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I`m new to script language. I`m trying to create a version of a file.

I have a version.ini file with these information:



Then I`m trying to create a test1.exe file by reading this version.ini file by writing these lines in AutoIt:


Local $ver = IniRead("version.ini", "Image", "version", "NotFound")

Then I want to read the version of this newly created test1.exe file by creating a new file called version.exe


Local $ver = FileGetVersion("test1.exe")

This gives med the version of the AutoIT, This is not what i wanted as output. The output should be 1.0.

What am I doing wrong ?

Hope someone can help me on this ?


Hello fje081,

you need to add a line at the top of your script like this:


But there is, as far as I know, no way to set the own Version on execution and not on compilation.

Maybe there's also a command line switch for the aut2exe.exe but I haven't looked into this yet.

Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]

If you use the compile options to store the info in the script, then you can read your script source from another program. Compare each line to "#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=" and tack on the version number you got from the ini file.

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