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Posted (edited)

This script allows me to use my us keyboard and layout to type using the far-eastern writing I select. I did not give this script a fancy interface. If you type too fast, your input may be counted twice. If that's the case, increase the delay between polls of the keyboard using the slider on the UI.

You may need to have the far eastern language fonts installed on your system.

Short (very short! For more info, Wikipedia is a great place to start) explanation about far eastern writings:

Hiragana and Katagana are part of the Japanese writing system, there is one "letter" per Japanese syllable.

hangul is part of the Korean writing system, it consists of 24 letters. The letters form syllables that are arranged into a pattern that would fit inside a square.

Most Kanji are Chinese characters that are also used in Japanese, though some are only used in Japanese.

Most Hanja are Chinese characters used in Korean, though some are only used in Korean.

For example, if I select hiragana and type "ka", I get か. If instead I select Korean Hangul, if I type "kkakk", I get 깎.

If I select kanji, hanja or simplified chinese characters, I have to enter the sound, then I get to pick the character I want to use from a list of characters that have the same sound.

For example, if I type "kuk" (means nation or country in Korean), then press F2 to signal that the sound I entered is complete, I then can pick 國 from a list.

For now, in Japanese or Simplified Chinese, I only entered characters that sound like "a". For Hanja, I only entered 35 characters.

Kanji, Hanja and SC Characters are each stored in their *.data text file. There are a lot of characters, and entering them all would take waayyyyy too much time. so please feel free to beef it up and share your work if you feel so inclined :D).

JKCKbd.au3 (the script itself, modified, the status bar kept causing the script to crash)

JKCKbd.au3 (the script itself, modified, without the & in &Exit button text)

Japanese - Kanji.zip contains "Japanese - Kanji.data", a text file used by the script

Korean - Hanja.zip contains "Korean - Hanja.data", a text file used by the script

Simplified Chinese - Characters.zip contains "Simplified Chinese - Characters.data", a text file used by the script

Of course, the *.data files have to be extracted from their zip files.

And the script and the *.data files have to be in the same folder.

Edited by rodent1
Posted (edited)

Does this add something the IME built into Windows doesn't have?

In Japanese, Hiragana mode, if I type "kore" (at any speed), it registers こう with an R at the bottom, then crashes after typing the E.

Edited by willichan
Posted (edited)

OK, I see this happening, In a misguided drive to improve a dismal gui, I added an accelerator key to the Exit button (&Exit). For some reason, just typing "E" will set it off. I'm uploading a new version without the & in &Exit. And for the extra ぅ, that's because the "o" was read twice. If you increase the time between keyboard polls, it should go away.

Edited by rodent1

it could, here is an idea: you could add another method to enter Chinese characters by number of strokes, or by key. The IME does not do that.

Seriously, the idea here is not necessarily give you free software for whatever use you may have, it is just to show in an example (hint, forum name = Example scripts) how AutoIT could do certain tasks.

Posted (edited)




(I assume you know Japanese???)

Edited by Rux
Posted (edited)


しかし、私はGoogleの助けを借りて読むことができました :D



Edited by rodent1

it could, here is an idea: you could add another method to enter Chinese characters by number of strokes, or by key. The IME does not do that.

Great! I'll keep watching.

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