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let`s say we have an array like :

Local $array[5]=  ["1","2","2","3","1"]

and I need to display how many times each element occured in the array like :

1 --> 2 times

2 --> 2 times

3 --> 1 time

How can I do this ?

Thank you


If you have a large list, you'll find the _Array UDF functions painfully slow.

You could play around with something liek this:

Local $array[14]=  [1, 3, 1, 0, 1, "0","2","2","3", 0, "1", "", "Arf!", "Arf!"]

For $x = 0 to UBound($array) - 1 ; count 'em up
    $y = "__" & $array[$x]
    If IsString($array[$x]) Then $y &= "_s"
    If IsDeclared($y) Then
        Assign($y, Eval($y) + 1)
        $array[$x] = Chr(0)
      Assign($y, 1)

For $x = 0 to UBound($array) - 1 ; display results
    If $array[$x] == Chr(0) Then ContinueLoop
    If IsString($array[$x]) Then
        $suffix = "_s"
        $desc = "str"
        $suffix = ""
        $desc = "num"
    ConsoleWrite("Value: " & $array[$x] & " (" & $desc & ")    first found in element: " & $x & "       occurs: " & Eval("__" & $array[$x] & $suffix) & @CRLF)

You could almost cut that code in half if you didn't care about distinguishing between 1 and "1", or 0 and "0" and "".


If you have a large list, you'll find the _Array UDF functions painfully slow.

You could play around with something liek this:

Local $array[14]= [1, 3, 1, 0, 1, "0","2","2","3", 0, "1", "", "Arf!", "Arf!"]

For $x = 0 to UBound($array) - 1 ; count 'em up
$y = "__" & $array[$x]
If IsString($array[$x]) Then $y &= "_s"
If IsDeclared($y) Then
     Assign($y, Eval($y) + 1)
     $array[$x] = Chr(0)
     Assign($y, 1)

For $x = 0 to UBound($array) - 1 ; display results
If $array[$x] == Chr(0) Then ContinueLoop
If IsString($array[$x]) Then
     $suffix = "_s"
     $desc = "str"
     $suffix = ""
     $desc = "num"
ConsoleWrite("Value: " & $array[$x] & " (" & $desc & ") first found in element: " & $x & "   occurs: " & Eval("__" & $array[$x] & $suffix) & @CRLF)

You could almost cut that code in half if you didn't care about distinguishing between 1 and "1", or 0 and "0" and "".

Thank you so much, it worked after pasting it.

I will look into the code and try to understand it all in all and hope if I get stuck that you may help me in the future :-)

Thanks again

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