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Use to convert data from "Name = XXXX YYYY" to "Surname = YYY, First Name = XXXXXX" 

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7
Local $sFullName = " Harry J T.  Potter"
Local $aFirstnamesLast = splitfirstlastname($sFullName)
ConsoleWrite($aFirstnamesLast[0] & @CR)
ConsoleWrite($aFirstnamesLast[1] & @CR)

Func splitfirstlastname($sFullName)
    Local $aWords = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sFullName, 7), " ");Clean out leading/trailing/double+ spaces, and Split into words
    Local $sFirstnames, $sLastname
    $sLastname = $aWords[$aWords[0]];Assume the last (or only) word is the last name
        Case $aWords[0] = 1;Assume no first name if only one word
            $sFirstnames = ""
        Case $aWords[0] = 2;If two words, assume this is the first and last name in that order
            $sFirstnames = $aWords[1]
        Case $aWords[0] > 2;If more than two words, all except the last are first names
            For $n = 1 To $aWords[0] - 2
                $sFirstnames &= $aWords[$n] & " "
            $sFirstnames &= $aWords[$aWords[0] - 1]
    Dim $aFirstnamesLast[] = [$sFirstnames, $sLastname]
    Return $aFirstnamesLast
EndFunc   ;==>splitfirstlastname

 Use to convert data that has country names to their corresponding 2-digit codes.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7

Local $sCountry = "Fiji"
ConsoleWrite("ISO Country Code: " & _CountryNameToISO($sCountry) & @CR)

Func _CountryNameToISO($sCountry)
    Local $sCountryCode
    ;names and codes according to
    ;updated in December 2013
    If $sCountry = "AFGHANISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "AF"
    If $sCountry = "ÅLAND ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "AX"
    If $sCountry = "ALBANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AL"
    If $sCountry = "ALGERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "DZ"
    If $sCountry = "AMERICAN SAMOA" Then $sCountryCode = "AS"
    If $sCountry = "ANDORRA" Then $sCountryCode = "AD"
    If $sCountry = "ANGOLA" Then $sCountryCode = "AO"
    If $sCountry = "ANGUILLA" Then $sCountryCode = "AI"
    If $sCountry = "ANTARCTICA" Then $sCountryCode = "AQ"
    If $sCountry = "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA" Then $sCountryCode = "AG"
    If $sCountry = "ARGENTINA" Then $sCountryCode = "AR"
    If $sCountry = "ARMENIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AM"
    If $sCountry = "ARUBA" Then $sCountryCode = "AW"
    If $sCountry = "AUSTRALIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AU"
    If $sCountry = "AUSTRIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AT"
    If $sCountry = "AZERBAIJAN" Then $sCountryCode = "AZ"
    If $sCountry = "BAHAMAS" Then $sCountryCode = "BS"
    If $sCountry = "BAHRAIN" Then $sCountryCode = "BH"
    If $sCountry = "BANGLADESH" Then $sCountryCode = "BD"
    If $sCountry = "BARBADOS" Then $sCountryCode = "BB"
    If $sCountry = "BELARUS" Then $sCountryCode = "BY"
    If $sCountry = "BELGIUM" Then $sCountryCode = "BE"
    If $sCountry = "BELIZE" Then $sCountryCode = "BZ"
    If $sCountry = "BENIN" Then $sCountryCode = "BJ"
    If $sCountry = "BERMUDA" Then $sCountryCode = "BM"
    If $sCountry = "BHUTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "BT"
    If $sCountry = "BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF" Then $sCountryCode = "BO"
    If $sCountry = "BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA" Then $sCountryCode = "BQ"
    If $sCountry = "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA" Then $sCountryCode = "BA"
    If $sCountry = "BOTSWANA" Then $sCountryCode = "BW"
    If $sCountry = "BOUVET ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "BV"
    If $sCountry = "BRAZIL" Then $sCountryCode = "BR"
    If $sCountry = "BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY" Then $sCountryCode = "IO"
    If $sCountry = "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM" Then $sCountryCode = "BN"
    If $sCountry = "BULGARIA" Then $sCountryCode = "BG"
    If $sCountry = "BURKINA FASO" Then $sCountryCode = "BF"
    If $sCountry = "BURUNDI" Then $sCountryCode = "BI"
    If $sCountry = "CAMBODIA" Then $sCountryCode = "KH"
