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_DateCalc (new UDF)


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Looking through the functions included in the <date.au3> the one thing that's missing is a function that takes a system date and returns a standard "calc" date. (like the reverse of _DateTimeFormat). Searching the forums didn't reveal anything either, so attached is my UDF to solve this.

Syntax is:

_DateCalc ("date" [, "date format" [, "time format"]])


date - Date in either system format or format provided (time is optional)

date format - [optional] format of date, default is system format

time format - [optional] format of time, default is system format

Return Value

Success: Date in format YYYY/MM/DD [HH:mm:ss]

Failure: Returns "", @ERROR = 1 (bad date), @ERROR = 2 (bad time)


If 2 digit year is given, 81 - 99 becomes 1981 - 1999, otherwise 2000 - 2080.

If time is not given, no time is returned.

If seconds are not included, 00 is added

Any date format is valid as long as a separator is provided, the exception being YYYYMMDD which is valid without a separator.

System format refers to the date format in use by the current user, rather than the default system date format which may be different. This is the same as is returned by the _Now () function.


_DateCalc ("3/4/2005 1:15:01 PM")

Output = 2005/03/04 13:15:01 (assuming system format is M/d/yyyy)

_DateCalc ("3.4.05 13:15", "d.m.yy", "HH:mm:ss")

Output = 2005/04/03 13:15:00

_DateCalc ("20051203", "YYYYMMDD")

Output = 2005/12/03

_DateCalc (_Now ())

Output = _NowCalc () - this can be used as a verification test


Edited by seanhart
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  • 2 years later...

/Blows dust off of the post

I can't believe nobody else has commented on this. After a decent amount of searching in hopes of not having to code this myself, I came across this post. Unless I missed something, it's the only Date/Time calculation that I could find that converts values in arbitrary formats to the AutoIT format so that functions like DateAdd() will work on your otherwise "incompatible" formats. It's awesome! @seanhart, if you're still around, thanks a lot for this, and great job.

The only criticism I have is that I got an error on two lines (28 and 30) for variables being re-declared. Simply commenting out these two lines did the trick, though.


An emoticon is worth a dozen words.

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  • 7 years later...

Do you realize that:

  1. The thread is 10 year old
  2. The post you answered is 7 year old
  3. Its author hasn't been online for 4 years

Please don't resurrect threads this old.

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SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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