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Change Text in existing Word Doc

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I copy and change the same 3 documents each week according to which customer I am working with. I have a script that creates a new directory and copies the documents. It renames the docs according to the customer name and now I want to add info into one particular document.

I have input boxes gathering data such as Project Start and End Dates and I want to auto populate the document with that info. I am having trouble figuring this out. I have everything working but the replacing of the text.

#include <Date.au3>

#include <File.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>


#include <Word.au3>


; Getting Customer Name for Directory Creation


$Cust = InputBox ("Customer Name", "Customer Name")


; Create Directory for Document Storage

; -----------------------------------------------------

DirCreate ("D:\Documents\" & $Cust)

$Doclocale = ("D:\Documents\" &$Cust)


; Copy Engagement Docs


FileCopy ("C:\Users\bnelson\Downloads\ConsultingDocs\Documentation - Master\AllEngaments\*.*", $Doclocale)

FileMove ($DocLocale & "\Daily Status.xls", $DocLocale & "\" & $Cust & " Daily Status.xls")

FileMove ($DocLocale & "\Project Completion document.doc", $DocLocale & "\" & $Cust & " Project Completion document.doc")

FileMove ($DocLocale & "\Heclth Check.docx", $DocLocale & "\" & $Cust & " Health Check.docx")


; Edit Project Completion Document to reflect project information


$oProjDoc = ($DocLocale & "\" & $Cust & " Project Completion document.doc")

$oStartDate = Inputbox ("Start Date", "Start Date")

$oEndDate = InputBox ("End Date", "End Date")

$oLDConsultant = ("Billy Nelson")

$oSOWDate = InputBox ("SOW Date", "SOW Date")

$oWordApp = _WordCreate ($oProjDoc)

$oDoc = _WordDocGetCollection ($oWordApp, 0)

_WordDocFindReplace( $oProjDoc, "RefStartDate", $oStartDate)

_WordDocFindReplace( $oProjDoc, "RefEndDate", $oEndDate)

_WordDocFindReplace( $oProjDoc, "RefConsultant", $oLDConsultant)

_WordDocFindReplace( $oProjDoc, "RefSOWDate", $oSOWDate)

_WordDocSave ($oProjDoc)

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Add some error checking so you know where and why your script fails:

; ...
$oWordApp = _WordCreate ($oProjDoc)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
$oDoc = _WordDocGetCollection ($oWordApp, 0)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
_WordDocFindReplace( $oDoc, "RefStartDate", $oStartDate)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
_WordDocFindReplace( $oDoc, "RefEndDate", $oEndDate)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
_WordDocFindReplace( $oDoc, "RefConsultant", $oLDConsultant)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
_WordDocFindReplace( $oDoc, "RefSOWDate", $oSOWDate)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)


Just noticed you get $oDOC returned by _WordDocGetCollection but then use $oProjDoc.

I changed my above example code to use $oDoc everywhere.

Edited by water

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Glad to be of service ;)

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Another approach is to have a Word template containing bookmarks, go to bookmarks in row and type text.

Small example:

global $oWordApp  = _wordcreate(@ScriptDir & "_template.doc",0 )
global $oDoc = _WordDocGetCollection($oWordApp,0)
global $w = $oDoc.Application

; move there
; insert content
$w.Selection.typetext("This is inserted at the bookmark")

Not sure how your milage in Word VBA is, but bookmarks can be both a "point" and "range".

What you choose is I guess not important. I like the template way because I "start from blank" each time.

I am just a hobby programmer, and nothing great to publish right now.

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