURRENT# =====================================================================================================================
;~ _RegEnumKeyEx
;~ _RegEnumValEx
; ===============================================================================================================================

#Region ;**** Global constants and vars ****
#EndRegion ;**** Global constants and vars ****

; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _RegEnumKeyEx
; Description ...: Lists all subkeys in a specified registry key
; Syntax.........: _RegEnumKeyEx($KeyName[, $iFlag = 0[, $sFilter = "*"]])
; Parameters ....: $KeyName - The registry key to read.
;                 $iFlag   - Optional specifies Recursion (add the flags together for multiple operations):
;                 |$iFlag = 0 (Default) All Key-SubKeys Recursive Mod
;                 |$iFlag = 1 All SubKeys Not Recursive Mod
;                 |$iFlag = 2 Include in ArrayList in the first element $KeyName
;                 |$iFlag = 16 $sFilter do Case-Sensitive matching (By Default $sFilter do Case-Insensitive matching)
;                 |$iFlag = 32 Disable the return the count in the first element - effectively makes the array 0-based (must use UBound() to get the size in this case).
;                   By Default the first element ($array[0]) contains the number of strings returned, the remaining elements ($array[1], $array[2], etc.)
;                 |$iFlag = 64 $sFilter is REGEXP Mod, See Pattern Parameters in StringRegExp
;                 |$iFlag = 128 Enum value's name (_RegEnumKeyEx Return a 2D array, maximum Array Size limit is 3999744 Key\Value)
;                 |$iFlag = 256 Reads a value data, this flag will be ignored if the $iFlag = 128 is not set
;                 $sFilter - Optional the filter to use, default is *. (Multiple filter groups such as "All "*.XXx|*.YYY|*.ZZZ")
;                  Search the Autoit3 helpfile for the word "WildCards" For details.
;                 $vFilter - Optional the filter to use for ValueName, $vFilter will be ignored if the $iFlag = 128 is not set
;                  default is *. (Multiple filter groups such as "All "*.XXx|*.YYY|*.ZZZ") Search the Autoit3 helpfile for the word "WildCards" For details.
;                 $iValueTypes - Optional, set Value Types to search (Default $iValueTypes = 0 Read All), $iValueTypes will be ignored if the $iFlag = 128 is not set
;                   (add the flags together for multiple operations):
;                   1 = REG_SZ
;                   2 = REG_EXPAND_SZ
;                   3 = REG_BINARY
;                   4 = REG_DWORD
;                   5 = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN
;                   6 = REG_LINK
;                   7 = REG_MULTI_SZ
;                   8 = REG_RESOURCE_LIST
;                   9 = REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR
;                   10 = REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST
;                   11 = REG_QWORD
; Return values .: Success  - Return Array List (See Remarks)
;                 Failure - @Error
;                 |1 = Invalid $sFilter
;                 |2 = No Key-SubKey(s) Found
;                 |3 = Invalid $vFilter
;                 |4 = No Value-Name(s) Found
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: The array returned is one-dimensional and is made up as follows:
;                               $array[0] = Number of Key-SubKeys returned
