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Execute Function Assignment Limitation?

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Hi all,

How come the following fails:

msgbox(0,@error,"error is: " &@error)

According to the docs, @error code of 0 is good, anything else means the code failed. I get an error code of 1. Why does the execute code fail on assignment statements?



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Variable $tmp has do be defined before you can test it. You know that function Execute doesn't do an assignment but a comparison? That's why you get "False" as a result.

Global $tmp
$Result = Execute("$tmp='test'")
MsgBox(0, @error, "Result is: " & $Result & ", error is: " & @error)

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u can call a function using Execute

So make a function that will assign the values to a variable

if u use string for both variable and its value then use

Assign and Eval functions to pass it as a parameter to the respective Function

This will give you successful results ;)


ConsoleWrite(Execute('Assign ( "tmp", "" , 2 )')&@CRLF) ;Declare Global
ConsoleWrite(Execute('Assign ( "tmp", "test" , 4 )')&@CRLF) ; Assign a Value and Fail if the Var hasnt been already Declared
MsgBox(0,"",Eval('tmp')) ;Show the Value of The Var


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thanks for the advice about Assign. I learned some new behavior about autoit. I'm trying to provide a configurable session in my script to allow people to put code snippets in autoit and for it to execute. The assignment was one of the things that was not working. I'm guessing I will find other things that doesn't exactly work like if you were writing a regular script.

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