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Posted (edited)

I've installed Windows 7 on one of my laptops and I hate it...

Reversing back to Windows Xp in 2012...am I a little deranged or do others like XP better than Windows 7 even these days?

I once read that about 50% of IT professionals still prefer XP, you guys are all pros, what version do you prefer better?


Edited by xuzo
  • Moderators

Hi, xuzo. I would think this is more a topic for the Chat section, unless you have a question about a specific script that is not working for you in one OS or another.

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

How to get your question answered on this forum!


Hi JL,

I agree, but don't know how to move the post...please go ahead and move it to the appropriate section.



Personally I like W7 better than XP.

Ask yourself why you hate it.

Is it because you know XP so well and you can't tweak W7 to your liking?

Is W7 different to you and you don't know where stuff is?

Is this your first exposure to W7?

Do you react the same way to a Mac or Linux as to W7?

If they are the reasons then the OS isn't the problem. Your learning curve is. Once you learn the OS then your dislike will most likely go away.

Posted (edited)

Well, I guess I'm a kind of a "if it's not broken, don't fix it" kind of guy!

Maybe just my set up with the new laptop, maybe because running Win 7 64 bit versus good old XP 32...

But for me XP is just more stable and faster. And I have all the settings on 7 for optimal perfomance also.

Edited by xuzo
  • Moderators

And I have all the settings on 7 for optimal perfomance also.

So have you taken the time to tune Win7 for performance before deciding you hate it? There are a ton of tutorials out there to assist you.

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

How to get your question answered on this forum!


Laptop is new, desktop is old.

Not meaning to start an argument here...just wanted to know the opinion of the pros and what they use ;)

Posted (edited)

Working in I.T. and having to deal with workstation security, I don't mind either XP or 7. Dealing with the user is another dilemma =P.

We're in the process of updating all of our workstations to Win7 from XP as the machines themselves die out. The biggest issue we've had thus-far is users complaining about the UI. "Why does it look like that?" "Why isn't this over here?"

So instead of receiving trouble tickets that are productive, we're having to call users about their complaints =/

Edited by mechaflash213

“Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.”


Posted (edited)

The problem I have with 7 is also lack of compatibility, I have some very nice apps that run on XP but not on 7.

Similarly I'm getting tired of Firefox and their tons of upgrades, I loose good extensions all the time. Same with Joomla, they went from 1.0 to 2.5 with too many upgrades, and a lot of very good addons don't work anymore...I run 1.5 even if 2.5 is here.

Just my opinion of course.

I've never had any problems moving up with Windows versions, until Vista and 7.

Edited by xuzo

Compatibility? There is an option in Windows 7 to run the application as though it's on a XP machine. Secondly if the developer refuses to support Windows 7 then you should start looking else where I'm afraid.

UDF List:

_AdapterConnections()_AlwaysRun()_AppMon()_AppMonEx()_ArrayFilter/_ArrayReduce_BinaryBin()_CheckMsgBox()_CmdLineRaw()_ContextMenu()_ConvertLHWebColor()/_ConvertSHWebColor()_DesktopDimensions()_DisplayPassword()_DotNet_Load()/_DotNet_Unload()_Fibonacci()_FileCompare()_FileCompareContents()_FileNameByHandle()_FilePrefix/SRE()_FindInFile()_GetBackgroundColor()/_SetBackgroundColor()_GetConrolID()_GetCtrlClass()_GetDirectoryFormat()_GetDriveMediaType()_GetFilename()/_GetFilenameExt()_GetHardwareID()_GetIP()_GetIP_Country()_GetOSLanguage()_GetSavedSource()_GetStringSize()_GetSystemPaths()_GetURLImage()_GIFImage()_GoogleWeather()_GUICtrlCreateGroup()_GUICtrlListBox_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_CreateArray()_GUICtrlListView_SaveCSV()_GUICtrlListView_SaveHTML()_GUICtrlListView_SaveTxt()_GUICtrlListView_SaveXML()_GUICtrlMenu_Recent()_GUICtrlMenu_SetItemImage()_GUICtrlTreeView_CreateArray()_GUIDisable()_GUIImageList_SetIconFromHandle()_GUIRegisterMsg()_GUISetIcon()_Icon_Clear()/_Icon_Set()_IdleTime()_InetGet()_InetGetGUI()_InetGetProgress()_IPDetails()_IsFileOlder()_IsGUID()_IsHex()_IsPalindrome()_IsRegKey()_IsStringRegExp()_IsSystemDrive()_IsUPX()_IsValidType()_IsWebColor()_Language()_Log()_MicrosoftInternetConnectivity()_MSDNDataType()_PathFull/GetRelative/Split()_PathSplitEx()_PrintFromArray()_ProgressSetMarquee()_ReDim()_RockPaperScissors()/_RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock()_ScrollingCredits_SelfDelete()_SelfRename()_SelfUpdate()_SendTo()_ShellAll()_ShellFile()_ShellFolder()_SingletonHWID()_SingletonPID()_Startup()_StringCompact()_StringIsValid()_StringRegExpMetaCharacters()_StringReplaceWholeWord()_StringStripChars()_Temperature()_TrialPeriod()_UKToUSDate()/_USToUKDate()_WinAPI_Create_CTL_CODE()_WinAPI_CreateGUID()_WMIDateStringToDate()/_DateToWMIDateString()Au3 script parsingAutoIt SearchAutoIt3 PortableAutoIt3WrapperToPragmaAutoItWinGetTitle()/AutoItWinSetTitle()CodingDirToHTML5FileInstallrFileReadLastChars()GeoIP databaseGUI - Only Close ButtonGUI ExamplesGUICtrlDeleteImage()GUICtrlGetBkColor()GUICtrlGetStyle()GUIEventsGUIGetBkColor()Int_Parse() & Int_TryParse()IsISBN()LockFile()Mapping CtrlIDsOOP in AutoItParseHeadersToSciTE()PasswordValidPasteBinPosts Per DayPreExpandProtect GlobalsQueue()Resource UpdateResourcesExSciTE JumpSettings INISHELLHOOKShunting-YardSignature CreatorStack()Stopwatch()StringAddLF()/StringStripLF()StringEOLToCRLF()VSCROLLWM_COPYDATAMore Examples...

