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Wow.. It's been a long time since I last used AutoIT ^^

I am currently making games with Construct2 and learning to set up multiplayer games.

Since I kinda find AutoIT similar to C2 (Easy use and single threaded(I think C2 is single threaded...)) I wondered if a login or database check for "is online" is possible for autoit?

And if it is reasonable to make it with a single threaded application.

And if this is one of the things that are taboo to talk about!

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This thread is quite old and I'm sure the rules have changed since 2007.

Stick to the rules and you are save ;)

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Posting Games related topic to the forums has been restricted for quite long time. So, better not to post anything related to games or autologin... if you get a chance please go throught the forum rules one time...

Thank you,Regards,[font="Garamond"][size="4"]K.Syed Ibrahim.[/size][/font]

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This thread could have been over in a single word: Yes.

Threads along the lines of "can X do Y" are fundamentally stupid. The answer is pretty much always going to be "yes" at it's simplest and more commonly "yes, but..." In other words, pointless question is pointless.

People seem to think this thread is against the rules. I personally don't but I do think it's an incredibly stupid thread so I'm locking it for that reason.

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