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Posted (edited)

G'day everyone

I created a script that takes a fullscreen screenshot once a minute, so that I can check at the end of the day what my kids did on the computer (I don't need any more information than once a minute). However, if they're watching a movie, or if they had gotten up to play outside for a while, the script takes unnecessary screenshots. I thought a reasonably simple way to detect the presence of a human is to ask whether the mouse had moved.

Original script:

#include <date.au3>
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

SnapDeSnap() ; first snap when script starts

While 1
Sleep ("60000")
SnapDeSnap ()

Func SnapDeSnap()
$nowdatetime = StringReplace (StringReplace (_NowCalc(), "/", "-"), ":", "-")
_ScreenCapture_Capture($nowdatetime & " " & @UserName & ".jpg", 0, 0, -1, -1, True)

However, after updating my script with what I had thought would work, it still takes a screenshot every minute, even if I'm not at the computer for several minutes (and no, it aint the cat). Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the updated script?

Updated script:

#include <date.au3>
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

SnapDeSnap() ; first snap when script starts

While 1
$mousewhereone = MouseGetPos ()
Sleep ("60000")
$mousewheretwo = MouseGetPos ()
If $mousewhereone <> $mousewheretwo Then
SnapDeSnap ()

Func SnapDeSnap()
$nowdatetime = StringReplace (StringReplace (_NowCalc(), "/", "-"), ":", "-")
_ScreenCapture_Capture($nowdatetime & " " & @UserName & ".jpg", 0, 0, -1, -1, True)


By the way, in case there is confusion: I don't want a screenshot taken as soon as the mouse moves. I still want one screenshot every minute, but I don't want a screenshot if the mouse didn't move in the past minute.

Thanks in advance


Edited by leuce

i don't think you could two 'arrays' like that. Compare their elements.


:bye: Hey there, was I helpful?


My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1


i don't think you could two 'arrays' like that. Compare their elements.

Yes, I had hoped that I could keep the code short, but I had a nagging feeling about exactly what you say here. And it worked (thanks!):

While 1
$mousewhereone = MouseGetPos ()
$mousewhereonecalc = $mousewhereone[0] & " " & $mousewhereone[1]
Sleep ("60000")
$mousewheretwo = MouseGetPos ()
$mousewheretwocalc = $mousewheretwo[0] & " " & $mousewheretwo[1]
If $mousewhereonecalc <> $mousewheretwocalc Then
SnapDeSnap ()


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