;                               $array[1] = 1st Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[2] = 2nd Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[3] = 3rd Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[n] = nth Key\SubKeys
;                 If is set the $iFlag = 128 The array returned is 2D array and is made up as follows:
;                               $array[0][0] = Number of Key-SubKeys returned
;                               $array[1][0] = 1st Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[1][1] = 1st Value name
;                               $array[1][2] = 1st Value Type (REG_NONE or REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ ect ect)
;                               $array[1][3] = 1st Value Data (If is set $iFlag = 256 Else Value Data = "")
;                               $array[2][0] = 2nd Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[2][1] = 2nd Value name
;                               $array[2][2] = 2nd Value Type (REG_NONE or REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ ect ect)
;                               $array[2][3] = 2nd Value Data (If is set $iFlag = 256 Else Value Data = "")
;                               $array[n][0] = nth Key\SubKeys
; Related .......: _RegEnumValEx()
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: _RegEnumKeyEx("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AutoIt v3")
; Note ..........:
; ===================================================================================================================================
Func _RegEnumKeyEx($KeyName, $iFlag = 0, $sFilter = "*", $vFilter = "*", $iValueTypes = 0)
    If StringRegExp($sFilter, StringReplace("^\s*$|\v|\\|^\||\|\||\|$", Chr(BitAND($iFlag, 64) + 28) & "\|^\||\|\||\|$", "\\\\")) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    Local $IndexSubKey[101] = [100], $SubKeyName, $BS = "\", $sKeyList, $I = 1, $sKeyFlag = BitAND($iFlag, 1), $sKeyFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "*", "")
    If BitAND($iFlag, 2) Then $sKeyList = @LF & $KeyName
    If Not BitAND($iFlag, 64) Then $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace(BitAND($iFlag, 16) & "(?i)(", "16\(\?\i\)|\d+", "") & StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, "[^*?|]+", "\\Q$0\\E"), "\\E(?=\||$)", "$0\$"), "(?<=^|\|)\\Q", "^$0"), "\*+", ".*") & ")"
    While $I
        $IndexSubKey[$I] += 1
        $SubKeyName = RegEnumKey($KeyName, $IndexSubKey[$I])
        If @error Then
            $IndexSubKey[$I] = 0
            $I -= 1
            $KeyName = StringLeft($KeyName, StringInStr($KeyName, "\", 1, -1) - 1)
        If $sKeyFilter Then
            If StringRegExp($SubKeyName, $sFilter) Then $sKeyList &= @LF & $KeyName & $BS & $SubKeyName
            $sKeyList &= @LF & $KeyName & $BS & $SubKeyName
        If $sKeyFlag Then ContinueLoop
        $I += 1
        If $I > $IndexSubKey[0] Then
            $IndexSubKey[0] += 100
            ReDim $IndexSubKey[$IndexSubKey[0] + 1]
        $KeyName &= $BS & $SubKeyName
    If Not $sKeyList Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
    If BitAND($iFlag, 128) <> 128 Then Return StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($sKeyList, 1), @LF, StringReplace(BitAND($iFlag, 32), "32", 2))
    $sKeyList = _RegEnumValEx(StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($sKeyList, 1), @LF), $iFlag, $vFilter, $iValueTypes)
    Return SetError(@Error, 0, $sKeyList)

; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _RegEnumValEx
; Description ...: Lists all values in a specified registry key
; Syntax.........: _RegEnumValEx($KeyName[, $iFlag = 0[, $sFilter = "*"]])
; Parameters ....: $KeyName - The registry key to read Or one-dimensional array RegKeyList
;                   use _RegEnumKeyEx() to get $RegKeyList (example $RegKeyList = [3, 1st Key\SubKeys, 2st Key\SubKeys, nth Key\SubKeys])
;                 |$iFlag = 16 $sFilter do Case-Sensitive matching (By Default $sFilter do Case-Insensitive matching)
;                 |$iFlag = 32 Disable the return the count in the first element - effectively makes the array 0-based (must use UBound() to get the size in this case).
;                   By Default the first element ($array[0]) contains the number of strings returned, the remaining elements ($array[1], $array[2], etc.)
;                 |$iFlag = 64 $sFilter is REGEXP Mod, See Pattern Parameters in StringRegExp
;                 |$iFlag = 256 Reads a value data
;                 $sFilter - Optional the filter to use, default is *. (Multiple filter groups such as "All "*.XXx|*.YYY|*.ZZZ")
;                  Search the Autoit3 helpfile for the word "WildCards" For details.
;                 $iValueTypes - Optional, set Value Types to search (Default $iValueTypes = 0 Read All)
;                   (add the flags together for multiple operations):
;                   1 = REG_SZ
;                   2 = REG_EXPAND_SZ
;                   3 = REG_BINARY
;                   4 = REG_DWORD
;                   5 = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN
;                   6 = REG_LINK
;                   7 = REG_MULTI_SZ
;                   8 = REG_RESOURCE_LIST
;                   9 = REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR
;                   10 = REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST
;                   11 = REG_QWORD
; Return values .: Success  - Return Array List (See Remarks)
;                 Failure - @Error
;                 |3 = Invalid $sFilter
;                 |4 = No Value-Name(s) Found
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: The array returned is 2D array and is made up as follows:
;                               $array[0][0] = Number of Key-SubKeys returned
;                               $array[1][0] = 1st Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[1][1] = 1st Value name
;                               $array[1][2] = 1st Value Type (REG_NONE or REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ ect ect)
;                               $array[1][3] = 1st Value Data (If is set $iFlag = 256 Else Value Data = "")
;                               $array[2][0] = 2nd Key\SubKeys
;                               $array[2][1] = 2nd Value name
;                               $array[2][2] = 2nd Value Type (REG_NONE or REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ ect ect)
;                               $array[2][3] = 2nd Value Data (If is set $iFlag = 256 Else Value Data = "")
;                               $array[n][0] = nth Key\SubKeys
; Related .......: _RegEnumKeyEx()
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: _RegEnumValEx("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AutoIt v3")
; Note ..........:
; ===================================================================================================================================
Func _RegEnumValEx($aKeyList, $iFlag = 0, $sFilter = "*", $iValueTypes = 0)
    If StringRegExp($sFilter, "\v") Then Return SetError(3, 0, "")
    If Not IsArray($aKeyList) Then $aKeyList = StringSplit($aKeyList, @LF)
    Local $aKeyValList[1954][4], $iKeyVal = Int(BitAND($iFlag, 32) = 0), $sKeyVal = 1953, $sRegEnumVal, $iRegEnumVal, $RegRead = BitAND($iFlag, 256), $vFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "*", "")
    If Not BitAND($iFlag, 64) Then $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace(BitAND($iFlag, 16) & "(?i)(", "16\(\?\i\)|\d+", "") & StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, "[^*?|]+", "\\Q$0\\E"), "\\E(?=\||$)", "$0\$"), "(?<=^|\|)\\Q", "^$0"), "\*+", ".*") & ")"
    For $i = 1 To $aKeyList[0]
        $iRegEnumVal = 0
        While 1
            If $iKeyVal = $sKeyVal Then
                If $sKeyVal = 3999744 Then ExitLoop
                $sKeyVal *= 2
                ReDim $aKeyValList[$sKeyVal + 1][4]
            $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][0] = $aKeyList[$i]
            $iRegEnumVal += 1
            $sRegEnumVal = RegEnumVal($aKeyList[$i], $iRegEnumVal)
            If @Error <> 0 Then
                If $iRegEnumVal = 1 And $vFilter = "" Then $iKeyVal += 1
            $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][2] = $sValueTypes[@Extended]
            If BitAND(@Extended, $iValueTypes) <> $iValueTypes Then ContinueLoop
            If $vFilter And Not StringRegExp($sRegEnumVal, $sFilter) Then ContinueLoop
            $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][1] = $sRegEnumVal
            If $RegRead Then $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][3] = RegRead($aKeyList[$i], $sRegEnumVal)
            $iKeyVal += 1
    $sRegEnumVal = $iKeyVal - Int(BitAND($iFlag, 32) = 0)
    If Not $sRegEnumVal Or ($sRegEnumVal = 1 And $vFilter = "" And $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal - $sRegEnumVal][2] = "") Then Return SetError(4, 0, "")
    ReDim $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][4]
    If Not BitAND($iFlag, 32) Then $aKeyValList[0][0] = $iKeyVal - 1
    Return $aKeyValList


