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I use dll function to get sleep(1):

Func _Sleep($ms)
    DllCall($dll_kernel32, "DWORD", "Sleep", "int", $ms)

Function allow to get sleep in range from 0.3 to 1.1ms, but

how to set float sleep ( for examle 0.05ms ) and make it more stable?

Please help!


Thanx Andreik,

I have tested many examples from your link, but are stable only timer and timer functions ( eat cpu ),

and minimal sleep in range from 0.6 - 1.1ms.


Where did you find these ranges?

$starttime = _Timer_Init()
    $endtime = _Timer_Diff($starttime)

And the parameter of the function is a dword, this mean your value will be truncated if you pass a float.

I set integer( for example ):

Func _Sleep($ms)
    DllCall($dll_kernel32, "DWORD", "Sleep", "int", $ms)

But sleep value is between 0.3 ~ 1.1ms.


Ok, and what do want to accomplish? This range I'm sure it's variable because of interpreting and other things. It has nothing to do with stability if you set some rounded float values, the result it's not accurate in this way.


It's not AutoIt related as long you call it through DllCall. You don't call a function with what kind of parameters types you want. You must do it according to documentation. If you need to specify a dword then you must do that. If you pass a float the value will be truncated.

When the value is 0:

A value of zero causes the thread to relinquish the remainder of its time slice to any other thread of equal priority that is ready to run. If there are no other threads of equal priority ready to run, the function returns immediately, and the thread continues execution. This behavior changed starting with Windows Server 2003.

When the value is INFINITE:

A value of INFINITE indicates that the suspension should not time out.

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I need stable sleep 0.5ms

There will always be some variablility in the result because of the inherent difference between the timer chips in different machines (jchd explains it much better here) so I do not believe you can ever achieve your target. Add to this the fact that AutoIt needs to interpret the DllCall each time which in itself adds to the variability.... :wacko:

Why do you need such a short Sleep and why is it important for it to be so "stable"? :huh:


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As I know kernel32.dll is not the only one dll in the universe. Maybe other dll...


Short sleep need because Autoit works in single thread. And run multiple scripts, the only solution, I think.

Without sleep - very fast, but cpu overload. With sleep slower but less cpu usage. I was looking for a center between these 2 points.

And stable... I just want to know the possibilities of the Autoit. Step by step. One step closer.


It's not about name of dll you may use but you must understand that every DllCall it takes some time to be called and this execution time may vary. In this case you cannot make a very accurate sleep.

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