InternetMonkeyBoy Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Autoit Thread If you want a function to be a true thread with it's own PID and all then check out this super simple example that does it well... test.exe test.au3
Guest Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 2 hours ago, InternetMonkeyBoy said: Autoit Thread If you want a function to be a true thread with it's own PID and all then check out this super simple example that does it well... test.exe test.au3 This is not real thread.. it is just more processes. you may be interested in my udf to add the communication functionality.
InternetMonkeyBoy Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Autoit multi threading and _WinAPI_Create_Process - I just couldn't find / or get it to do what I needed. This did it perfectly with only autoit code. No DLL or fancy calls. I say it rocks!
InternetMonkeyBoy Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 expandcollapse popup; This works very very well. Low CPU. All you have is the exe in memory for each thread. ; Send messages anyway you need. Try the iniwrite()/iniread(), regwrite()/regread, or fancy _NamedPipes. #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <Misc.au3> If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] = "MyFuncThread1" Then MyFuncThread1() If $CmdLine[1] = "MyFuncThread2" Then MyFuncThread2() If $CmdLine[1] = "MyFuncThread3" Then MyFuncThread3() EndIf If @Compiled Then ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, "MyFuncThread1") ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, "MyFuncThread2") ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, "MyFuncThread3") Else ShellExecute(@ScriptName, "MyFuncThread1") ShellExecute(@ScriptName, "MyFuncThread2") ShellExecute(@ScriptName, "MyFuncThread3") EndIf ;*** WARNING, if your thread returns without exiting - it will respawn. (Maybe you need that?) Func MyFuncThread1() _Singleton("MyFuncThread1", 0) MsgBox(0, "", "Thread 1", 0) Exit EndFunc ;==>MyFuncThread1 Func MyFuncThread2() _Singleton("MyFuncThread2", 0) MsgBox(0, "", "Thread 2", 0) Exit EndFunc ;==>MyFuncThread2 Func MyFuncThread3() _Singleton("MyFuncThread3", 0) MsgBox(0, "", "Thread 3", 0) Exit EndFunc ;==>MyFuncThread3 Oh, I forgot to post the code so here it is...
TheDcoder Posted April 1, 2016 Posted April 1, 2016 Base64 Snippets: expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Base64_Encode ; Description ...: Encode the $vData in Base64 ; Syntax ........: _Base64_Encode($vData) ; Parameters ....: $vData - $vData to Encode. ; Return values .: Success: Base64 encoded $vData in the form of a string. ; Failure: False and @error set to: ; 1 - If "error calculating the length of the buffer needed" ; 2 - If "error encoding" ; Author ........: trancexx ; Modified ......: Damon Harris (TheDcoder) ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Base64_Encode($vData) $vData = Binary($vData) Local $tByteStruct = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($vData) & "]") DllStructSetData($tByteStruct, 1, $vData) Local $tIntStruct = DllStructCreate("int") Local $aDllCall = DllCall("Crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptBinaryToString", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tByteStruct), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tByteStruct), _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIntStruct)) If @error Or Not $aDllCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; error calculating the length of the buffer needed EndIf Local $tCharStruct = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tIntStruct, 1) & "]") $aDllCall = DllCall("Crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptBinaryToString", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tByteStruct), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tByteStruct), _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tCharStruct), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIntStruct)) If @error Or Not $aDllCall[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; error encoding EndIf Return DllStructGetData($tCharStruct, 1) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Base64_Decode ; Description ...: Decode a base64 string ; Syntax ........: _Base64_Decode($sBase64) ; Parameters ....: $sBase64 - $sBase64 to decode. ; Return values .: Success: Decode data in the form of binary ; Failure: False & @error set to: ; 1 - If "error calculating the length of the buffer needed" ; 2 - If "error decoding" ; Author ........: trancexx ; Modified ......: Damon Harris (TheDcoder) ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Base64_Decode($sBase64) Local $tIntStruct = DllStructCreate("int") $aDllCall = DllCall("Crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptStringToBinary", _ "str", $sBase64, _ "int", 0, _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIntStruct, 1), _ "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", 0) If @error Or Not $aDllCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; error calculating the length of the buffer needed EndIf Local $tByteStruct = DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetData($tIntStruct, 1) & "]") $aDllCall = DllCall("Crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptStringToBinary", _ "str", $sBase64, _ "int", 0, _ "int", 1, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tByteStruct), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tIntStruct, 1), _ "ptr", 0, _ "ptr", 0) If @error Or Not $aDllCall[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, False); error decoding EndIf Return DllStructGetData($tByteStruct, 1) EndFunc I don't take credit, @trancexx made it, I just polished the functions, enjoy! TD EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time) DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion
