kor Posted July 18, 2012 Share Posted July 18, 2012 expandcollapse popup; Includes #NoTrayIcon #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> ;#include <StaticConstants.au3> ;#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> ;#Include <Array.au3> ;#Include <WinAPI.au3> ;#include <Constants.au3> ;#Include <GuiListView.au3> ;#Include <File.au3> ; Custom includes #include <Controls.au3> ;#include <Panel1.au3> ;#include <Panel2.au3> ; Global variables Global $sTemp = @TempDir & "\ADAM", $sName = "ADAM", $sVersion = "4.0.0" If WinExists($sName) Then Exit MsgBox(48, " Error", $sName & " is already running") _InstallFiles() _GUI() Func _InstallFiles() If Not FileExists($sTemp) Then DirCreate($sTemp) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\app.ico") Then FileInstall("img\app.ico", $sTemp & "\app.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\check.ico") Then FileInstall("img\check.ico", $sTemp & "\check.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\close.ico") Then FileInstall("img\close.ico", $sTemp & "\close.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\back.ico") Then FileInstall("img\back.ico", $sTemp & "\back.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\next.ico") Then FileInstall("img\next.ico", $sTemp & "\next.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\go.ico") Then FileInstall("img\go.ico", $sTemp & "\go.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "\warning.ico") Then FileInstall("img\warning.ico", $sTemp & "\warning.ico", 1) EndFunc ;==>_InstallFiles Func _GUI() Global $iWidth = 495, $iHeight = 500 Global $oGUI = GUICreate($sName, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, -1) ; create main gui window GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF, $oGUI) ; set background color GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; left border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, $iWidth, 1) ; top border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iWidth - 1, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; right border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, $iHeight - 1, $iWidth, 1) ; bottom border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $oGUI) ; show gui ; gui loop While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case Else _ADAM($oGUI) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_GUI Func _ADAM($oGUI) Local $aSubControls[30] Local $iAccountLeft = 50, $iAccountTop = 35, $iActionLeft = $iAccountLeft + 180, $iActionTop = $iAccountTop ; radio group Local $iLabelHeight = 92 ; bottom labels start height _CreateHeader("Active Directory Account Manager (Build " & $sVersion & ")", $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Account Type", $iAccountLeft, $iAccountTop, 155, 60) ; left, top, width, heigth $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Staff", $iAccountLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Student", $iAccountLeft + 80, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Action", $iActionLeft, $iActionTop, 215, 60) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Add", $iActionLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Delete", $iActionLeft + 80, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Move", $iActionLeft + 150, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 108, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("First Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Last Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 60) $aSubControls[1] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 60) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 151) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Username :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 458, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 185, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Staff ID :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Badge ID* :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Extension* :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLine(10, 262, $iWidth) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Location : ", 30, $iLabelHeight + 184) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateComboBox(100, 276, "option 3|option2", "") While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ADAM You will also need this (controls.au3) expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Constants.au3>a Global $iWidth, $iHeigth, $sTemp, $oGUI Func _CreateHeader($sText = "", $iWidth = 0) Local $iHeight = 5 Dim $aHeaderControl[2] $aHeaderControl[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, 12, $iHeight, $iWidth - 13, 20, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) ; left, top, width, height GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[0], 0x000000) $aHeaderControl[1] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, $iHeight + 20, $iWidth - 20, 1) GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[1], 0x8C8C8C) Return $aHeaderControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateHeader Func _CreateLine($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight = 1) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth - 20, $iHeight) GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x8C8C8C) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLine Func _CreateLabel($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 60, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabel Func _CreateInput($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 120, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateInput($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_CENTERIMAGE, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0xE5F5E5) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateInput Func _CreateLabelStatus($iStatus, $iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $iWidth = 100, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont($oControl, 10, 400, 0, "Tahoma") If $iStatus = 0 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0xDE4018) If $iStatus = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x32A55E) If $iStatus = 2 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x625F5D) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabelStatus Func _CreateIcon($sIcon, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth = 24, $iHeight = 24) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateIcon($sTemp & "\" & $sIcon & ".ico", "", $iLeft, $iTop - 2, $iWidth, $iHeight) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateIcon Func _CreateComboBox($iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $sTextDefault = "", $iWidth = 121, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($oControl), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) GUICtrlSetData($oControl, $sText, $sTextDefault) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0x000000) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateComboBox If you notice when running the combobox's default background seems to be white. If you click on the combo box the background will change to the color im trying to make it (just using black as a test color) Don't understand where I'm messing up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhoenixXL Posted July 18, 2012 Share Posted July 18, 2012 No idea why is this happening But u can correct it Just change this Function Func _CreateComboBox($iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $sTextDefault = "", $iWidth = 121, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($oControl), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0) GUICtrlSetData($oControl, $sText, $sTextDefault) ControlClick('','',$oControl) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateComboBox My code: PredictText: Predict Text of an Edit Control Like Scite. Remote Gmail: Execute your Scripts through Gmail. StringRegExp:Share and learn RegExp.Run As System: A command line wrapper around PSEXEC.exe to execute your apps scripts as System (LSA). Database: An easier approach for _SQ_LITE beginners. MathsEx: A UDF for Fractions and LCM, GCF/HCF. FloatingText: An UDF for make your text floating. Clipboard Extendor: A clipboard monitoring tool. Custom ScrollBar: Scroll Bar made with GDI+, user can use bitmaps instead. RestrictEdit_SRE: Restrict text in an Edit Control through a Regular Expression. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kor Posted July 18, 2012 Author Share Posted July 18, 2012 that's not really a solution since it makes the focus set to the combo box which is not where the focus should be set when the script launches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrewManNH Posted July 18, 2012 Share Posted July 18, 2012 Can you post a short reproducer script that demonstrates the problem and doesn't require any non-standard files, such as your icon files or the controls.au3 file? Much easier to trouble shoot the problem with something we can actually run. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhoenixXL Posted July 18, 2012 Share Posted July 18, 2012 that's not really a solution since it makes the focus set to the combo box which is not where the focus should be set when the script launches.Before showing the GUI u can use ControlFocus to give focus to the required control My code: PredictText: Predict Text of an Edit Control Like Scite. Remote Gmail: Execute your Scripts through Gmail. StringRegExp:Share and learn RegExp.Run As System: A command line wrapper around PSEXEC.exe to execute your apps scripts as System (LSA). Database: An easier approach for _SQ_LITE beginners. MathsEx: A UDF for Fractions and LCM, GCF/HCF. FloatingText: An UDF for make your text floating. Clipboard Extendor: A clipboard monitoring tool. Custom ScrollBar: Scroll Bar made with GDI+, user can use bitmaps instead. RestrictEdit_SRE: Restrict text in an Edit Control through a Regular Expression. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kor Posted July 18, 2012 Author Share Posted July 18, 2012 Can you post a short reproducer script that demonstrates the problem and doesn't require any non-standard files, such as your icon files or the controls.au3 file? Much easier to trouble shoot the problem with something we can actually run.you don't actually need the icon files. They aren't being used. you can just comment out the whole function if you wanted.The controls.au3 is just storing all the functions.you could just copy the functions from controls into the main script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrewManNH Posted July 18, 2012 Share Posted July 18, 2012 Or...you could do it as you're the one asking for help. triple_N 1 If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kor Posted July 18, 2012 Author Share Posted July 18, 2012 Or...you could do it as you're the one asking for help. expandcollapse popup; Includes #NoTrayIcon #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> ;#Include <Array.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #Include <GuiListView.au3> ;#Include <File.au3> ; Custom includes ;#include <Controls.au3> ;#include <Panel1.au3> ;#include <Panel2.au3> ; Global variables Global $sTemp = @TempDir & "ADAM", $sName = "ADAM", $sVersion = "4.0.0" If WinExists($sName) Then Exit MsgBox(48, " Error", $sName & " is already running") _InstallFiles() _GUI() Func _InstallFiles() If Not FileExists($sTemp) Then DirCreate($sTemp) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "app.ico") Then FileInstall("imgapp.ico", $sTemp & "app.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "check.ico") Then FileInstall("imgcheck.ico", $sTemp & "check.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "close.ico") Then FileInstall("imgclose.ico", $sTemp & "close.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "back.ico") Then FileInstall("imgback.ico", $sTemp & "back.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "next.ico") Then FileInstall("imgnext.ico", $sTemp & "next.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "go.ico") Then FileInstall("imggo.ico", $sTemp & "go.