Anoni Posted June 20, 2012 Posted June 20, 2012 Hey, it has been a very very long time since I have tried my hand at anything AutoIt. Really, I just need a script that is so freaking easy, someone please take 30 seconds to type it for me pelase? I don't have great use of my left hand and the whole control+v thing grows awkward quickly. I would like to have a script that will, once converted to executable (and thusly executed), would patiently wait (invisibly- exept for a taskbar entry) for the space key to be pressed. When it recognizes the spacebar being pressed, it simply (and quite rapidly) will (control+v) (tab) then resume waiting for spacebar presses. There need not be any significant wait/sleep durations in the executions.. maybe just a TINY pause. It does not need to be tied to a winwait active or any such things so long as it can be closed using the taskbar notification. Would somneone please do this for me?
stormbreaker Posted June 20, 2012 Posted June 20, 2012 You mean something like: #include <Misc.au3> While 1 If _IsPressed('20') then Send('{LCTRL}V{TAB}') If _IsPressed('1B') then Exitloop WEnd You should seriously consider learning this language, if you wish to be here, anyways not a good start... ---------------------------------------- :bye: Hey there, was I helpful? ---------------------------------------- My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1
Anoni Posted June 20, 2012 Author Posted June 20, 2012 Well, thank you for some help with this.Your comment about ought to learn the language has earned some defesive commentary.If you could see posts from my account as long as 2 years? ago... you would find that I wasunderway to creating login applications. After spending hours and hours reading aboutthe overfveiws and possibilities and guidelines and all that stuff that is offered as 'beginner'matterial, I was finding that I was being given so much information that probably would neverbe used by me... in fact about 80% of my time was being diverted to stuff that was not quterelevant.... many days of this later I realized that I was really not any closer to actually completinganything.... in fact I was getting further and further diverted without much recourse to say"hey!... what I really need to know is 'why this- or when that' ".. so I go to the forums for help.Yeah some snotty people kept trying to make me feel unworthy because I did not know how to'take samples of my own typing paterns' in order to do something simple like have tiny pausesbetween keystrokes.... no direct answers that helped were given and I was not aksing anythingcomplicated... the aswers and guides were incliuding outfield in the question about homebase(quite unneccisarly... too).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are one to actually want to help, and I hope you are?I will dicect the code knowing that it 'should' be applicable leads to stuff I would actually use.I am not lazy- only misguided repeatedly.#include <Misc.au3>While 1If _IsPressed('20') then Send('{LCTRL}V{TAB}')If _IsPressed('1B') then ExitloopWEnd----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have not made an exucutable of this yet to test it out, there anything in here that makes this taskbar only or that a default quality?"Send('{LCTRL}V{TAB}')"I have done coding before on many things and I am pleased with similarities of thisabd basica... however this looks to me like it would be all sent as a simutaneousinput... if I percieve this wrong, then I see nothing to declare the control key to be helddown durring the V stroke that would not neccissarly apply to the tab keystroke also...Care to clue me in? or am I unfortuanatly at the mercy of mindless textual explainationsthat usually do not actually have any capacity to make the reasons unserstandable.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not lazy, help me understand and I totally would learn it myself.Bas start for learning, not for trying on my part.input of V
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted June 20, 2012 Moderators Posted June 20, 2012 (edited) Yeah some snotty people kept trying to make me feel unworthy because I did not know how to'take samples of my own typing paterns' in order to do something simple like have tiny pausesbetween keystrokes VI don't believe it is "snotty" to suggest that you review the Help file, and try some things on your own rather than asking "will this work?". You mention being around the forum for a while, so you should know we try to take a "teach a man to fish" path rather than writing code for someone.#include <Misc.au3>While 1If _IsPressed('20') then Send('{LCTRL}V{TAB}')If _IsPressed('1B') then ExitloopWEnd----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have not made an exucutable of this yet to test it out, there anything in here that makes this taskbar only or that a default quality?"Send('{LCTRL}V{TAB}')" Again, you say you have not tested this out on your own yet, and are asking if it is right. It actually takes more time for you to write a response in the forum than it does to test it out yourself.Care to clue me in? or am I unfortuanatly at the mercy of mindless textual explainationsthat usually do not actually have any capacity to make the reasons unserstandable.If you consider the help file "mindless textual explanations" that you do not have the "capacity to make understandable", I'm not sure how anyone here is going to be able to assist. MKISH offered you a pretty decent example, have you even tried it to see if it meets your needs? Edited June 20, 2012 by JLogan3o13 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Mechaflash Posted June 20, 2012 Posted June 20, 2012 So you've been a member since December of 2009... with 5 posts... so you haven't contributed to this community even though you've been around for 3 years? Spoiler “Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.”
