antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 Quite simply...I want to find a way to write a script for merging information from textfiles via keywords.M`k. I will have two text files.the first text file, Will have a series of keywords. One keyword for each line in the file. It would be something simple, Such as a random series of numbers.the second text file, Will be a cluster of information, With a few lines in that text file that have the keyword line from textfile 1 in it.Now, I want those lines with the keyword from the textfile copied into a seperate list and saved. Not just the keyword, But the entire line that contains that keyword.I have utilized textfiles on a few occasions in the past for uses such as storing information as a log for info that has gone through a script I have used. But nothing to this extent. I am pretty unfamiliar with textfile usage in autoit.$file = FileWrite("temp.txt", $STX) $file = FileOpen("temp.txt", 0) $line = FileReadLine($file, 1) Send($line, 1) $file = FileWrite("Log.txt", $line) $file = FileWrite("Log.txt", "$time") $file = FileWriteLine("Log.txt", "")I would love to expand my knowledge to using textfiles for writing more tools. But eh..Well. I suck at asking for help! ><!If anyone here understands what I am trying to do <3 Then please step forward.
antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 Found this thread....It seems to be a similar idea to what I am looking for...but I cant seem to properly apply it.
stormbreaker Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 Something like: #include $string = "My line contains the word MKISH" $string2 = "MKISH MKISH everywhere" $string1 = "NO word" FileWrite("example.txt", $string & @crlf & $string2 & @CRLF & $string1) msgbox(64, "", "Example txt file created. I will search for 'MKISH'") For $i = 1 to Int(_FileCountLines("example.txt")) If StringInStr(FileReadLine("example.txt", $i), "MKISH") then FileWrite("MKISH.txt", FileReadLine("example.txt", $i) & @crlf) Next Change the word "MKISH" to whatever your search is... antisocialneedinghelp 1 ---------------------------------------- :bye: Hey there, was I helpful? ---------------------------------------- My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1
antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) Something like: #include $string = "My line contains the word MKISH" $string2 = "MKISH MKISH everywhere" $string1 = "NO word" FileWrite("example.txt", $string & @crlf & $string2 & @CRLF & $string1) msgbox(64, "", "Example txt file created. I will search for 'MKISH'") For $i = 1 to Int(_FileCountLines("example.txt")) If StringInStr(FileReadLine("example.txt", $i), "MKISH") then FileWrite("MKISH.txt", FileReadLine("example.txt", $i) & @crlf) Next Change the word "MKISH" to whatever your search is... Well. the thing is, As I said in the first post, I am trying to find a way to have it not just look for "One word" But, A list of many many keywords within the file (In excess of 1,000) then copy that line to a text file. Is it possible for me to set MKISH to something like. $FirstLine then after the line add something like delete the first line in the text file, And simply loop until it runs out of lines in the text file? I suggest simply looping reading the first line, finding it, then deleteing the line it checked from the list of keywords since it seems like it would be easier for someone to know how to do that over going through a list. Basicly.... #include $string = "My line contains the word $Get Line 1 from keyword textfile blablabla" $string2 = "MKISH MKISH everywhere" $string1 = "NO word" FileWrite("example.txt", $string & @crlf & $string2 & @CRLF & $string1) msgbox(64, "", "Example txt file created. I will search for 'MKISH'") For $i = 1 to Int(_FileCountLines("example.txt")) If StringInStr(FileReadLine("example.txt", $i), "MKISH") then FileWrite("MKISH.txt", FileReadLine("example.txt", $i) & @crlf) Delete line 1 from keyword textfile Next Unless someone knows how to search one line in the textfile, then the next, then the next, and so on. Edit: $value34 = InputBox("Variable Scan", "Search for...") msgbox(64, "", "Example txt file created. I will search for " & $value34) For $i = 1 to Int(_FileCountLines("example.txt")) If StringInStr(FileReadLine("example.txt", $i), $value34) then FileWrite("Results.txt", FileReadLine("example.txt", $i) & @crlf) Next Script isnt bad....But, I would just like a way to replace the $value34 input box with a textfile of keywords, first line, second line, and so on. until the entire list is done. Edited June 21, 2012 by antisocialneedinghelp
somdcomputerguy Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 Unless someone knows how to search one line in the textfile, then the next, then the next, and so on.See the example code for this function - FileReadLine, this might help. - Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */Â If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 Do $file = FileOpen("Keywords.txt", 0) $line = FileReadLine($file, 1) For $i = 1 to Int(_FileCountLines("ClusterOfData.txt")) If StringInStr(FileReadLine("ClusterOfData.txt", $i), $line) then FileWrite("Results.txt", FileReadLine("ClusterOfData.txt", $i) & @crlf) Next _FileWriteToLine ("Keywords.txt", 1, "", 1) FileClose($file) $count =1 Until $count = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 There is my current progress.... Scans the textfile for the info...finds it, Deletes the keyword from the original list (AKA Line one) Then repeats the process almost endlessly. Only problem now is...By scanning one at a time, It is taking Way Way too long.... Tried to duplicate line 7 and 4 with variables included such as $line5 = FileReadLine($file, 1) and well, You get the idea. It didnt seem to help with its speed at all...The textfiles are just large and need to search everything in one big clump if possible.
antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 Maybe it was a bad idea to just pull the first line from the textfile and then delete like this...Now it seems to just endlessly try to pull a non-existent line when it runs out of them never stopping.
AndrewG Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 Maybe this will work for you. I tested it with a short keyword list, and a small "text cluster file". It's probably not perfect... expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $keywordsFile = 'keywords.txt' Global $textCluster = 'text.txt' Global $iFile, $aKeyWords, $iNumOfLines, $hResultFile Global $i, $ii, $iCount = 1, $sRet $iFile = _FileReadToArray($keywordsFile, $aKeyWords) If $iFile = 0 Then MsgBox(48, 'ERROR', 'Error: ' & @error & @CRLF & 'Check help file for _FileReadToArray() function') Exit EndIf $hResultFile = FileOpen('result.txt',1) $iNumOfLines = _FileCountLines($textCluster) For $i = 1 To $iNumOfLines If _IsPressed('1b', $hDLL) Then ; Press the escape key to quit ExitLoop EndIf If $iCount = $iNumOfLines Then ExitLoop EndIf $sRet = FileReadLine($textCluster, $iCount) For $ii = 1 To UBound($aKeyWords) -1 If StringInStr($sRet, $aKeyWords[$ii], 2) Then FileWrite($hResultFile, $sRet & @CRLF) EndIf Next $iCount = $iCount + 1 Next FileClose($hResultFile) antisocialneedinghelp 1
antisocialneedinghelp Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) Maybe this will work for you. I tested it with a short keyword list, and a small "text cluster file". It's probably not perfect... expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $keywordsFile = 'keywords.txt' Global $textCluster = 'text.txt' Global $iFile, $aKeyWords, $iNumOfLines, $hResultFile Global $i, $ii, $iCount = 1, $sRet $iFile = _FileReadToArray($keywordsFile, $aKeyWords) If $iFile = 0 Then MsgBox(48, 'ERROR', 'Error: ' & @error & @CRLF & 'Check help file for _FileReadToArray() function') Exit EndIf $hResultFile = FileOpen('result.txt',1) $iNumOfLines = _FileCountLines($textCluster) For $i = 1 To $iNumOfLines If _IsPressed('1b', $hDLL) Then ; Press the escape key to quit ExitLoop EndIf If $iCount = $iNumOfLines Then ExitLoop EndIf $sRet = FileReadLine($textCluster, $iCount) For $ii = 1 To UBound($aKeyWords) -1 If StringInStr($sRet, $aKeyWords[$ii], 2) Then FileWrite($hResultFile, $sRet & @CRLF) EndIf Next $iCount = $iCount + 1 Next FileClose($hResultFile) Works Very fast <3<3<3 I do have one question though. I tried to rename "keywords.txt" and "text.txt" to Object1.txt and Object2.txt and it seemed to break the program...Any clue what causes this? Or how I could rename them without the code breaking? Edit: And yes, I renamed the textfiles to match the lines of code Edited June 21, 2012 by antisocialneedinghelp
Malkey Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 And another example. expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> ; -------- Create test files ------------------ If FileExists("KeywordFile.txt") Then FileDelete("KeywordFile.txt") FileWrite("KeywordFile.txt", "123" & @LF & "345" & @LF & "678" & @LF & "321" & @LF & "45" & @LF & "21" & @LF & "12" & @LF) If FileExists("Object1.txt") Then FileDelete("Object1.txt") FileWrite("Object1.txt", "line 1 " & @LF & "line 2" & @LF & "line 3 F1" & @LF & "line 4" & @LF & "line 5" & @LF & "line 6") If