Updated: 22/04/2018


Ok, sounds good, I guess I'll give Windows 7 another chance, I was just about to reformat tomorow to XP!

I should install 7 on my main desktop to give it a real spin, I don't really use the laptop for serious work.

Seems like most of you guys like 7 so I'll try harder.



Also, be aware that XP isn't going to be supported after April 8, 2014. So, you have less than 2 years left before there's no more updates for it, including security updates.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator


7 is very fast on my laptop and desktop at home. No issues there.

As far as Firefox and your extensions bombing due to upgrades - you can edit the addon (change the file extension xpi to zip and unzip it to a folder, edit the install.rdf, save the change, rezip, change the zip file name back to xpi and then install to Firefox) and then use it without much fear of Firefox messing things up. Understand you may have a compatibility issue but so far with all of mine I have not had that happen. (I run about 15 addons)


I do love XP and can't count how many Vista installations I've formatted into oblivion.

I was gung-ho to start executing 64-bit instructions years ago and tried installing the x64 version of XP. It suffered from a terrible lack of 64-bit driver support. I don't know if that's been rectified by now as I've never tried installing it again.

Considering the memory requirements of some of the newer software, and the fact that even budget PC's are starting to ship with 4GB and 8GB of RAM, overcoming the 3.2GB limit of a 32-bit OS, and running the 64-bit instruction set strike me as two good selling points.

We still have 30+ machines running XP Pro SP3, a few running Server 2003 R2 SP2, and the two newest PC's are Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1. There was a minor learning curve, but we've had no real problems. I think a (slow and gradual) migration to Win7 has begun here.

I was a little shocked/disgusted that they even released a 32-bit version of Windows 7.


It sounds like any issues you are having may stem more from the 32/64 bit than from the XP/W7 differences. W7 is definitely faster than XP (on a W7 compatable machine) although there are times when XP seems more user friendly. That is something that happens with every new OS and you just have to adjust a few of your habits which doesn't normally happen in just a few days.


Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.

Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.***

The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else.

"Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"


The guy that has tried them all but hates changing habits. I'm going to change one habit though and that's trying all the new OSs. I'm stopping at W7. I still have Vista and 7 on this machine and XP on my wifes and one of the laptops along with a W7 64 bit running on a spare Sun G20 box so that is enough test envioronments for any purposes.


Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.

Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.***

The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else.

"Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"


The guy that has tried them all but hates changing habits. I'm going to change one habit though and that's trying all the new OSs. I'm stopping at W7. I still have Vista and 7 on this machine and XP on my wifes and one of the laptops along with a W7 64 bit running on a spare Sun G20 box so that is enough test envioronments for any purposes.

But but but... what about when you have to test how face-bashing your tablet pc affects your app in W8? XD


“Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.”



Laptop is new, desktop is old.

Not meaning to start an argument here...just wanted to know the opinion of the pros and what they use ;)

"New" means nothing, it's relative. Post specs man !

A true renaissance man

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