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About ProcessClose

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When the function process close is used, does it clean up the resources of any child processes

which might be owned by the passed process?

I'm asking as I've been using Tesseract.exe, and making a number of calls to a function using it

quite rapidly (usually between 6 and 12 calls) using ShellExecute. EDIT: ShellExecuteWait

After a few calls usually either 6,7 or 8 the process takes about 4 times the time to complete than

previous calls, and I suspect some resources are not being cleaned up, so have been using ProcessClose

in an attempt to release any memory or other resources after each call.

These attempts as you might have gathered have not been successful.

A bit more info... a usual call will take around 300 milliseconds, then the following one call might take 3000 milliseconds, or two calls will take 1500 milliseconds each, amounting to around 3000.

EDIT: After that they go back to the normal 300 ms

If I sleep 500 milliseconds between each call the are all around 300 milliseconds to complete.

I'm after any suggestions of things to try.

Edited by JohnOne

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According to AutoIt 3.1.0 sources ProcessClose uses TerminateProcess API function


See Remarks section ... I think it may be what you are after

This function stops execution of all threads within the process and requests cancellation of all pending I/O. The terminated process cannot exit until all pending I/O has been completed or canceled. When a process terminates, its kernel object is not destroyed until all processes that have open handles to the process have released those handles.

TerminateProcess is asynchronous; it initiates termination and returns immediately. If you need to be sure the process has terminated, call the WaitForSingleObject function with a handle to the process.

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