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Hi Forum

In the Koda Form Designer the Updown Button only works for an Inputbox.

I want to move things up and down in a listbox to sort it manually, but i can't get this done.

Is there any solution?




Thx for your quick reply.

Use ScrollBar control for this.

ScrollBar control? Can you detail it?

EDIT: Or use two buttons with images arrow up/down

You mean a button with picture in it?


#Include <GuiScrollBars.au3>

_GUIScrollBars_ShowScrollBar($hWnd, $nBar[, $fShow = True])

Won't work. Alway fails at $nBar. ($SB_BOTH, $SB_CTL, $hWnd, $SB_HORZ, $SB_VERT)

A button with a picture in it isn't a neat solution.

Is it possible to sort it with drag and drop?


It's ListView and not ListBox. It's diferent kind (ClassName) of control with diferent functionality.

This thread was up to now about ListBox.

Anyway if you are satisfied with it then no problem.

Year, you are right.

First i used listbox but then i switched to listview ;)

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