#include <_RegEnumKeyValEx.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $a, $t, $Error, $Extended, $KeyName
;$KeyName = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"    ;104718

$t = TimerInit()
;$a = _RegEnumKeyEx($KeyName, 0,  "Opti*Components")    ; to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents
;$a = _RegEnumKeyEx($KeyName, 0,  "*")
$a = _RegEnumKeyEx($KeyName,  128 + 256 + 32 + 16,  "*", "*vers*")
$Error = @Error
$Extended = @Extended
$t = TimerDiff($t)
ConsoleWrite("Timer = " & $t & @LF)
ConsoleWrite("Return = " & $a & " - $Error = " & $Error & " - $Extended = " & $Extended & @LF)

$a = _RegEnumKeyEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3", 128 + 256)
;Return 2D array all Keys\Subkes\Values ect ect

$a = _RegEnumKeyEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3", 128 + 256, "*","*Ver*on*")
;Return $a[2][4] = [[1],["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt","Version","REG_SZ","v3.3.8.1"]]

$a = _RegEnumKeyEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3", 128 + 256 + 32, "*","*ver*on*")
;Return $a[1][4] = [["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt","Version","REG_SZ","v3.3.8.1"]]

$a = _RegEnumKeyEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3", 128 + 256 + 16, "*","*ver*on*")
;Return @Error = 4 ($iFlag = 16 $sFilter do Case-Sensitive matching, Version <> version)

$a = _RegEnumValEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt", 256,"*Ver*on*")
;Return $a[2][4] = [[1],["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt","Version","REG_SZ","v3.3.8.1"]]


Edited by DXRW4E

apps-odrive.pngdrive_app_badge.png box-logo.png new_logo.png MEGA_Logo.png

  • 4 weeks later...

This is so awesome! What are the chances, because I have been trying to figure this out all day yesterday and now you've come along and made my life a million times easier!

Thank you!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Thank You, You are welcome


Updated, add $iFlag = 64 now you can use the $sFilter in RegExp Mod (See Pattern Parameters in StringRegExp )


Edited by DXRW4E

apps-odrive.pngdrive_app_badge.png box-logo.png new_logo.png MEGA_Logo.png

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Thank you for the great script.

I have added to your example:

#include <_RegEnumKeyValEx.au3>

I have changed in your example line 19:


_ArrayDisplay($a, $a1)



Thank you,


Edited by Docfxit
Posted (edited)

Ive been working with this for uninstall keys and i wondered is there any way to have it show the ProgramName & InstallLocation keys in the array with the search?

because often they are msi uninstallers so i cant tell what they are for?

Code Im using

#include <_RegEnumKeyValEx.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $UninstallList
$sRegPath = 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
;~ =================================================
Global $aRegPath = StringSplit($sRegPath, "|")
;~ _ArrayDisplay( $aRegPath)
;~ =================================================

Global $UninstallCheck, $UninstallKeys[0][4]
For $regloop = 1 To $aRegPath[0]
    If IsArray($aRegPath) Then
        $UninstallCheck = _RegEnumKeyEx($aRegPath[$regloop], 128 + 256, "*","*UninstallS*") ;*UninstallS*
        ConsoleWrite('UninstallCheck Is Array & @error = ' & @error & @CRLF)
;~         _ArrayDisplay($UninstallCheck, "To concatenate", Default, 8)
        _ArrayConcatenate($UninstallKeys, $UninstallCheck, 1) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        ConsoleWrite('UninstallArray & @error = ' & @error & @CRLF)
;~         _ArrayDisplay($UninstallKeys, "Concatenated", Default, 8)
        ConsoleWrite('UninstallCheck Not Array ' & @CRLF)
        _ArrayDisplay($UninstallKeys, "Concatenated", Default, 8)

This shows me all the uninstallers but not what they belong to


Edited by Chimaera
Posted (edited)