JohnOne Posted April 7, 2016 Posted April 7, 2016 ; Hours, Minutes, Seconds To Milliseconds Func _HMS_To_MS($H = 0, $M = 0, $S = 0) Local $Rtn = 0 If $S > 0 Then $Rtn += $S * 1000 EndIf If $M > 0 Then $Rtn += $M * (1000 * 60) EndIf If $H > 0 Then $Rtn += $H * ((1000 * 60) * 60) EndIf Return $Rtn EndFunc AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
Gianni Posted April 7, 2016 Posted April 7, 2016 8 hours ago, JohnOne said: ; Hours, Minutes, Seconds To Milliseconds Func _HMS_To_MS($H = 0, $M = 0, $S = 0) Local $Rtn = 0 If $S > 0 Then $Rtn += $S * 1000 EndIf If $M > 0 Then $Rtn += $M * (1000 * 60) EndIf If $H > 0 Then $Rtn += $H * ((1000 * 60) * 60) EndIf Return $Rtn EndFunc Or in a simpler form... ; Hours, Minutes, Seconds To Milliseconds Func _HMS_To_MS($H = 0, $M = 0, $S = 0) Return $H * 3600000 + $M * 60000 + $S * 1000 EndFunc ;==>_HMS_To_MS ... & the return trip... ; Milliseconds To Hours:Minutes:Seconds Func _MS_TO_HHMMSS($iMs) $iMs /= 1000 Return StringFormat("%02d:%02d:%02d", Floor($iMs / 3600), Mod(Floor($iMs / 60), 60), Mod($iMs, 60)) EndFunc ;==>_MS_TO_HHMMSS JohnOne and Morthawt 2 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
InunoTaishou Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 Subclass labels to make them link with their corresponding checkbox. Ran into an issue creating a picture background with some checkboxes on it and the checkbox label wasn't transparent, but labels are. The checkbox doesn't get the highlight until you actually left click on it but I think it's a cleaner way of doing it since I can make windows send the handle of the checkbox this label goes to. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShellEx.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> Global $pNewWindowProc = DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister("NewWindowProc", "lresult", "hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam;uint_ptr;dword_ptr")) Global $hMain = GUICreate("Example", 200, 450) Global $aCheckHandles[22] Global $aLabelHandles[22] Global $tRectMain = _WinAPI_GetClientRect($hMain) For $i = 0 to 21 $aCheckHandles[$i] = GUICtrlGetHandle(GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", DllStructGetData($tRectMain, "right") - 20, 10 + $i * 20, 13, 13)) $aLabelHandles[$i] = GUICtrlGetHandle(GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label " & $i, DllStructGetData($tRectMain, "right") - ($i < 10 ? 75 : 85), 10 + $i * 20, ($i < 10 ? 50 : 60), 20)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600, "", "Arial") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0X1F1F1F) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hMain) For $i = 0 to 21 _WinAPI_SetWindowSubclass($aLabelHandles[$i], $pNewWindowProc, 9999, $aCheckHandles[$i]) Next While (True) Switch (GUIGetMsg()) Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE For $i = 0 to 21 _WinAPI_RemoveWindowSubclass($aLabelHandles[$i], $pNewWindowProc, 9999) Next GUIDelete($hMain) Exit 0 EndSwitch WEnd Func NewWindowProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam, $uIdSubclass, $dwRefData) If ($iMsg = $WM_LBUTTONUP Or $iMsg = $WM_LBUTTONDOWN Or $iMsg = $WM_MOUSEMOVE) Then Return _SendMessage($dwRefData, $iMsg, $wParam, _WinAPI_MakeLong(3, 3)) Return _WinAPI_DefSubclassProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc
Gianni Posted April 24, 2016 Posted April 24, 2016 Day of the week MsgBox(0, '', "Today is " & _DayOfTheWeek()) MsgBox(0, '', "Johann Sebastian Bach was born on " & _DayOfTheWeek(1685, 3, 31)) ; Passing a date in the form (yyyy, mm, dd) it returns the day of the week Func _DayOfTheWeek($y = @YEAR, $m = @MON, $d = @MDAY) Local Static $aDaysOfWeek[7] = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'] Local $fJulianDay = 367 * $y - Int(7 * ($y + Int(($m + 9) / 12)) / 4) - Int(3 * (Int(($y + Int(($m - 9) / 7)) / 100) + 1) / 4) + Int(275 * $m / 9) + $d + 1721028.5 Local $iDOW = Mod($fJulianDay + .5, 7) ; 0 = Monday . . . 6 = Sunday Return $aDaysOfWeek[$iDOW] EndFunc ;==>_DayOfTheWeek Skysnake and iamtheky 2 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
jchd Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 Is that significantly different from _DateDayOfWeek() from Date.au3? This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
Gianni Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 6 hours ago, jchd said: Is that significantly different from _DateDayOfWeek() from Date.au3? Yes it is, this one I posted here is worse and even worst it's not multilingual..... jokes apart, this is just another way to have all in one line without the need to include the whole date.au3 When I came across this formula, I liked it and I could not resist to post here this snippet, that's all. Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
JohnOne Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 It can also take zero arguments. AutoIt Absolute Beginners Require a serial Pause Script Video Tutorials by Morthawt ipify Monkey's are, like, natures humans.