FileExists("Object2.txt") Then FileDelete("Object2.txt") FileWrite("Object2.txt", "line 1 45 Object2" & @LF & "line 2" & @LF & "line 3 F2" & @LF & "line 4 Object2.txt 12" & @LF & "line 5") If FileExists("Object3.txt") Then FileDelete("Object3.txt") FileWrite("Object3.txt", "line 1 " & @LF & "line 2" & @LF & "line 3 F3" & @LF & "line 4" & @LF & "line 5 21 Object3.txt") ; --------> End of Create test files ------------------ Local $sKeyWords = StringRegExpReplace(StringStripWS(FileRead("KeywordFile.txt"), 2), "(R)", "|") ;ConsoleWrite($sKeyWords & @LF) ;Local $aArrayFiles = _FileListToArray($sPath, "Object*.txt",1) Local $aArrayFiles[4] = [3, "Object1.txt", "Object2.txt", "Object3.txt"] Local $sFileContents, $sLines = "", $a For $i = 1 To UBound($aArrayFiles) - 1 $sFileContents = FileRead($aArrayFiles[$i]) If StringRegExp($sFileContents, $sKeyWords) Then $a = StringRegExp($sFileContents, "(.*(?:" & $sKeyWords & ").*)", 3) & @CRLF For $j = 0 To UBound($a) - 1 $sLines &= $a[$j] & @LF Next EndIf Next ConsoleWrite($sLines & @LF) ;FileWrite("NewFile.txt",$sLines" ;Clean up files FileDelete("KeywordFile.txt") For $i = 1 To UBound($aArrayFiles) - 1 FileDelete($aArrayFiles[$i]) Next
AndrewG Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 Works Very fast <3<3<3 I do have one question though. I tried to rename "keywords.txt" and "text.txt" to Object1.txt and Object2.txt and it seemed to break the program...Any clue what causes this? Or how I could rename them without the code breaking? Edit: And yes, I renamed the textfiles to match the lines of code If you ran my script as it is and you just renamed your text files to match the the filenames in the script, and it worked for you then the lines you edited in the script are most likely the problem. I noticed you don't have quotes surrounding your new names. Did you forget them in the script? However; I noticed that my script terminated before the last line in the "text cluster file" was checked. Should be fixed in the script below. expandcollapse popup#include <File.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $keywordsFile = 'keywords.txt' Global $textCluster = 'text.txt' Global $iFile, $aKeyWords, $iNumOfLines, $hResultFile Global $i, $ii, $iCount = 1, $sRet ;Check for keywords file If Not FileExists($keywordsFile) Then MsgBox(48, 'ERROR', 'Keywords file not found.' & @CRLF& 'Program Terminated.') Exit EndIf ;Check for text cluster file If Not FileExists($textCluster) Then MsgBox(48, 'ERROR', 'Text Cluster file not found.' & @CRLF& 'Program Terminated.') Exit EndIf $iFile = _FileReadToArray($keywordsFile, $aKeyWords) If $iFile = 0 Then MsgBox(48, 'ERROR', 'Error: ' & @error & @CRLF & 'Check Autoit help file for _FileReadToArray() function') Exit EndIf $hResultFile = FileOpen('result.txt',1) $iNumOfLines = _FileCountLines($textCluster) For $i = 1 To $iNumOfLines If _IsPressed('1b', $hDLL) Then ; Press the escape key to quit ExitLoop EndIf $sRet = FileReadLine($textCluster, $iCount) For $ii = 1 To UBound($aKeyWords, 1) -1 If StringInStr($sRet, $aKeyWords[$ii], 2, -1) Then FileWrite($hResultFile, $sRet & @CRLF) EndIf Next If $iCount = $iNumOfLines Then ExitLoop EndIf $iCount = $iCount + 1 Next FileClose($hResultFile) DllClose($hDLL) Exit antisocialneedinghelp 1
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