    If $sCountry = "CAMEROON" Then $sCountryCode = "CM"
    If $sCountry = "CANADA" Then $sCountryCode = "CA"
    If $sCountry = "CAPE VERDE" Then $sCountryCode = "CV"
    If $sCountry = "CAYMAN ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "KY"
    If $sCountry = "CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "CF"
    If $sCountry = "CHAD" Then $sCountryCode = "TD"
    If $sCountry = "CHILE" Then $sCountryCode = "CL"
    If $sCountry = "CHINA" Then $sCountryCode = "CN"
    If $sCountry = "CHRISTMAS ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "CX"
    If $sCountry = "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "CC"
    If $sCountry = "COLOMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "CO"
    If $sCountry = "COMOROS" Then $sCountryCode = "KM"
    If $sCountry = "CONGO" Then $sCountryCode = "CG"
    If $sCountry = "CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE" Then $sCountryCode = "CD"
    If $sCountry = "COOK ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "CK"
    If $sCountry = "COSTA RICA" Then $sCountryCode = "CR"
    If $sCountry = "CÔTE D'IVOIRE" Then $sCountryCode = "CI"
    If $sCountry = "CROATIA" Then $sCountryCode = "HR"
    If $sCountry = "CUBA" Then $sCountryCode = "CU"
    If $sCountry = "CURAÇAO" Then $sCountryCode = "CW"
    If $sCountry = "CYPRUS" Then $sCountryCode = "CY"
    If $sCountry = "CZECH REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "CZ"
    If $sCountry = "DENMARK" Then $sCountryCode = "DK"
    If $sCountry = "DJIBOUTI" Then $sCountryCode = "DJ"
    If $sCountry = "DOMINICA" Then $sCountryCode = "DM"
    If $sCountry = "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "DO"
    If $sCountry = "ECUADOR" Then $sCountryCode = "EC"
    If $sCountry = "EGYPT" Then $sCountryCode = "EG"
    If $sCountry = "EL SALVADOR" Then $sCountryCode = "SV"
    If $sCountry = "EQUATORIAL GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "GQ"
    If $sCountry = "ERITREA" Then $sCountryCode = "ER"
    If $sCountry = "ESTONIA" Then $sCountryCode = "EE"
    If $sCountry = "ETHIOPIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ET"
    If $sCountry = "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)" Then $sCountryCode = "FK"
    If $sCountry = "FAROE ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "FO"
    If $sCountry = "FIJI" Then $sCountryCode = "FJ"
    If $sCountry = "FINLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "FI"
    If $sCountry = "FRANCE" Then $sCountryCode = "FR"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH GUIANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GF"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH POLYNESIA" Then $sCountryCode = "PF"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES" Then $sCountryCode = "TF"
    If $sCountry = "GABON" Then $sCountryCode = "GA"
    If $sCountry = "GAMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "GM"
    If $sCountry = "GEORGIA" Then $sCountryCode = "GE"
    If $sCountry = "GERMANY" Then $sCountryCode = "DE"
    If $sCountry = "GHANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GH"
    If $sCountry = "GIBRALTAR" Then $sCountryCode = "GI"
    If $sCountry = "GREECE" Then $sCountryCode = "GR"
    If $sCountry = "GREENLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "GL"
    If $sCountry = "GRENADA" Then $sCountryCode = "GD"
    If $sCountry = "GUADELOUPE" Then $sCountryCode = "GP"
    If $sCountry = "GUAM" Then $sCountryCode = "GU"
    If $sCountry = "GUATEMALA" Then $sCountryCode = "GT"
    If $sCountry = "GUERNSEY" Then $sCountryCode = "GG"
    If $sCountry = "GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "GN"
    If $sCountry = "GUINEA-BISSAU" Then $sCountryCode = "GW"
    If $sCountry = "GUYANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GY"
    If $sCountry = "HAITI" Then $sCountryCode = "HT"
    If $sCountry = "HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "HM"
    If $sCountry = "HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)" Then $sCountryCode = "VA"
    If $sCountry = "HONDURAS" Then $sCountryCode = "HN"
    If $sCountry = "HONG KONG" Then $sCountryCode = "HK"
    If $sCountry = "HUNGARY" Then $sCountryCode = "HU"
