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Posted (edited)

My goal is to change the user agent for internet explorer to something else (for the whole process/session and not just one page). Been searching and haven't found a clear answer as to how to do this, if anyone can give me a little helping hand I'd appreciate it, thanks.

Tried, but didn't work out well for me (can't say I really understood it in the first place though):

Code I'm working with

#include <IE.au3>
$URL = "http://google.com"
$URL2 = "http://youtube.com"
$OIE = _IECREATE("http://msn.com")
Edited by Ranger08
Posted (edited)

Try doing it like this.

Local $sUserAgent = "Agent User 1.0"
Local $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
If @OSArch <> "X86" And @AutoItX64 Then $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER64SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
Local $Write = RegWrite($skey, "User Agent", "REG_SZ", $sUserAgent)
If Not $Write Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Something went wrong while trying to set the useragent.")
DllCall('WININET.DLL', 'long', 'InternetSetOption', 'int', 0, 'long', 39, 'str', 0, 'long', 0)

Edit: Do not run the first one, I remembered the data type of that key, this one is correct.

Edited by ApudAngelorum
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the reply, didn't work for me, here's the exact code i used

#include <IE.au3>
$URL = "http://google.com"
$URL2 = "http://youtube.com"
$OIE = _IECREATE("http://whatsmyuseragent.com")
Local $sUserAgent = "Agent User 1.0"
Local $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
If @OSArch <> "X86" And @AutoItX64 Then $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER64SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
Local $Write = RegWrite($skey, "User Agent", "REG_SZ", $sUserAgent)
If Not $Write Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Something went wrong while trying to set the useragent.")
DllCall('WININET.DLL', 'long', 'InternetSetOption', 'int', 0, 'long', 39, 'str', 0, 'long', 0)
Edited by Ranger08

#include <IE.au3>
Local $URL = "http://google.com"
Local $URL2 = "http://youtube.com"
Local $sUserAgent = "Agent User 1.0"
Local $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
If @OSArch <> "X86" And @AutoItX64 Then $skey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER64SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings"
Local $Write = RegWrite($skey, "User Agent", "REG_SZ", $sUserAgent)
If Not $Write Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Something went wrong while trying to set the useragent.")
DllCall('WININET.DLL', 'long', 'InternetSetOption', 'int', 0, 'long', 39, 'str', 0, 'long', 0)
$OIE = _IECREATE("http://whatsmyuseragent.com")
Sleep (500000)


Posted (edited)


Checked regedit and saw that the change was applied to the user agent, don't know why none of the sites I use to check the user agent aren't showing the change. Tried flushing DNS/Cache, same result. Could there possibly be an alternative way?

Edited by Ranger08

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