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Is there a way to find text in MS Word doc file and change its color? I need to highlight found strings.

Thank you.

Posted (edited)

You can play with this...

_Word_Color_Text(@ScriptDir & "test.doc", "This text should be blue", 0xFF0000)

; Find text and change it's color
Func _Word_Color_Text($doc, $str, $color) ; document path or object, text to find, color
If IsObj($doc) Then
     $oDoc = $doc
     $oWord = ObjCreate("Word.Application")
     $oDoc = $oWord.Documents.Open($doc)
$oRange = $oDoc.Content ; select entire document
$oRange.Find.ClearFormatting() ; clear previous search
If $oRange.Find.Execute($str) = True Then
;    $oRange.Bold = True
     $oRange.Font.Color = $color
$oRange = 0
If Not IsObj($doc) Then
     $oWord = 0
$oDoc = 0

Edit: It's a quick mod of a function to make text bold. It accepts either an object to an already open document (in which case it leaves the document open), or a string filename (in which case it starts Word, opens the document, makes the changes, saves the document, and kills Word).

Edited by Spiff59

One more thing: how to find every string that matches? And does this method work with regular expressions? For instance, I need to find string "123" and this may be in string "12345", and I need to highlight the whole string that contains numbers ("12345").

Posted (edited)

_Word_Color_Text(@ScriptDir & "test.doc", "123", 0xFF0000)

; Find text and change it's color
Func _Word_Color_Text($doc, $str, $color) ; document path or object, text to find, color
$oWord = ObjCreate("Word.Application")
$oWord.selection.find.ClearFormatting() ; clear previous search

while $oWord.selection.find.execute($str) = True

$oWord.selection.Font.Color = $color
$oWord.selection.Find.Forward = True


$oWord = 0


It seems this has some limitations:

If you have a line that ends with a standalone 123 then the next line, if beginning with a string that contains 123, that string will not be colored. Also it stops at punctuation so web addresses will not be completely colored. If anybody knows how to remedy those situations, then the above script should do what is requested.

Edited by boththose

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
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`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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