    If $sCountry = "ICELAND" Then $sCountryCode = "IS"
    If $sCountry = "INDIA" Then $sCountryCode = "IN"
    If $sCountry = "INDONESIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ID"
    If $sCountry = "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "IR"
    If $sCountry = "IRAQ" Then $sCountryCode = "IQ"
    If $sCountry = "IRELAND" Then $sCountryCode = "IE"
    If $sCountry = "ISLE OF MAN" Then $sCountryCode = "IM"
    If $sCountry = "ISRAEL" Then $sCountryCode = "IL"
    If $sCountry = "ITALY" Then $sCountryCode = "IT"
    If $sCountry = "JAMAICA" Then $sCountryCode = "JM"
    If $sCountry = "JAPAN" Then $sCountryCode = "JP"
    If $sCountry = "JERSEY" Then $sCountryCode = "JE"
    If $sCountry = "JORDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "JO"
    If $sCountry = "KAZAKHSTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "KZ"
    If $sCountry = "KENYA" Then $sCountryCode = "KE"
    If $sCountry = "KIRIBATI" Then $sCountryCode = "KI"
    If $sCountry = "KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "KP"
    If $sCountry = "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "KR"
    If $sCountry = "KUWAIT" Then $sCountryCode = "KW"
    If $sCountry = "KYRGYZSTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "KG"
    If $sCountry = "LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "LA"
    If $sCountry = "LATVIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LV"
    If $sCountry = "LEBANON" Then $sCountryCode = "LB"
    If $sCountry = "LESOTHO" Then $sCountryCode = "LS"
    If $sCountry = "LIBERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LR"
    If $sCountry = "LIBYA" Then $sCountryCode = "LY"
    If $sCountry = "LIECHTENSTEIN" Then $sCountryCode = "LI"
    If $sCountry = "LITHUANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LT"
    If $sCountry = "LUXEMBOURG" Then $sCountryCode = "LU"
    If $sCountry = "MACAO" Then $sCountryCode = "MO"
    If $sCountry = "MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "MK"
    If $sCountry = "MADAGASCAR" Then $sCountryCode = "MG"
    If $sCountry = "MALAWI" Then $sCountryCode = "MW"
    If $sCountry = "MALAYSIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MY"
    If $sCountry = "MALDIVES" Then $sCountryCode = "MV"
    If $sCountry = "MALI" Then $sCountryCode = "ML"
    If $sCountry = "MALTA" Then $sCountryCode = "MT"
    If $sCountry = "MARSHALL ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "MH"
    If $sCountry = "MARTINIQUE" Then $sCountryCode = "MQ"
    If $sCountry = "MAURITANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MR"
    If $sCountry = "MAURITIUS" Then $sCountryCode = "MU"
    If $sCountry = "MAYOTTE" Then $sCountryCode = "YT"
    If $sCountry = "MEXICO" Then $sCountryCode = "MX"
    If $sCountry = "MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF" Then $sCountryCode = "FM"
    If $sCountry = "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "MD"
    If $sCountry = "MONACO" Then $sCountryCode = "MC"
    If $sCountry = "MONGOLIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MN"
    If $sCountry = "MONTENEGRO" Then $sCountryCode = "ME"
    If $sCountry = "MONTSERRAT" Then $sCountryCode = "MS"
    If $sCountry = "MOROCCO" Then $sCountryCode = "MA"
    If $sCountry = "MOZAMBIQUE" Then $sCountryCode = "MZ"
    If $sCountry = "MYANMAR" Then $sCountryCode = "MM"
    If $sCountry = "NAMIBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NA"
    If $sCountry = "NAURU" Then $sCountryCode = "NR"
    If $sCountry = "NEPAL" Then $sCountryCode = "NP"
    If $sCountry = "NETHERLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "NL"
    If $sCountry = "NEW CALEDONIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NC"
    If $sCountry = "NEW ZEALAND" Then $sCountryCode = "NZ"
    If $sCountry = "NICARAGUA" Then $sCountryCode = "NI"
    If $sCountry = "NIGER" Then $sCountryCode = "NE"
    If $sCountry = "NIGERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NG"
    If $sCountry = "NIUE" Then $sCountryCode = "NU"
    If $sCountry = "NORFOLK ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "NF"
    If $sCountry = "NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "MP"
    If $sCountry = "NORWAY" Then $sCountryCode = "NO"
