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True but its the setup their using that im interested in, they say.........

Download latest version of PHP if you haven’t already done so, we only need "php.exe" and "php5.dll"(or "php5ts.dll"). Then create a text file, name it "index.php" and paste the code below into it:


$input = STDIN;
$command = '';

    $command .= fread($input, 8192);



Now pack all these three files to "php4autoit.7z".

Ok ive done that now what ? where does php4autoit.7z go now because they dont tell you and i always get a error on line 17 of there code.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

#include <constants.au3>

$rand =  "\~" & Random(1, 100000, 1)
$_7_zip32_dll_path = @TempDir & "\7-zip32.dll"
$files_7z_path = @TempDir & "\php4autoit.7z"
$extracted_files_path = @TempDir & $rand

FileInstall("7-zip32.dll", $_7_zip32_dll_path)
FileInstall("php4autoit.7z", $files_7z_path)

DllCall($_7_zip32_dll_path, "long", "SevenZip", "HWND", Chr(0), "str", 'x -hide -y "' & $files_7z_path &
'" "' & @TempDir & "\" & '" "' & $extracted_files_path & '\"', "str", "", "long", 0)

$s = "test"
$s = StringToBinary($s, 4)

$php = "$au3_text = '" & StringMid($s, 3) & "'; echo base64_encode(hex2bin($au3_text));"

$foo = Run($extracted_files_path & "\php.exe -f index.php", "", @SW_HIDE, $STDIN_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)

StdinWrite($foo, $php)

; Calling with no 2nd arg closes stream

; Read from child's STDOUT and show
$data = ''

While True
    $data &= StdoutRead($foo, false, True)
    If @error Then ExitLoop

MsgBox(0, 'base64 encoded text', BinaryToString($data))

DirRemove($extracted_files_path, 1)


Remember im still a noob trying to learn thanks. ;)


Finally i worked it out its the line.......

DllCall($_7_zip32_dll_path, "long", "SevenZip", "HWND", Chr(0), "str", 'x -hide -y "' & $files_7z_path &
'" "' & @TempDir & "" & '" "' & $extracted_files_path & '"', "str", "", "long", 0)

It should be.....

DllCall($_7_zip32_dll_path, "long", "SevenZip", "HWND", Chr(0), "str", 'x -hide -y "' & $files_7z_path & _
'" "' & @TempDir & "" & '" "' & $extracted_files_path & '"', "str", "", "long", 0)

There was a _ missing. ;)

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