Hi Chimaera, we are offtopic because this is not about the RegEnumKeyEx, but the msi setup http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb892810.aspx

however here

#include <_RegEnumKeyValEx.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global Const $sPatternGUID = "\{?(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)-?(.)(.)(.)(.)-?(.)(.)(.)(.)-?(.)(.)(.)(.)-?(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)\}?"
Global Const $sComponentIdPattern  = "$8$7$6$5$4$3$2$1$12$11$10$9$16$15$14$13$18$17$20$19$22$21$24$23$26$25$28$27$30$29$32$31"
;;Global Const $scGUIDPattern = "(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)"
Global Const $sGUIDPattern  = "{$8$7$6$5$4$3$2$1-$12$11$10$9-$16$15$14$13-$18$17$20$19-$22$21$24$23$26$25$28$27$30$29$32$31}"

; #FUNCTION# =======================================================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetCompressedGUID
; Description ...: Connvert String GUID to String Compressed GUID
; Syntax.........: _GetCompressedGUID($sGUID[, $iFlags])
; Parameters ....: $sGUID - String GUID
;                  $iFlags - Optional, (Default = 0), if $iFlags $sGUID must be contain String Compressed GUID
; Return values .: String Product Properties, and set error
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......:
; Note ..........:
; ==================================================================================================================================================================
Func _GetCompressedGUID($sGUID, $iFlags = 0)
    Return StringRegExpReplace($sGUID, $sPatternGUID, ($iFlags ? $sGUIDPattern : $sComponentIdPattern))

Global $aUninstallCheck, $aKeyList[1] = [0], $aMsiPath, $sMsiPath = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\"
Global $aRegPath = 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
        'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\|' & _
$aRegPath = StringSplit($aRegPath, "|")

For $i = 1 To $aRegPath[0]
    $aRegEnumKeyEx = _RegEnumKeyEx($aRegPath[$i], 256, "*","*") ;*UninstallS*
    If Not @Error Then
        ReDim $aKeyList[$aKeyList[0] + $aRegEnumKeyEx[0] + 1]
        For $y = 1 To $aRegEnumKeyEx[0]
            $aKeyList[$y + $aKeyList[0]] = $aRegEnumKeyEx[$y]
        $aKeyList[0] += $aRegEnumKeyEx[0]
If $aKeyList[0] Then
    ;;_RegEnumValEx("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoIt v3\AutoIt", 256,"*Ver*on*") or _RegEnumValEx($aKey, 256,"*Ver*on*")
    $aUninstallCheck = _RegEnumValEx($aKeyList, 256, "*UninstallS*")
    If Not @Error Then
        For $i = 1 To $aUninstallCheck[0][0]
            $aMsiPath = StringRegExp($aUninstallCheck[$i][3], "^(?i)\h*MsiExec.exe\h+/\w\h*(\{[^\}]+\})", 1)
            If @Error then ContinueLoop
            ; Example
            ;; Example $DotNet4 = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\%NetFX_Client_InstallerCode%"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "AdvertiseFlags") - > %REG_DWORD%,"388"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "Assignment") - > %REG_DWORD%,"1"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "AuthorizedLUAApp") - > %REG_DWORD%,"0"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "Clients") - > %REG_MULTI_SZ%,":"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "InstanceType") - > %REG_DWORD%,"0"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "Language") - > %REG_DWORD%,"0"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "PackageCode") - > %REG_SZ%,"%NetFX_Client_PackageCode%"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "ProductName", ,"%CoreProductName%"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4, "Version") - > %REG_DWORD%,"67139183"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4 & "\SourceList", "LastUsedSource") - > %REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"n;1;%SystemRoot%\Windows\Installer\"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4 & "\SourceList", "PackageName") - > "netfx_Core_x86.msi"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4 & "\SourceList\Media" ,"1") -> REG_SZ%";1"
            ;;RegRead($DotNet4 & "\SourceList\Net" ,"1") - > %REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%SystemRoot%\Windows\Installer\"
            $aUninstallCheck[$i][3] &= @LF & RegRead($sMsiPath & _GetCompressedGUID($aMsiPath[0]) & "\SourceList", "PackageName")
            $aUninstallCheck[$i][3] &= @LF & StringRegExpReplace(RegRead($sMsiPath & _GetCompressedGUID($aMsiPath[0]) & "\SourceList", "LastUsedSource"), "^.*;(?=\w)", "")
            ;;$aTemp =  _RegEnumKeyEx($sMsiPath & _GetCompressedGUID($aMsiPath[0]), 128 + 256, "*","*")
            ;;If Not @Error Then
            ;;  $aTemp[0][1] = $aUninstallCheck[$i][3]
            ;;  $aUninstallCheck[$i][3] = $aTemp
            ;;;; _ArrayDisplay($aUninstallCheck[$i][3])