    If $sCountry = "OMAN" Then $sCountryCode = "OM"
    If $sCountry = "PAKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "PK"
    If $sCountry = "PALAU" Then $sCountryCode = "PW"
    If $sCountry = "PALESTINE, STATE OF" Then $sCountryCode = "PS"
    If $sCountry = "PANAMA" Then $sCountryCode = "PA"
    If $sCountry = "PAPUA NEW GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "PG"
    If $sCountry = "PARAGUAY" Then $sCountryCode = "PY"
    If $sCountry = "PERU" Then $sCountryCode = "PE"
    If $sCountry = "PHILIPPINES" Then $sCountryCode = "PH"
    If $sCountry = "PITCAIRN" Then $sCountryCode = "PN"
    If $sCountry = "POLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "PL"
    If $sCountry = "PORTUGAL" Then $sCountryCode = "PT"
    If $sCountry = "PUERTO RICO" Then $sCountryCode = "PR"
    If $sCountry = "QATAR" Then $sCountryCode = "QA"
    If $sCountry = "RÉUNION" Then $sCountryCode = "RE"
    If $sCountry = "ROMANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "RO"
    If $sCountry = "RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Then $sCountryCode = "RU"
    If $sCountry = "RWANDA" Then $sCountryCode = "RW"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT BARTHÉLEMY" Then $sCountryCode = "BL"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT HELENA, ASCENSION AND TRISTAN DA CUNHA" Then $sCountryCode = "SH"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS" Then $sCountryCode = "KN"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT LUCIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LC"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART)" Then $sCountryCode = "MF"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON" Then $sCountryCode = "PM"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES" Then $sCountryCode = "VC"
    If $sCountry = "SAMOA" Then $sCountryCode = "WS"
    If $sCountry = "SAN MARINO" Then $sCountryCode = "SM"
    If $sCountry = "SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE" Then $sCountryCode = "ST"
    If $sCountry = "SAUDI ARABIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SA"
    If $sCountry = "SENEGAL" Then $sCountryCode = "SN"
    If $sCountry = "SERBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "RS"
    If $sCountry = "SEYCHELLES" Then $sCountryCode = "SC"
    If $sCountry = "SIERRA LEONE" Then $sCountryCode = "SL"
    If $sCountry = "SINGAPORE" Then $sCountryCode = "SG"
    If $sCountry = "SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH PART)" Then $sCountryCode = "SX"
    If $sCountry = "SLOVAKIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SK"
    If $sCountry = "SLOVENIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SI"
    If $sCountry = "SOLOMON ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "SB"
    If $sCountry = "SOMALIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SO"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH AFRICA" Then $sCountryCode = "ZA"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "GS"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH SUDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "SS"
    If $sCountry = "SPAIN" Then $sCountryCode = "ES"
    If $sCountry = "SRI LANKA" Then $sCountryCode = "LK"
    If $sCountry = "SUDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "SD"
    If $sCountry = "SURINAME" Then $sCountryCode = "SR"
    If $sCountry = "SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN" Then $sCountryCode = "SJ"
    If $sCountry = "SWAZILAND" Then $sCountryCode = "SZ"
    If $sCountry = "SWEDEN" Then $sCountryCode = "SE"
    If $sCountry = "SWITZERLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "CH"
    If $sCountry = "SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "SY"
    If $sCountry = "TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA" Then $sCountryCode = "TW"
    If $sCountry = "TAJIKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "TJ"
    If $sCountry = "TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "TZ"
    If $sCountry = "THAILAND" Then $sCountryCode = "TH"
    If $sCountry = "TIMOR-LESTE" Then $sCountryCode = "TL"
    If $sCountry = "TOGO" Then $sCountryCode = "TG"
    If $sCountry = "TOKELAU" Then $sCountryCode = "TK"
