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Hi, hope someone can help a newbie on AutoIt,

i know a remote Client LAN IP but not its MAC.

$RemClientIP =

manually i would just open CMD and do this:


C:\Windows\System32>arp -a

Schnittstelle: --- 0xd

Internetadresse Physische Adresse Typ 40-AB-40-AB-40-AB dynamisch


I can put the output of the CMD into $ip2mac:

$ip2mac = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'arp -a ' & $RemClientIP, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD)

I cant find a way to get the RemoteClientMAC (40-AB-....)

Wich way to go?

Because this might explain me, how to generally handle input.

Greetz Marco


Hello Marco,

you can use StdOutRead() in your script to read the output of your command into a variable.

Then you can use StringSplit to split your output into lines for example.

Lastly you use StringSplit again to split the last line into IP, MAC and what folows.

You can also use Regular Expressions but I still have not enough experience to help you there. ;)

Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
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Hi, cinnabon, welcome to the forum. Try something like this:

$PC = InputBox("Remote MAC", "Enter the name of the computer to get the MAC address")
$WMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:" & $PC & "rootcimv2")

$query = $WMI.ExecQuery _
("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")

   For $element in $query
      MsgBox(0, "", $element.MACAddress)

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

How to get your question answered on this forum!


:idiot: :idiot: :idiot: :idiot: :idiot: :idiot: :idiot:

#include <Constants.au3>
Local $RemoteClientIP = ""
Local $RemoteClientMAC = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'arp -a ' & $RemoteClientIP, @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD)
Local $line
While 1
$line = StdoutRead($RemoteClientMAC)
If @error Then ExitLoop
If $line Then
Local $array = StringSplit($line, @CRLF, 1) ; Splitt input by Linebreaks
$line4 = StringSplit($array[4], " ",1) ; splitting Line 4 into peaces
local $RemoteClientIParray = StringSplit($RemoteClientIP, ".")
if $RemoteClientIParray[4] >= 100 Then ; if 4th Octett is 100 or bigger
MsgBox(0, $RemoteClientIP, $line4[12]) ; MAC is in Array 12
Else         ; if 4th Octett is 99 or smaller
MsgBox(0, $RemoteClientIP, $line4[13]) ; MAC is in Array 13


THX 100 times.

Greetz Marco

Posted (edited)

I played a little around and i have to say i like this stringthingies:

i did something different to understand.

While 1
Local $ipconfigall = StdoutRead(Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'ipconfig /all', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD))
if @error then ExitLoop
if $ipconfigall Then
Local $ipconfig_split = StringSplit($ipconfigall, @CR, 1) ; Breaks consoleinput into LINES
Local $myHostname = StringSplit($ipconfig_split[4], ":", 1) ; enter Linenumber that needs to read
MsgBox(0,"","Hostname: " & $myHostname[2]) ; 2nd Block is what we're looking for
Local $myMAC = StringSplit($ipconfig_split[14], ":", 1) ; enter Linenumber that needs to read
MsgBox(0,"","Mac: " & $myMAC[2])


Edited by cinnabon

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