;~ For $i = 1 To $aUninstallCheck[0][0]
;~  If IsArray($aUninstallCheck[$i][3]) Then
;~      ;;msi mod
;~      $sUinstallComand = ($aUninstallCheck[$i][3])[0][1]
;~  Else
;~      ;;
;~  EndIf
;~ Next


Edited by DXRW4E

apps-odrive.pngdrive_app_badge.png box-logo.png new_logo.png MEGA_Logo.png

Posted (edited)


Thats amazing i didnt even know they could be deciphered like that

Windows Installer GUID Compressed GUID

look also Darwin Descriptors

#Region ;Encoding-Decoding Base85

;; tables for encoding and decoding base85
Global Const $aTable_Dec85[0x80] = [ _
    0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, _
    0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, _
    0xff,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0xff, _
    0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x16,0xff,0x17, _
    0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27, _
    0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0xff,0x34,0x35,0x36, _
    0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,0x40,0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46, _
Global Const $aTable_Enc85[85] = [ _
    "!","$","%","&","'","(",")","*","+",",","-",".","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8", _
    "9","=","?","@","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q", _
    "R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","[","]","^","_","`","a","b","c","d","e","f","g", _

; #FUNCTION# =======================================================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Decode_Base85_GUID
; Description ...: Converts a (base85 encoded GUID) Darwin Descriptor into a StringGUID, String Base85 encoded GUIDs should be 20 characters long.
; Syntax.........: _Decode_Base85_GUID($sDarwinDes)
; Parameters ....: $sDarwinDes   - String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor
; Return values .: If the function succeeds, return StringGUID. If the function fails, return False
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......:
; Note ..........:  This function was inspired by ReactOS Project
;                   http://www.reactos.org/
;                  * Copyright 2002-2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers
;                  * Copyright 2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers
; ==================================================================================================================================================================
Func _Decode_Base85_GUID($sDarwinDes)
    Local $dData = 0, $dBase = 1, $tGUID = DllStructCreate("struct; ulong Data1;ulong Data2;ulong Data3;ulong Data4;endstruct")
    If StringLen($sDarwinDes) < 20 Then Return SetError(1, 0, False)
    $sDarwinDes = StringToASCIIArray($sDarwinDes)
    For $i = 0 to 19 Step 5
        $dData = 0
        $dBase = 1
        For $y = $i To $i + 4
            $dData += $aTable_Dec85[$sDarwinDes[$y]] * $dBase
            If $sDarwinDes[$y] >= 0x80 Then Return SetError(2, 0, False)
            If $sDarwinDes[$y] = 0xff Then Return SetError(3, 0, False)
            $dBase *= 85
        DllStructSetData($tGUID, Round($i/5) + 1, $dData)
    Local $aResult = DllCall("ole32.dll", "int", "StringFromGUID2", "struct*", $tGUID, "wstr", "", "int", 40)
    If @Error Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    Return $aResult[2]