    If $sCountry = "TONGA" Then $sCountryCode = "TO"
    If $sCountry = "TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO" Then $sCountryCode = "TT"
    If $sCountry = "TUNISIA" Then $sCountryCode = "TN"
    If $sCountry = "TURKEY" Then $sCountryCode = "TR"
    If $sCountry = "TURKMENISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "TM"
    If $sCountry = "TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "TC"
    If $sCountry = "TUVALU" Then $sCountryCode = "TV"
    If $sCountry = "UGANDA" Then $sCountryCode = "UG"
    If $sCountry = "UKRAINE" Then $sCountryCode = "UA"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES" Then $sCountryCode = "AE"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED KINGDOM" Then $sCountryCode = "GB"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED STATES" Then $sCountryCode = "US"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "UM"
    If $sCountry = "URUGUAY" Then $sCountryCode = "UY"
    If $sCountry = "UZBEKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "UZ"
    If $sCountry = "VANUATU" Then $sCountryCode = "VU"
    If $sCountry = "VENEZUELA, BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "VE"
    If $sCountry = "VIET NAM" Then $sCountryCode = "VN"
    If $sCountry = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH" Then $sCountryCode = "VG"
    If $sCountry = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S." Then $sCountryCode = "VI"
    If $sCountry = "WALLIS AND FUTUNA" Then $sCountryCode = "WF"
    If $sCountry = "WESTERN SAHARA" Then $sCountryCode = "EH"
    If $sCountry = "YEMEN" Then $sCountryCode = "YE"
    If $sCountry = "ZAMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ZM"
    If $sCountry = "ZIMBABWE" Then $sCountryCode = "ZW"
    Return $sCountryCode
EndFunc   ;==>_CountryNameToISO
  • 1 month later...
  On 1/12/2014 at 10:26 PM, guestscripter said:


 Use to convert data that has country names to their corresponding 2-digit codes.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7

Local $sCountry = "Fiji"
ConsoleWrite("ISO Country Code: " & _CountryNameToISO($sCountry) & @CR)

Func _CountryNameToISO($sCountry)
    Local $sCountryCode
    ;names and codes according to
    ;updated in December 2013
    If $sCountry = "AFGHANISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "AF"
    If $sCountry = "ÅLAND ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "AX"
    If $sCountry = "ALBANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AL"
    If $sCountry = "ALGERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "DZ"
    If $sCountry = "AMERICAN SAMOA" Then $sCountryCode = "AS"
    If $sCountry = "ANDORRA" Then $sCountryCode = "AD"
    If $sCountry = "ANGOLA" Then $sCountryCode = "AO"
    If $sCountry = "ANGUILLA" Then $sCountryCode = "AI"
    If $sCountry = "ANTARCTICA" Then $sCountryCode = "AQ"
    If $sCountry = "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA" Then $sCountryCode = "AG"
    If $sCountry = "ARGENTINA" Then $sCountryCode = "AR"
    If $sCountry = "ARMENIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AM"
    If $sCountry = "ARUBA" Then $sCountryCode = "AW"
    If $sCountry = "AUSTRALIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AU"
    If $sCountry = "AUSTRIA" Then $sCountryCode = "AT"
    If $sCountry = "AZERBAIJAN" Then $sCountryCode = "AZ"
    If $sCountry = "BAHAMAS" Then $sCountryCode = "BS"
    If $sCountry = "BAHRAIN" Then $sCountryCode = "BH"
    If $sCountry = "BANGLADESH" Then $sCountryCode = "BD"
    If $sCountry = "BARBADOS" Then $sCountryCode = "BB"
    If $sCountry = "BELARUS" Then $sCountryCode = "BY"
    If $sCountry = "BELGIUM" Then $sCountryCode = "BE"
    If $sCountry = "BELIZE" Then $sCountryCode = "BZ"
    If $sCountry = "BENIN" Then $sCountryCode = "BJ"
    If $sCountry = "BERMUDA" Then $sCountryCode = "BM"
    If $sCountry = "BHUTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "BT"
    If $sCountry = "BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF" Then $sCountryCode = "BO"
    If $sCountry = "BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA" Then $sCountryCode = "BQ"
    If $sCountry = "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA" Then $sCountryCode = "BA"
