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Posted (edited)

The original resolution switcher by HTC works good on earlier Windows, but has two problems on Win8.

  • When activated it creates a window telling the current resolution. It is given focus and thus forces Metro back to the desktop.
  • It switches between the native 800x480 and 1024x600 which is to low to run Metro apps.
To fix this I started with a simple script that switches to 1152x864 with a window that displays the resolution without grabbing focus.

Later I added some extras:

  • Option to skip the window altogether
  • Separate resolution in desktop and Metro
  • A simple installer/uninstaller for the HTC Shift (or other devices that use a synaptics touchpad in the same matter, check the code).

Code moved to attachment. See next post for screenshots.

ResSwitch source.rar

  • The .au3 itself
  • Modified (removed duplicate const's)
  • Modified (removed duplicate const's and commented WinXP (+ earlier) code to reduce file size)
ResSwitch.rar (previous downloads: 51)
  • A compiled .exe (if you don't have AutoIt? lol)
  • .bat file calling the installer/uninstaller function (optional)
  • .ini file containing the standard settings (optional)
Edited by AdmiralAlkex

I made a thread in the HTC Shift subsection at xda-developers, Another resolution changer (the biggest and the only Shift forum I know).

Anyone know of any other forums I should post this in?

Some screenshots:

Posted Image

Posted Image

(notice how the font is smooth as a baby's butt thanks to _GDIPlus_SetTextRenderingHint())

Also, do I get bonus points for the first example script that uses Null? ;) (even if it's just used for my pleasure and is not really needed at all?)

  • 3 months later...

-></( UPDATE )><-

  • I changed the script to use the IAppVisibility API to detect Metro instead of the previous kludge. Now also detects Metro apps and not just the Start screen. I don't think I mentioned that limitation before. Oops!
  • Does not jump to a lower resolution while in Metro (by default). Metro copes with resolution changes by closing all applications. Very annoying.
I have not done any work on supporting multiple monitors, but it kinda works as long as the internal display is the "main" one.

Download from first post.

  • 1 year later...

Having issues pushing PC images on Windows 8.1 that are completely refusing to retain resolution and desktop icon layout from the original image for some reason. Until we can figure out why, this is a great temporary solution for at least the resolution issue (which we can run as a batch job). Thank you for sharing this code!

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