; #FUNCTION# =======================================================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Decode_Base85_GUIDEx
; Description ...: Converts a (base85 encoded GUID) Darwin Descriptor into a StringGUID, String Base85 encoded GUIDs should be 20 characters long.
; Syntax.........: _Decode_Base85_GUID($sDarwinDes)
; Parameters ....: $sDarwinDes   - String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor
; Return values .: If the function succeeds, return StringGUID. If the function fails, return False
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......:
; Note ..........:  This function was inspired by ReactOS Project
;                   http://www.reactos.org/
;                  * Copyright 2002-2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers
;                  * Copyright 2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers
; ==================================================================================================================================================================
Func _Decode_Base85_GUIDEx($sDarwinDes)
    Local $dData = 0, $dBase = 1, $aGUID[5]
    If StringLen($sDarwinDes) < 20 Then Return SetError(1, 0, False)
    $sDarwinDes = StringToASCIIArray($sDarwinDes)
    For $i = 0 to 19 Step 5
        $dData = 0
        $dBase = 1
        For $y = $i To $i + 4
            $dData += $aTable_Dec85[$sDarwinDes[$y]] * $dBase
            If $sDarwinDes[$y] >= 0x80 Then Return SetError(2, 0, False)
            If $sDarwinDes[$y] = 0xff Then Return SetError(3, 0, False)
            $dBase *= 85
        $aGUID[$i/5] = $dData
        $aGUID[4] &= Hex($dData, 8)
    Return StringRegExpReplace($aGUID[4], "(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})",  "{$1-$3-$2-$7$6-$5$4$11$10$9$8}")

; #FUNCTION# =======================================================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Encode_Base85_GUID
; Description ...: Converts a StringGUID into a String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor
; Syntax.........: _Encode_Base85_GUID($sGUID)
; Parameters ....: $sGUID        - String GUID
; Return values .: If the function succeeds, return String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor. If the function fails, return False
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......:
; Note ..........:  This function was inspired by ReactOS Project
;                   http://www.reactos.org/
;                  * Copyright 2002-2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers
;                  * Copyright 2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers
; ==================================================================================================================================================================
Func _Encode_Base85_GUID($sGUID)
    Local $sDD_GUID, $dData, $tGUID = DllStructCreate("struct; ulong Data1;ulong Data2;ulong Data3;ulong Data4;endstruct")
    Local $aResult = DllCall("ole32.dll", "long", "CLSIDFromString", "wstr", $sGUID, "struct*", $tGUID)
    If @Error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    ;;Local $sDD_GUID, $dData, $tGUID = DllStructCreate("struct; ulong Data1;ushort Data2;ushort Data3;byte Data4[8]; endstruct")
    ;;Local $aResult = DllCall("ole32.dll", "long", "CLSIDFromString", "wstr", $sGUID, "struct*", $tGUID)
    ;;If @Error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    ;;$tGUID = DllStructCreate("ulong Data1;ulong Data2;ulong Data3;ulong Data4", DllStructGetPtr($tGUID))
    For $i = 1 to 4
        $dData = DllStructGetData($tGUID, $i)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
    Return $sDD_GUID

; #FUNCTION# =======================================================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Encode_Base85_GUIDEx
; Description ...: Converts a StringGUID into a String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor
; Syntax.........: _Encode_Base85_GUIDEx($sGUID)
; Parameters ....: $sGUID        - String GUID
; Return values .: If the function succeeds, return String (base85 encoded) Darwin Descriptor. If the function fails, return False
; Author ........: DXRW4E
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......:
; Note ..........:  This function was inspired by ReactOS Project
;                   http://www.reactos.org/
;                  * Copyright 2002-2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers
;                  * Copyright 2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers
; ==================================================================================================================================================================
Func _Encode_Base85_GUIDEx($sGUID)
    Local $sDD_GUID, $dData, $aGUID = StringRegExp($sGUID, "\{?([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})-?([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-?([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})-?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})", 1)
    If @Error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
    $aGUID[0] = Number("0x" & $aGUID[0], 3)
    $aGUID[1] = Number("0x" & $aGUID[2] & $aGUID[1], 3)
    $aGUID[2] = Number("0x" & $aGUID[6] & $aGUID[5] & $aGUID[4] & $aGUID[3], 3)
    $aGUID[3] = Number("0x" & $aGUID[10] & $aGUID[9] & $aGUID[8] & $aGUID[7], 3)
    For $i = 0 to 3
        $dData = $aGUID[$i]
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
        $dData = Int($dData / 85)
        $sDD_GUID &= $aTable_Enc85[Mod($dData, 85)]
    Return $sDD_GUID

