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Posted (edited)

I was wondering why there is no panel control in autoit, this can be useful for moving/hidding more than one control at time. I have made some searches and I found nothing on it so I decided to create an UDF on it.

In order to do that, It creates child GUIs and you can manage it as real controls (coord mode based on the parent GUI and not on the screen), so I have made it to be really easy in use like any other ctrl.

Preview :

Example :

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include "GUIPanel_UDF.au3"

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

Global $sLogo4imgPath = @ProgramFilesDir & "\AutoIt3\Examples\GUI\logo4.gif"
Global $iPanel1step = 0, $iPanel3step = 0

#region GUI
$GUI = GUICreate("GUIPanel UDF - Example", 400, 350)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit")

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label on the GUI", 300, 320)

#region Panel1
$hPanel1 = _GUICtrlPanel_Create($GUI, "Coords", 10, 40, 200, 50)
_GUICtrlPanel_SetBackground($hPanel1, 0xFF0000)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label on the Panel1", 5, 5, 95, 13)

$btnPanel1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Swap with Panel4", 10, 20, 100, 22)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnPanel1, "_Panel1_BtnEvent")
#endregion Panel1

#region Panel2
$hPanel2 = _GUICtrlPanel_Create($GUI, "BottomLeft", 0, 0, 200, 100, $WS_BORDER, @SW_SHOWNA, 0x00FF00)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label on the Panel2", 5, 5, 95, 13)

#region Panel2Sub
$hPanel2Sub = _GUICtrlPanel_Create($hPanel2, "CenterRight", 0, 0, 120, 30, $WS_BORDER, @SW_SHOWNA)

Global $aGUIPanelExample_Panel2SubPos = _GUICtrlPanel_GetPos($hPanel2Sub)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pos (X, Y) : " & $aGUIPanelExample_Panel2SubPos[0] & ", " & $aGUIPanelExample_Panel2SubPos[1], 5, 8, 100, 13)
#endregion Panel2

#region Panel3
$hPanel3 = _GUICtrlPanel_Create($GUI, "Centered", 0, 0, 169, 68, $WS_BORDER, @SW_SHOWNA, $sLogo4imgPath)

$btnPanel3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Move me", 10, 10, 70, 22)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($btnPanel3, "_Panel3_BtnEvent")

GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("no event", 70, 55, 68, 13)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF)
#endregion Panel3

#region Panel4
$hPanel4 = _GUICtrlPanel_Create($GUI, "TopRight", 0, 0, 100, 50, $WS_BORDER)

GUICtrlCreateCombo("Panel4", 10, 10, 80)
#endregion Panel4

#endregion GUI

While 1

Func _Panel3_BtnEvent()
    Switch $iPanel3step
        Case 0
            _GUICtrlPanel_SetPos($hPanel3, "CenterRight")
            GUICtrlSetData($btnPanel3, "Hide me")
        Case 1
            _GUICtrlPanel_SetState($hPanel3, @SW_HIDE)

    $iPanel3step += 1
EndFunc   ;==>_Panel3_BtnEvent

Func _Panel1_BtnEvent()
    Switch $iPanel1step
        Case 0
            _GUICtrlPanel_SetPos($hPanel1, "TopRight")
            _GUICtrlPanel_SetPos($hPanel4, "Coords", 10, 40)

            GUICtrlSetData($btnPanel1, "Disable me")
        Case 1
            _GUICtrlPanel_SetState($hPanel1, @SW_DISABLE)
            GUICtrlSetData($btnPanel1, "Disabled")

    $iPanel1step += 1
EndFunc   ;==>_Panel1_BtnEvent

Func _Exit()
EndFunc   ;==>_Exit

Attachments :

GUIPanel_UDF.au3 (Previous: 279 downloads)


Enjoy ! :blink:

Edited by FireFox
Posted (edited)


I was wondering why there is no panel control in autoit, this can be useful for moving/hidding more than one control at time. I have made some searches and I found nothing on it so I decided to create an UDF on it.

There is no seperate control, because it's already possible with just a normal GUI:


$ParentGUI = GUICreate("dsdsd", 640, 480)

$Panel = GUICreate("", 100, 100, 10, 10, $WS_CHILD+$WS_VISIBLE, -1, $ParentGUI)
GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000, $Panel)

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ParentGUI)

While 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
Edited by Kip

There is no seperate control, because it's already possible with just a normal GUI

Yes, that's what I've done :>

Br, FireFox.

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