    If $sCountry = "BOTSWANA" Then $sCountryCode = "BW"
    If $sCountry = "BOUVET ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "BV"
    If $sCountry = "BRAZIL" Then $sCountryCode = "BR"
    If $sCountry = "BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY" Then $sCountryCode = "IO"
    If $sCountry = "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM" Then $sCountryCode = "BN"
    If $sCountry = "BULGARIA" Then $sCountryCode = "BG"
    If $sCountry = "BURKINA FASO" Then $sCountryCode = "BF"
    If $sCountry = "BURUNDI" Then $sCountryCode = "BI"
    If $sCountry = "CAMBODIA" Then $sCountryCode = "KH"
    If $sCountry = "CAMEROON" Then $sCountryCode = "CM"
    If $sCountry = "CANADA" Then $sCountryCode = "CA"
    If $sCountry = "CAPE VERDE" Then $sCountryCode = "CV"
    If $sCountry = "CAYMAN ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "KY"
    If $sCountry = "CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "CF"
    If $sCountry = "CHAD" Then $sCountryCode = "TD"
    If $sCountry = "CHILE" Then $sCountryCode = "CL"
    If $sCountry = "CHINA" Then $sCountryCode = "CN"
    If $sCountry = "CHRISTMAS ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "CX"
    If $sCountry = "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "CC"
    If $sCountry = "COLOMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "CO"
    If $sCountry = "COMOROS" Then $sCountryCode = "KM"
    If $sCountry = "CONGO" Then $sCountryCode = "CG"
    If $sCountry = "CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE" Then $sCountryCode = "CD"
    If $sCountry = "COOK ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "CK"
    If $sCountry = "COSTA RICA" Then $sCountryCode = "CR"
    If $sCountry = "CÔTE D'IVOIRE" Then $sCountryCode = "CI"
    If $sCountry = "CROATIA" Then $sCountryCode = "HR"
    If $sCountry = "CUBA" Then $sCountryCode = "CU"
    If $sCountry = "CURAÇAO" Then $sCountryCode = "CW"
    If $sCountry = "CYPRUS" Then $sCountryCode = "CY"
    If $sCountry = "CZECH REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "CZ"
    If $sCountry = "DENMARK" Then $sCountryCode = "DK"
    If $sCountry = "DJIBOUTI" Then $sCountryCode = "DJ"
    If $sCountry = "DOMINICA" Then $sCountryCode = "DM"
    If $sCountry = "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "DO"
    If $sCountry = "ECUADOR" Then $sCountryCode = "EC"
    If $sCountry = "EGYPT" Then $sCountryCode = "EG"
    If $sCountry = "EL SALVADOR" Then $sCountryCode = "SV"
    If $sCountry = "EQUATORIAL GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "GQ"
    If $sCountry = "ERITREA" Then $sCountryCode = "ER"
    If $sCountry = "ESTONIA" Then $sCountryCode = "EE"
    If $sCountry = "ETHIOPIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ET"
    If $sCountry = "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)" Then $sCountryCode = "FK"
    If $sCountry = "FAROE ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "FO"
    If $sCountry = "FIJI" Then $sCountryCode = "FJ"
    If $sCountry = "FINLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "FI"
    If $sCountry = "FRANCE" Then $sCountryCode = "FR"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH GUIANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GF"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH POLYNESIA" Then $sCountryCode = "PF"
    If $sCountry = "FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES" Then $sCountryCode = "TF"
    If $sCountry = "GABON" Then $sCountryCode = "GA"
    If $sCountry = "GAMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "GM"
    If $sCountry = "GEORGIA" Then $sCountryCode = "GE"
    If $sCountry = "GERMANY" Then $sCountryCode = "DE"
    If $sCountry = "GHANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GH"
    If $sCountry = "GIBRALTAR" Then $sCountryCode = "GI"
    If $sCountry = "GREECE" Then $sCountryCode = "GR"
    If $sCountry = "GREENLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "GL"
    If $sCountry = "GRENADA" Then $sCountryCode = "GD"
    If $sCountry = "GUADELOUPE" Then $sCountryCode = "GP"
    If $sCountry = "GUAM" Then $sCountryCode = "GU"
    If $sCountry = "GUATEMALA" Then $sCountryCode = "GT"
    If $sCountry = "GUERNSEY" Then $sCountryCode = "GG"
