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Is there any example code that shows how to auto connect to a WEP wireless network.

if it possible no GUI!!!

after searching and founding my network i want automatically connect to this network.





Thanks for the help,

after installing XP update all works fine but i dont get Connect / Disconnect NOTIFICATION any idea?


Calling to _Wlan_Connect retuerns error (@error) 2.

from MSDN - "The system cannot find the file specified."

!APIError @Ln[2182] _WinAPI_WlanConnect - The parameter is incorrect.

Any idea?




hey man,

Just to clarify things:

An @error value of 2 only indicates the function failed because of an API error - nothing more. The actual API error code lives in @extended - this case it will be 87 (The parameter is incorrect.)

As far as notifications go, XP uses them horribly. You've probably found the only codes it supports are $WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM_CONNECTION_COMPLETE and $WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM_DISCONNECTED. This is all well and good - except in XP "connection complete" does not always men the connection is complete.

After calling the connect function the "connection complete" notification will appear three times. First time it will mean "the connection has started", second time associated (i assume), and finally connected. Of course if a disconnected notification appears in the middle somewhere the next connected notification will mean "the connection has started"... It is also worth noting the disconnected notification also appears a few times when disconnecting.

If you don't want to deal with all that mess - just use the wait flag when calling _Wlan_Connect() and let the UDF deal with it.

#include "NativeWifi.au3"

$fDebugWifi = True


Local $oProfile, $sReason

$oProfile = _Wlan_CreateProfileObject()
With $oProfile
.Name = "Test"
.Type = "Infrastructure"
.Auth = "Shared Key"
.Encr = "WEP"
.Key.Protected = False
.Key.Type = "Network Key"
.Key.Material = "MyKey"

If Not _Wlan_SetProfile($oProfile, $sReason) Then
MsgBox(0, "Wifi", "Failed to create profile " & $oProfile.Name & ". @error=" & @error & @CRLF & "Because: " & $sReason)

If _Wlan_Connect($oProfile.Name, True) Then ;the True means _Wlan_Connect will wait for the connection to either complete or fail before continuing
MsgBox(0, "Wifi", "Connected to " & $oProfile.Name & ".")
MsgBox(0, "Wifi", "Connection failed to " & $oProfile.Name & ". @error=" & @error)

Hope this helps,


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