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I'm starting to be able to create short scripts, but the execution is erratic, some pop ups and sounds show up to quick or to slow.

I have set some win wait and sleeps but still I can't seem to get a good flow between steps, any suggestions welcome. This happens with this example:

;WinSetState("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
If WinExists ("Mozilla") Then
MsgBox(0, "", "Firefox is now running")
MsgBox(0, "", "Please Start Firefox")
If WinExists ("Mozilla") Then
MsgBox(0, "", "Firefox is now running")
MsgBox(0, "", "Please Start Firefox")

PS. Do I need to repeat my Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) before EVERY Window or just leave it at the beginning of the script?


Posted (edited)

Not quite sure what the problem could be, I haven't played much with handling windows, but this would be how I would probably start.

Global $FFClass = "[CLASS:MozillaWindowClass]"

While Not WinExists($FFClass)
    Switch MsgBox(16+5+262144, "Error!", "Please Start Firefox.")
        Case 4
        Case 2

If WinExists($FFClass) Then
    MsgBox(64, "Info!", "here's where you can do stuff with FF")

Func Escape()

P.S. To get the "CLASS" name of windows, use the "AU3Info" tool under the tools menu in the SciTE editor.

Edited by ApudAngelorum
Posted (edited)

Thank you Apud,

Actually your script is much better than mine!

But still on my machine, the Windows Chime sound comes before the pop up, how can I make sure everything is in synch everytime?

Sometimes it works, and sometimes not, depending on what windows are open ect...

For example:

The sound comes first

Then maybe half second later the pop up:

MsgBox(64, "Info!", "here's where you can do stuff with FF")

I hope I'm being clear!

Edited by xuzo

No, that sounds more like a problem with some kind of antivirus intercepting activity in your script.

Try to add an exception for the autoit interpreter, autoit3.exe.

Posted (edited)

Actually that might just be it, I just installed Ad-Aware yesterday, causing all kinds of slow downs and crashes.. will add exeption or switch to any anther anti virus program.

P.S. To get the "CLASS" name of windows, use the "AU3Info" tool under the tools menu in the SciTE editor.

Problem with that is browser backwards compatibility, for example:

Firefox 2.0


Firefox 12.0


Can I use operators 1,2,3 and 4 for Windows Class as I do for titles to be compatible with more broswers? Like these?:

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase

Edited by xuzo

Actually that might just be it, I just installed Ad-Aware yesterday, causing all kinds of slow downs and crashes.. will add exeption or switch to any anther anti virus program.

Problem with that is browser backwards compatibility, for example:

Firefox 2.0


Firefox 12.0


Can I use operators 1,2,3 and 4 for Windows Class as I do for titles to be compatible with more broswers? Like these?:


If you want backwards compatibility, I recommend you do it the way you were with option 2 for the opt statement.

Posted (edited)

Dont know if this will help

I use this when im waiting for windows to popup form an action all the info i get from the info finder

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;=> Matchs a string with in the title (ie Google - Mozilla Firefox)

Opt("WinTextMatchMode", 2) ;=> Matchs a string with in the Text

Func _WinWaitActivate($vWintitle, $vWinText, $timeout)

WinWait($vWintitle, $vWinText, $timeout)

If Not WinActive($vWintitle, $vWinText) Then WinActivate($vWintitle, $vWinText)

WinWaitActive($vWintitle, $vWinText, $timeout)

EndFunc ;==>_WinWaitActivate

$timeout = 3 ;=> acts as a sleep using whole numbers, 3 second wait if the window doesnot show up will continue script 0 is unlimited

$vWintitle = "Mozilla Firefox" ;=> title of the window

$vWinText = ""

$Controlid = "Button1"

_WinWaitActivate($vWintitle, $vWinText, $timeout) ;=> will wait for the window to showup and then activate that window ready for you action in this case click a button


_WinWaitActivate($vWintitle, $vWinText, $timeout) <<< this will not work if your computer is locked

Edited by GNGNUT

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