    If $sCountry = "GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "GN"
    If $sCountry = "GUINEA-BISSAU" Then $sCountryCode = "GW"
    If $sCountry = "GUYANA" Then $sCountryCode = "GY"
    If $sCountry = "HAITI" Then $sCountryCode = "HT"
    If $sCountry = "HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "HM"
    If $sCountry = "HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)" Then $sCountryCode = "VA"
    If $sCountry = "HONDURAS" Then $sCountryCode = "HN"
    If $sCountry = "HONG KONG" Then $sCountryCode = "HK"
    If $sCountry = "HUNGARY" Then $sCountryCode = "HU"
    If $sCountry = "ICELAND" Then $sCountryCode = "IS"
    If $sCountry = "INDIA" Then $sCountryCode = "IN"
    If $sCountry = "INDONESIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ID"
    If $sCountry = "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "IR"
    If $sCountry = "IRAQ" Then $sCountryCode = "IQ"
    If $sCountry = "IRELAND" Then $sCountryCode = "IE"
    If $sCountry = "ISLE OF MAN" Then $sCountryCode = "IM"
    If $sCountry = "ISRAEL" Then $sCountryCode = "IL"
    If $sCountry = "ITALY" Then $sCountryCode = "IT"
    If $sCountry = "JAMAICA" Then $sCountryCode = "JM"
    If $sCountry = "JAPAN" Then $sCountryCode = "JP"
    If $sCountry = "JERSEY" Then $sCountryCode = "JE"
    If $sCountry = "JORDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "JO"
    If $sCountry = "KAZAKHSTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "KZ"
    If $sCountry = "KENYA" Then $sCountryCode = "KE"
    If $sCountry = "KIRIBATI" Then $sCountryCode = "KI"
    If $sCountry = "KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "KP"
    If $sCountry = "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "KR"
    If $sCountry = "KUWAIT" Then $sCountryCode = "KW"
    If $sCountry = "KYRGYZSTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "KG"
    If $sCountry = "LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "LA"
    If $sCountry = "LATVIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LV"
    If $sCountry = "LEBANON" Then $sCountryCode = "LB"
    If $sCountry = "LESOTHO" Then $sCountryCode = "LS"
    If $sCountry = "LIBERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LR"
    If $sCountry = "LIBYA" Then $sCountryCode = "LY"
    If $sCountry = "LIECHTENSTEIN" Then $sCountryCode = "LI"
    If $sCountry = "LITHUANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LT"
    If $sCountry = "LUXEMBOURG" Then $sCountryCode = "LU"
    If $sCountry = "MACAO" Then $sCountryCode = "MO"
    If $sCountry = "MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "MK"
    If $sCountry = "MADAGASCAR" Then $sCountryCode = "MG"
    If $sCountry = "MALAWI" Then $sCountryCode = "MW"
    If $sCountry = "MALAYSIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MY"
    If $sCountry = "MALDIVES" Then $sCountryCode = "MV"
    If $sCountry = "MALI" Then $sCountryCode = "ML"
    If $sCountry = "MALTA" Then $sCountryCode = "MT"
    If $sCountry = "MARSHALL ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "MH"
    If $sCountry = "MARTINIQUE" Then $sCountryCode = "MQ"
    If $sCountry = "MAURITANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MR"
    If $sCountry = "MAURITIUS" Then $sCountryCode = "MU"
    If $sCountry = "MAYOTTE" Then $sCountryCode = "YT"
    If $sCountry = "MEXICO" Then $sCountryCode = "MX"
    If $sCountry = "MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF" Then $sCountryCode = "FM"
    If $sCountry = "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "MD"
    If $sCountry = "MONACO" Then $sCountryCode = "MC"
    If $sCountry = "MONGOLIA" Then $sCountryCode = "MN"
    If $sCountry = "MONTENEGRO" Then $sCountryCode = "ME"
    If $sCountry = "MONTSERRAT" Then $sCountryCode = "MS"
    If $sCountry = "MOROCCO" Then $sCountryCode = "MA"
    If $sCountry = "MOZAMBIQUE" Then $sCountryCode = "MZ"
    If $sCountry = "MYANMAR" Then $sCountryCode = "MM"
    If $sCountry = "NAMIBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NA"
    If $sCountry = "NAURU" Then $sCountryCode = "NR"
    If $sCountry = "NEPAL" Then $sCountryCode = "NP"
    If $sCountry = "NETHERLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "NL"
    If $sCountry = "NEW CALEDONIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NC"