#EndRegion ;Encoding-Decoding Base85
Ciao. Edited by DXRW4E

apps-odrive.pngdrive_app_badge.png box-logo.png new_logo.png MEGA_Logo.png

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

@DXRW4E Is it possible to return only if the Default valuename contains ValueData?  I tried with setting the $sFilter to "" and using "*" but both return all Values in the path. I also tried "(Default)" which doesn't return anything. I know if I use RegRead([Path], "") get the default value.  But it doesn't seem to work as intended with this function.


To access the (Default) value use "" (an empty string) for the valuename.

Update:  I think I figured out what to edit.  Here is my modified function:

Func _RegEnumValEx($aKeyList, $iFlag = 0, $sFilter = "*", $iValueTypes = 0)
    If StringRegExp($sFilter, "\v") Then Return SetError(3, 0, "")
    If Not IsArray($aKeyList) Then $aKeyList = StringSplit($aKeyList, @LF)
    Local $aKeyValList[1954][4], $iKeyVal = Int(BitAND($iFlag, 32) = 0), $sKeyVal = 1953, $sRegEnumVal, $iRegEnumVal, $RegRead = BitAND($iFlag, 256), $vFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "*", "")
    If Not BitAND($iFlag, 64) Then $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace(BitAND($iFlag, 16) & "(?i)(", "16\(\?\i\)|\d+", "") & StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, "[^*?|]+", "\\Q$0\\E"), "\\E(?=\||$)", "$0\$"), "(?<=^|\|)\\Q", "^$0"), "\*+", ".*") & ")"
    For $i = 1 To $aKeyList[0]
        $iRegEnumVal = 0
        While 1
            If $sFilter = "(?i)()" And $iRegEnumVal > 0 Then ExitLoop
            If $iKeyVal = $sKeyVal Then
                If $sKeyVal = 3999744 Then ExitLoop
                $sKeyVal *= 2
                ReDim $aKeyValList[$sKeyVal + 1][4]
            $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][0] = $aKeyList[$i]
            $iRegEnumVal += 1
            $sRegEnumVal = RegEnumVal($aKeyList[$i], $iRegEnumVal)
            If @Error <> 0 Then
                If $iRegEnumVal = 1 And $vFilter = "" Then $iKeyVal += 1
            If $sFilter = "(?i)()" And $sRegEnumVal <> "" Then ExitLoop
            If BitAND(@Extended, $iValueTypes) <> $iValueTypes Then ContinueLoop
            If $vFilter And Not StringRegExp($sRegEnumVal, $sFilter) Then ContinueLoop
            $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][1] = $sRegEnumVal
            If $RegRead Then $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][2] = RegRead($aKeyList[$i], $sRegEnumVal)
            $iKeyVal += 1
    $sRegEnumVal = $iKeyVal - Int(BitAND($iFlag, 32) = 0)
    If Not $sRegEnumVal Or ($sRegEnumVal = 1 And $vFilter = "" And $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal - $sRegEnumVal][2] = "") Then Return SetError(4, 0, "")
    ReDim $aKeyValList[$iKeyVal][4]
    If Not BitAND($iFlag, 32) Then $aKeyValList[0][0] = $iKeyVal - 1
    Return $aKeyValList

Just use "" as the $sFilter and it should now only return the (Default) Values. ;)

Edited by Proph

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