baselsayeh Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 (edited) This is my first Autoit scriptin first 5 text boxes type one of these0 for default title text box type your titlein body text box type your massagein timeout text box type after what of seconds to close msgbox Edited September 8, 2012 by baselsayeh
lorenkinzel Posted September 11, 2012 Posted September 11, 2012 Why "fake"? The MsgBox it generates seems quite real. Just curious.
JohnOne Posted September 11, 2012 Posted September 11, 2012 I thnk you ought to explain just exactly what you mean by the title. Below is your code. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #RequireAdmin #notrayicon $filename = Random(1, 5001) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) Local $msg GUICreate("Form1",200,200,300,300) GUICtrlCreateLabel("flag", 0, 0) $1=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",30,0,30,20) $2=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",60,0,30,20) $3=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",90,0,30,20) $4=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",120,0,30,20) $5=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",150,0,30,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("_____________________________________", 0, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("title", 0, 40) $6=GUICtrlCreateInput("title",30,40,150,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("_____________________________________", 0, 60) GUICtrlCreateLabel("body", 0, 85) $7=GUICtrlCreateInput("body",30,85,150,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("_____________________________________", 0, 105) GUICtrlCreateLabel("timeout", 0, 130) $8=GUICtrlCreateInput("0",50,130,140,20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("_____________________________________", 0, 150) $9=GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok",75,165,50,30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop If $msg = $9 Then ExitLoop WEnd $flag1=ControlGetText("Form1","flag",4) $flag2=ControlGetText("Form1","flag",5) $flag3=ControlGetText("Form1","flag",6) $flag4=ControlGetText("Form1","flag",7) $flag5=ControlGetText("Form1","flag",8) $title=ControlGetText("Form1","title",11) $body=ControlGetText("Form1","body",14) $timeout=ControlGetText("Form1","timeout",17) GUIDelete() Local $file = FileOpen($filename&".au3", 1) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf fileWrite($file, "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=y" & @CRLF) fileWrite($file, "#notrayicon" & @CRLF) FileWrite($file, "msgbox("&$flag1&"+"&$flag2&"+"&$flag3&"+"&$flag4&"+"&$flag5&","&'"'&$title&'"'&","&'"'&$body&'"'&","&$timeout&")") FileClose($file) msgbox(64," ","File saveed successfully",0) msgbox(64," ","File mame: "&$filename&".au3",0) Dim $yesno $yesno = msgbox(4+32," ","Do you want convert "&$filename&".au3"&" file to exe?",0) If $yesno = 6 then yes() elseIf $yesno = 7 then MsgBox(64, "Exit", "Press Ok to continue") Exit endif Func yes() $yesno = msgbox(4+32," ","Do you want icon with exe?",0) If $yesno = 6 then yesicon() elseIf $yesno = 7 then noicon() endif EndFunc Func yesicon() msgbox(0+64," ","icon will be at au3icon.ico",0) run('prog\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in "'&$filename&'.au3" /out '&$filename&'".exe" /icon au3icon.ico /nopack') $yesno = msgbox(4+32," ","Do you want compress exe?",0) If $yesno = 6 then upx() elseIf $yesno = 7 then MsgBox(64, "Exit", "Press Ok to continue") Exit Endif EndFunc Func noicon() run('prog\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in "'&$filename&'.au3" /out '&$filename&'".exe" /nopack') $yesno = msgbox(4+32," ","Do you want compress exe?",0) if $yesno = 6 then upx() elseIf $yesno = 7 then MsgBox(64, "Exit", "Press Ok to continue") Exit Endif EndFunc Func upx() $yesno = msgbox(4+32," ","Do you want to keep icon or not?",0) if $yesno = 6 then run('prog\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in "'&$filename&'.au3" /out '&$filename&'".exe" /icon au3icon.ico /pack') MsgBox(64, "", "Complted") MsgBox(64, "Exit", "Press Ok to continue") Exit elseIf $yesno = 7 then run('prog\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in "'&$filename&'.au3" /out '&$filename&'".exe" /pack') MsgBox(64, "", "Complted") MsgBox(64, "Exit", "Press Ok to continue") Exit Endif EndFunc AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
JScript Posted September 11, 2012 Posted September 11, 2012 It's the old social engineering, only the fools who still fall into that! JS (AutoIt v3 Brazil!!!) Somewhere Out ThereJames Ingram Download Dropbox - Simplify your life!Your virtual HD wherever you go, anywhere!
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