Guest Posted May 6, 2016 Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) The most efficient and fast way to store number in Array and then check if the number is exists in the array. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> Global $g_aNumbers[101] AddNumber(0) AddNumber(5) AddNumber(80) AddNumber(21) AddNumber(100) ConsoleWrite('Number 0: '&NumberExists(0)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 5: '&NumberExists(5)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 80: '&NumberExists(80)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 21: '&NumberExists(21)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 100: '&NumberExists(100)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 1: '&NumberExists(1)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 6: '&NumberExists(6)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 81: '&NumberExists(81)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 22: '&NumberExists(22)&@CRLF) ConsoleWrite('Number 99: '&NumberExists(99)&@CRLF) Func AddNumber($iNumber) $g_aNumbers[$iNumber] = True EndFunc Func RemoveNumber($iNumber) $g_aNumbers[$iNumber] = False EndFunc Func NumberExists($iNumber) Return $g_aNumbers[$iNumber] EndFunc Note that this technique requires that the array size will be the size of the biggest number + 1 that you may store. It is ultra fast compared to Array search Edited May 6, 2016 by Guest
iamtheky Posted May 6, 2016 Posted May 6, 2016 If you know how many there are because you have to set the ubound, and you know where they are because you can totally count. Why would you need an array? You have developed a rube goldberg machine for setting flags. ,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-. |(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/ (_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_) | | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) ( | | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | | `-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_| '-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)
Guest Posted May 6, 2016 Posted May 6, 2016 (edited) I do not understand. What is the alternative? use 101 variables, each representing a number? It does not seem right to me .. In my case my max count is 255. (not 100) I need to know if a x number (that is <= 255 and >= 0) is exists. and I want it to be fast as possible. The only way I thought about how to do it without loop is in this way. do you have a better idea? If so, I'd love to know. Edit: Oh, flags. I understand .. it does not appear in my head. This may also good.. But in my case, the machine flags I developing is more complex then the example. it is 3d array (it is std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<byte>>> vecRgbColorsA;) of bytes.. and it is in c++ .. This is the concept and it works. Now if I want to check if the color 10,8,9 is added, I go to index 10 (the R value) inside the array of R. If it's .size() is bigger then 0 then I continue to check and go into the sub array to look for 8,9 (GB) It works Edited May 6, 2016 by Guest
hajo4 Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 On Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012 at 4:11 PM, guinness said: [translate the language code] using _GetOSLanguage (see signature) but didn't bother. I noticed that "_Iif" has been removed since v3.3.10, so here is an updated version of above script: expandcollapse popup#include <Misc.au3> ; Version: 1.10. AutoIt: V3.3.14.2 - replaced _Iif ; Retrieve the recommended information of the current system when posting a support question. Local $sSystemInfo = 'For my AutoIt support question, here the details of my system:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ 'AutoIt Version: V' & @AutoItVersion & _ ; ' [' & _ Iif(@AutoItX64, 'X64', 'X32') & ']' & @CRLF & _ ' [' &( (@AutoItX64<>0) ? ('X64'):('X32') )& ']' & @CRLF & _ 'Windows Version: ' & @OSVersion & ' [' & _GetOSLanguage() & ']' & @CRLF & _ 'Language: ' & @OSLang & @CRLF & @CRLF MsgBox(4096, 'Get this info from the clipboard with Ctrl + V.', $sSystemInfo) ClipPut($sSystemInfo) ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetOSLanguage ; Description ...: Retrieves the language of the OS, this supports 19 of the most popular languages. ; Syntax ........: _GetOSLanguage() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: guinness ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetOSLanguage() Local $aString[20] = [19, "0409 0809 0c09 1009 1409 1809 1c09 2009 2409 2809 2c09 3009 3409", "0404 0804 0c04 1004 0406", "0406", "0413 0813", "0425", _ "040b", "040c 080c 0c0c 100c 140c 180c", "0407 0807 0c07 1007 1407", "040e", "0410 0810", _ "0411", "0414 0814", "0415", "0416 0816", "0418", _ "0419", "081a 0c1a", "040a 080a 0c0a 100a 140a 180a 1c0a 200a 240a 280a 2c0a 300a 340a 380a 3c0a 400a 440a 480a 4c0a 500a", "041d 081d"] Local $aLanguage[20] = [19, "English", "Chinese", "Danish", "Dutch", "Estonian", "Finnish", "French", "German", "Hungarian", "Italian", _ "Japanese", "Norwegian", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Romanian", "Russian", "Serbian", "Spanish", "Swedish"] For $i = 1 To $aString[0] If StringInStr($aString[$i], @OSLang) Then Return $aLanguage[$i] EndIf Next Return $aLanguage[1] EndFunc ;==>_GetOSLanguage I also shortened the message to fit into the top of the MsgBox(). -HaJo
Kattekop Posted September 11, 2016 Posted September 11, 2016 expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> local $aSearch = FileReadToArray("urllist.txt") local $aMatch= ["http:", ".php"] ;---urllist.txt--- ; ; ; ; ; ;----------------- $aResult=ArrayFlagItems($aSearch, $aMatch) ;_ArrayDisplay($aResult) local $ff for $x=1 to UBound($aMatch) $ff&="1" Next for $x=0 to UBound($aResult)-1 if $aResult[$x] = $ff Then consolewrite($aSearch[$x] & @crlf) endif Next ;---results--- ; ; ;------------- ; ======================================================================================= ; Function 'ArrayFlagItems' (by Kattekop) ; ; Originally made to check if a given URL list contains a given set of occurences. ; Returns an array of each occurence over 'the whole list scanned linewise'. ; ; e.g. your searching items array, $aSearch= ; ["My girls hungry hordes","Hung my phone","Void mysteries"] ; and your matching items array, $aMatch: ; ["My","Hun"] ; ; resulting output array $aResult: ["11","11","10"] ; because the first item 'My' was found in 'My', 'my', and 'mysteries'. [1x, 1x, 1x) ; because second item 'Hun' only was found in 'hungry', and 'hung'. (x1, x1, xx) ; Each 'matching item' keeps its place in the resulting set. =(11, 11, 1x) ;==============================================(grtz to my dearest: dad & x7a)=========== ; Func ArrayFlagItems(ByRef $aSearch, ByRef $aMatch) $e=-1 local $aResult ;traverse all 'search array' For $x=0 To Ubound($aSearch)-1 ;for all 'matching array items' For $y=0 To UBound($aMatch)-1 ;appropriate flag (0 or 1) set on: match of a 'search array item' against 'matching array item' $f=StringInStr($aSearch[$x], $aMatch[$y]) $e+=1 If $e=UBound($aMatch) Then $e=0 $aResult&=" " EndIf If $f Then $f="1" $aResult&=$f Next Next $aResult=StringSplit($aResult," ") _ArrayDelete($aResult,0) Return $aResult
Kattekop Posted September 11, 2016 Posted September 11, 2016 Correction in comments of my snippet above. I spent a week and a half of coding. Comments must be: ---results--- ; ; ;-------------
Kattekop Posted September 11, 2016 Posted September 11, 2016 Just now, Kattekop said: Correction in comments of my snippet above. I spent a week and a half of coding. Comments must be: ---results--- ; ; ;------------- I mean the last line must be: ''. But you get my way of working with flags. I don't seem to find a way to edit my posts, Sorry. Above is my function and application for it. It's adaptable in all circumstances.
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