Anoni Posted June 21, 2012 Author Posted June 21, 2012 oh, wow- there sure are a lot of sharks and trolls about here.I was on my way out for the day and checked emails, etc... and saw the example.I gave my quick acessment.(accessing and typing a responce was actually faster than trying it out)I looked at it and said to myself- ok, these are my leads to look up stuff and study them out and they ought toeventually lead to greater understanding without blindly looking up terms and hope they relate to my needs.I supposed that there were somethings that I was not going to have explained to me in sorting through docsthat would likely lead me several times away from answering my question before maybe actually answering it...So I decided to ask about why holding a key durring V did not apply to the tab also...I have been homeless... well in a motohome without utilities at all for over a year since I asked for help so long ago.I am quite offended that you seem to think I have been what leaching off your fourms and not contributing?...I struggled to keep myself and wife warm while my vehicle was smashed and could not afford to hire an attorney.Wow, you took the time to look up my profile? or maybe just read my post and make some presumtions and thenattack me with your results? Where is the teach a man to fish phiosophy there? seems like the effort was beingspent very directy to attack me and not at all to wondering WHY would a person be a member for so long and notbe involved inthe slightest for much of it... hmmm maybe think about that in realistic terms, instead of just somegeneric detail you can make a blind attack out of? JLogan3o13 are you willing to teach how to fish a bit?last time I asked for help to put together a project, I was not kindly referred to help forms as you seem to have presumed.I had already searched for the information prior to posting ever at all, I do believe I said I had spent hours and hours looking in my earlier post...(how did you miss that, yet find so many things to attack and quote and attack again...... were you screening for stuffto attack me with?... that does seem to be the case when I observe what you decide to retain and respond to)... by the wayhours and hours was indeed honest and was over the course of several days... I DID put in my effort, I had thought askingpeople was the way to get help that a help doc was not providing... I did not get the help I was asking for last time and this time, Idecided to just get to the punch and ask someone to just type out a good example.Now, do you think my question about holding the control key durring the V stroke and not the tab stroke is someting a personunfamiliar with what and where the answers are can be easily found? I believe you could, and that you would do so just to putme down, however, to a person that does not know really why or why not it would hold the control key (or even if the example woulddo so at all or not), it is not something easily found, so /I asked.My question is valid and not easily found or recognizable to someone in my position..are you inclined to help me with a legitimate qustion? or are you inclined to further ingnore any reasonableness of what I sayin favor of finding things to attack me for like you have obviously been doing so far.... may I ask you why you thinkit is better to treat me this way? Maybe read my post a few times without filtering for things to attack? or must you suppose the worstyou can about someone you really know nothing about?Maybe I have only come across the resident trolls so far?Maybe someone out there would be willing to help without looking strictly for things to bash others for their amusement?Maybe many things are still possibly good, however so far- the definites here are that the responses have mostlybeen geared specifically to attack me while not bothering to understand my situation at all.Any good people left here?
Valik Posted June 21, 2012 Posted June 21, 2012 We have been praised by beginners and veterans alike for both the quality of our documentation in teaching the language as well as the help of the forum in teaching the language. If you cannot grok what you need with those then you are quite simply a dumb-ass. /endthread No really, I'm locking this. Do not PM me to argue or I will remove you. You come on here, give long-winded bullshit posts that amount to nothing more than you lacking something (my guess is cognitive capacity) as to why you don't write a self-described "freaking easy" script. Then you insult our documentation and community. No thanks. We need you a hell of a lot less than you apparently need us, assuming you can rub two neurons together enough to get a spark of thought inside your head.
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