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "warning.ico") Then FileInstall("imgwarning.ico", $sTemp & "warning.ico", 1) EndFunc ;==>_InstallFiles Func _GUI() Global $iWidth = 495, $iHeight = 500 Global $oGUI = GUICreate($sName, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, -1) ; create main gui window GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF, $oGUI) ; set background color GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; left border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, $iWidth, 1) ; top border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iWidth - 1, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; right border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, $iHeight - 1, $iWidth, 1) ; bottom border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $oGUI) ; show gui ; gui loop While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case Else _ADAM($oGUI) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_GUI Func _ADAM($oGUI) Local $aSubControls[30] Local $iAccountLeft = 50, $iAccountTop = 35, $iActionLeft = $iAccountLeft + 180, $iActionTop = $iAccountTop ; radio group Local $iLabelHeight = 92 ; bottom labels start height _CreateHeader("Active Directory Account Manager (Build " & $sVersion & ")", $iWidth) $aSubControls[5] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Account Type", $iAccountLeft, $iAccountTop, 155, 60) ; left, top, width, heigth $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Staff", $iAccountLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Student", $iAccountLeft + 80, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Action", $iActionLeft, $iActionTop, 215, 60) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Add", $iActionLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Delete", $iActionLeft + 80, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Move", $iActionLeft + 150, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 108, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("First Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Last Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 60) $aSubControls[1] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 60) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 151) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Username :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 458, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 185, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Staff ID :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Badge ID* :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Extension* :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLine(10, 262, $iWidth) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Location : ", 30, $iLabelHeight + 184) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateComboBox(100, 276, "option 3|option2", "") While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ADAM Func _CreateHeader($sText = "", $iWidth = 0) Local $iHeight = 5 Dim $aHeaderControl[2] $aHeaderControl[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, 12, $iHeight, $iWidth - 13, 20, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) ; left, top, width, height GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[0], 0x000000) $aHeaderControl[1] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, $iHeight + 20, $iWidth - 20, 1) GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[1], 0x8C8C8C) Return $aHeaderControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateHeader Func _CreateLine($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight = 1) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth - 20, $iHeight) GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x8C8C8C) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLine Func _CreateLabel($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 60, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabel Func _CreateInput($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 120, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateInput($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_CENTERIMAGE, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0xE5F5E5) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateInput Func _CreateLabelStatus($iStatus, $iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $iWidth = 100, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont($oControl, 10, 400, 0, "Tahoma") If $iStatus = 0 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0xDE4018) If $iStatus = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x32A55E) If $iStatus = 2 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x625F5D) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabelStatus Func _CreateIcon($sIcon, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth = 24, $iHeight = 24) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateIcon($sTemp & "" & $sIcon & ".ico", "", $iLeft, $iTop - 2, $iWidth, $iHeight) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateIcon Func _CreateComboBox($iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $sTextDefault = "", $iWidth = 121, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($oControl), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) GUICtrlSetData($oControl, $sText, $sTextDefault) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0x000000) ;ControlClick('','',$oControl) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateComboBox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrewManNH Posted July 19, 2012 Share Posted July 19, 2012 I'm not sure why it's not coloring it correctly, but I foresee many problems with this script in the future if this isn't just a proof-of-concept script. All of your controls are being assigned to the same location in the $asubcontrols array, which means you'll never be able to access them later in the script. Plus unless you actually need the control ids from the labels and group items, there's no need to preserve them in the array, i.e. if you're not going to change them or access them later you don't need to care what the ids are. As to having the combobox colored when the script starts, and having the focus on the correct control instead of the Combo, try this mod to your script. See the lines marked with ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< expandcollapse popup; Includes #NoTrayIcon #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> ;#Include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> ;#Include <File.au3> ; Custom includes ;#include <Controls.au3> ;#include <Panel1.au3> ;#include <Panel2.au3> ; Global variables Global $sTemp = @TempDir & "ADAM", $sName = "ADAM", $sVersion = "4.0.0", $iWidth If WinExists($sName) Then Exit MsgBox(48, " Error", $sName & " is already running") _InstallFiles() _GUI() Func _ADAM($oGUI) Local $aSubControls[30] Local $iAccountLeft = 50, $iAccountTop = 35, $iActionLeft = $iAccountLeft + 180, $iActionTop = $iAccountTop ; radio group Local $iLabelHeight = 92 ; bottom labels start height _CreateHeader("Active Directory Account Manager (Build " & $sVersion & ")", $iWidth) $aSubControls[5] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Account Type", $iAccountLeft, $iAccountTop, 155, 60) ; left, top, width, heigth $aSubControls[1] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Staff", $iAccountLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25); <<<<<<<<<<<<< I am going to set focus to this control, so need a unique array setting $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Student", $iAccountLeft + 80, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Action", $iActionLeft, $iActionTop, 215, 60) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Add", $iActionLeft + 20, $iAccountTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Delete", $iActionLeft + 80, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("&Move", $iActionLeft + 150, $iActionTop + 22, 60, 25) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 108, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("First Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Last Name :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 60) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 60) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 228, 151) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Username :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 30) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 30) ;_CreateIcon("warning", 458, 121) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLine(10, 185, $iWidth) $aSubControls[0] = _CreateLabel("Staff ID :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Badge ID* :", 30, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 100, $iLabelHeight + 137) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Extension* :", 260, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateInput("", 330, $iLabelHeight + 107) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLine(10, 262, $iWidth) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateLabel("Location : ", 30, $iLabelHeight + 184) $aSubControls[2] = _CreateComboBox(100, 276, "option 3|option2", "") ControlFocus($sName, "", $aSubControls[1]) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< sets focus to the control marked above While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ADAM Func _CreateComboBox($iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $sTextDefault = "", $iWidth = 121, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight) GUICtrlSetData($oControl, $sText, $sTextDefault) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0x00FF00) ControlClick('','',$oControl) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< uncomment this line Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateComboBox Func _CreateHeader($sText = "", $iWidth = 0) Local $iHeight = 5 Dim $aHeaderControl[2] $aHeaderControl[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, 12, $iHeight, $iWidth - 13, 20, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) ; left, top, width, height GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[0], 0x000000) $aHeaderControl[1] = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10, $iHeight + 20, $iWidth - 20, 1) GUICtrlSetColor($aHeaderControl[1], 0x8C8C8C) Return $aHeaderControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateHeader Func _CreateIcon($sIcon, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth = 24, $iHeight = 24) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateIcon($sTemp & "" & $sIcon & ".ico", "", $iLeft, $iTop - 2, $iWidth, $iHeight) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateIcon Func _CreateInput($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 120, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateInput($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_CENTERIMAGE, $ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetBkColor($oControl, 0xE5F5E5) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateInput Func _CreateLabel($sText = "", $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 60, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabel Func _CreateLabelStatus($iStatus, $iLeft, $iTop, $sText = "", $iWidth = 100, $iHeight = 20) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, BitOR($SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetFont($oControl, 10, 400, 0, "Tahoma") If $iStatus = 0 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0xDE4018) If $iStatus = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x32A55E) If $iStatus = 2 Then GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x625F5D) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabelStatus Func _CreateLine($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight = 1) Local $oControl = GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth - 20, $iHeight) GUICtrlSetColor($oControl, 0x8C8C8C) Return $oControl EndFunc ;==>_CreateLine Func _GUI() Global $iWidth = 495, $iHeight = 500 Global $oGUI = GUICreate($sName, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, -1) ; create main gui window GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF, $oGUI) ; set background color GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; left border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, $iWidth, 1) ; top border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iWidth - 1, 1, 1, $iHeight - 1) ; right border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, $iHeight - 1, $iWidth, 1) ; bottom border GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x8C8C8C) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $oGUI) ; show gui ; gui loop While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case Else _ADAM($oGUI) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_GUI Func _InstallFiles() If Not FileExists($sTemp) Then DirCreate($sTemp) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "app.ico") Then FileInstall("imgapp.ico", $sTemp & "app.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "check.ico") Then FileInstall("imgcheck.ico", $sTemp & "check.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "close.ico") Then FileInstall("imgclose.ico", $sTemp & "close.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "back.ico") Then FileInstall("imgback.ico", $sTemp & "back.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "next.ico") Then FileInstall("imgnext.ico", $sTemp & "next.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "go.ico") Then FileInstall("imggo.ico", $sTemp & "go.ico", 1) If Not FileExists($sTemp & "warning.ico") Then FileInstall("imgwarning.ico", $sTemp & "warning.ico", 1) EndFunc ;==>_InstallFiles If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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