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Hello Everybody,

This is my first official post even though I have been scouring the forums for a couple weeks now. I am a new program Hobbyist...just began learning Autoit/any language no earlier than the beginning of June. I am currently trying to figure out how to use the find Color under mouse and apply it from a pop up screen to a main GUI. I did find the main part of this code on one of these pages but I can't find where I originally started from...So thank you to whomever that was!

Issues I am facing:

  • When it does work it only works once
  • Can't seem to get the value of the Hex properly (tried different variations and my brain hurts now)
  • The main GUI doesn't refresh properly
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
Global $pos = MouseGetPos()
Global $pixel_hex = Hex(PixelGetColor($pos[0],$pos[1]), 6)
Global $pixel_last
Global $Popcolor, $ColorUpdate, $lblF8, $lblF9, $lblF10, $lblF11, $HexTopFirst, $HexTopSecond, $HexTopThird, $HexTopFourth, _
$HexBotFirst, $HexBotSecond, $HexBotThird, $HexBotFourth, $lblName1, $lblName2, $lblName3, $lblName4, $FirstColor, _
$SecondColor, $ThirdColor, $FourthColor
;-----------------MAIN GUI---------------
$MainColor = GUICreate ("Main Color Find", 340,140)
$ColorUpdate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Find Colors",110,105,120,25)
;........NAME Labels............
$lblMainName1= GUICtrlCreateLabel("One", 30, 68, 50, 13)
$lblMainName2= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Two", 108, 68, 45, 13)
$lblMainName3= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Three", 195, 68, 100, 13)
$lblMainName4= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Four", 280, 68, 30, 13)
$FirstMain = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(35, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
$SecondMain = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(112, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
$ThirdMain = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(200, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
$FourthMain = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(282, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
;----------Main Loop---------------------  
While 1
   $nMsg = GUIGetMsg(1)
   Switch $nMsg[1]
   Case $MainColor
   Switch $nMsg[0]
     Case $ColorUpdate
      Case $PopColor
      Switch $nMsg[0]
      GUICtrlSetState($ColorUpdate, $GUI_Enable)       
      Case $ColorUpdate
Func PopColor()
   $PopColor = GUICreate("Color Find Pop", 340,140)
   $ColorUpdate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Update Main",110,105,120,25)
   ;........F9 - F12 Labels.......
   $lblF8= GUICtrlCreateLabel("F8", 35, 7, 30, 20)
   $lblF9= GUICtrlCreateLabel("F9", 112, 7, 45, 20)
   $lblF10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F10", 200, 7, 50, 20)
   $lblF11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("F11", 282, 7, 42, 20)
   ;........Top HEX Labels.......
   $HexTopFirst= GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 22, 32, 60, 13)
   $HexTopSecond= GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 102, 32, 60, 13)
   $HexTopThird = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 188, 32, 60, 13)
   $HexTopFourth = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 271, 32, 60, 13)
   ;........BOTTOM HEX Labels.......
   $HexBotFirst= GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 22, 85, 60, 13)
   $HexBoTSecond= GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 102, 85, 60, 13)
   $HexBoTThird = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 188, 85, 60, 13)
   $HexBoTFourth = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 271, 85, 60, 13)
   ;........NAME Labels............
   $lblName1= GUICtrlCreateLabel("One", 30, 68, 50, 13)
   $lblName2= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Two", 108, 68, 45, 13)
   $lblName3= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Three", 195, 68, 100, 13)
   $lblName4= GUICtrlCreateLabel("Four", 280, 68, 30, 13)
   $FirstColor = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(35, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
   $SecondColor = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(112, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
   $ThirdColor = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(200, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
   $FourthColor = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(282, 48, 18, 18, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GRAPHIC,$SS_BLACKFRAME,$SS_SUNKEN))
func grab()
    $pos = MouseGetPos()
    $pixel_hex = Hex(PixelGetColor($pos[0],$pos[1]), 6)
        If $pixel_last <> $pixel_hex Then
        GUICtrlSetData($HexTopFirst, $pixel_hex)
  GUICtrlSetData($HexTopSecond, $pixel_hex)
  GUICtrlSetData($HexTopThird, $pixel_hex)
  GUICtrlSetData($HexTopFourth, $pixel_hex)
    $pixel_last = $pixel_hex

Func clip8()
    Local $color = "0x" & $pixel_last
   GUICtrlSetBkColor($FirstColor, $color)
   GUICtrlSetData($HexBotFirst, $Pixel_Last)
   Func clip9()
    Local $color = "0x" & $pixel_last
   GUICtrlSetBkColor($SecondColor, $color)
   GUICtrlSetData($HexBotSecond, $Pixel_Last)
   Func clip10()
    Local $color = "0x" & $pixel_last
   GUICtrlSetBkColor($ThirdColor, $color)
   GUICtrlSetData($HexBotThird, $Pixel_Last)
   Func clip11()
    Local $color = "0x" & $pixel_last
   GUICtrlSetBkColor($FourthColor, $color)
   GUICtrlSetData($HexBotFourth, $Pixel_Last)

Func endme()


  • Can my purpose be served better by applying read and write ini file?

    • Would it be possible to have the main GUI already have a saved HEX color if using ini that can be overwritting from pop up menu?
  • Would OnEvent be better?
Any help would be appreciated...been stressing out over this coding for the last few days!

You're reusing the variable name for the buttons on both GUIs, so when you call PopColor, the variable that holds the value from the first GUI gets overwritten by the handle to the button on the second GUI. Once you do that, the button on GUI 1 will never work again.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

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I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator


Thanks for the reply BrewMan!

oh that was a mistake from seperating this code from a much bigger project...accidental copy paste and no double checking the variables. Lets say we Change the FIrst button to just $Find and then we change the second button to $update. Now what would be the best way to get those colors from the 2nd GUI onto the 1st GUI after pressing $update?

Is there any way to read the Hex value of a font? A way to read the Hex value of a Graphic Background? Since the GUICtrlRead, GetData, Etc. does not return a Hex value and as soon as the mouse is moved the pixel_last is now different. So how do I capture that state in which when the button is pressed records the value but then communicates that value when and only when $update is pressed.

My previous attempt I tried to write an INI file for every F8-11 it would iniwrite "0x"&Pixel_Last into the INI and then referenced a variable to be read in the script and then refreshed on button press such as $update but it didn't work the way I thought it would...seemed as though it lagged in recording/missed a button/didn't copy correctly.

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