    If $sCountry = "NEW ZEALAND" Then $sCountryCode = "NZ"
    If $sCountry = "NICARAGUA" Then $sCountryCode = "NI"
    If $sCountry = "NIGER" Then $sCountryCode = "NE"
    If $sCountry = "NIGERIA" Then $sCountryCode = "NG"
    If $sCountry = "NIUE" Then $sCountryCode = "NU"
    If $sCountry = "NORFOLK ISLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "NF"
    If $sCountry = "NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "MP"
    If $sCountry = "NORWAY" Then $sCountryCode = "NO"
    If $sCountry = "OMAN" Then $sCountryCode = "OM"
    If $sCountry = "PAKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "PK"
    If $sCountry = "PALAU" Then $sCountryCode = "PW"
    If $sCountry = "PALESTINE, STATE OF" Then $sCountryCode = "PS"
    If $sCountry = "PANAMA" Then $sCountryCode = "PA"
    If $sCountry = "PAPUA NEW GUINEA" Then $sCountryCode = "PG"
    If $sCountry = "PARAGUAY" Then $sCountryCode = "PY"
    If $sCountry = "PERU" Then $sCountryCode = "PE"
    If $sCountry = "PHILIPPINES" Then $sCountryCode = "PH"
    If $sCountry = "PITCAIRN" Then $sCountryCode = "PN"
    If $sCountry = "POLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "PL"
    If $sCountry = "PORTUGAL" Then $sCountryCode = "PT"
    If $sCountry = "PUERTO RICO" Then $sCountryCode = "PR"
    If $sCountry = "QATAR" Then $sCountryCode = "QA"
    If $sCountry = "RÉUNION" Then $sCountryCode = "RE"
    If $sCountry = "ROMANIA" Then $sCountryCode = "RO"
    If $sCountry = "RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Then $sCountryCode = "RU"
    If $sCountry = "RWANDA" Then $sCountryCode = "RW"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT BARTHÉLEMY" Then $sCountryCode = "BL"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT HELENA, ASCENSION AND TRISTAN DA CUNHA" Then $sCountryCode = "SH"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS" Then $sCountryCode = "KN"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT LUCIA" Then $sCountryCode = "LC"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART)" Then $sCountryCode = "MF"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON" Then $sCountryCode = "PM"
    If $sCountry = "SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES" Then $sCountryCode = "VC"
    If $sCountry = "SAMOA" Then $sCountryCode = "WS"
    If $sCountry = "SAN MARINO" Then $sCountryCode = "SM"
    If $sCountry = "SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE" Then $sCountryCode = "ST"
    If $sCountry = "SAUDI ARABIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SA"
    If $sCountry = "SENEGAL" Then $sCountryCode = "SN"
    If $sCountry = "SERBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "RS"
    If $sCountry = "SEYCHELLES" Then $sCountryCode = "SC"
    If $sCountry = "SIERRA LEONE" Then $sCountryCode = "SL"
    If $sCountry = "SINGAPORE" Then $sCountryCode = "SG"
    If $sCountry = "SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH PART)" Then $sCountryCode = "SX"
    If $sCountry = "SLOVAKIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SK"
    If $sCountry = "SLOVENIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SI"
    If $sCountry = "SOLOMON ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "SB"
    If $sCountry = "SOMALIA" Then $sCountryCode = "SO"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH AFRICA" Then $sCountryCode = "ZA"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "GS"
    If $sCountry = "SOUTH SUDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "SS"
    If $sCountry = "SPAIN" Then $sCountryCode = "ES"
    If $sCountry = "SRI LANKA" Then $sCountryCode = "LK"
    If $sCountry = "SUDAN" Then $sCountryCode = "SD"
    If $sCountry = "SURINAME" Then $sCountryCode = "SR"
    If $sCountry = "SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN" Then $sCountryCode = "SJ"
    If $sCountry = "SWAZILAND" Then $sCountryCode = "SZ"
    If $sCountry = "SWEDEN" Then $sCountryCode = "SE"
    If $sCountry = "SWITZERLAND" Then $sCountryCode = "CH"
    If $sCountry = "SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC" Then $sCountryCode = "SY"
    If $sCountry = "TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA" Then $sCountryCode = "TW"
    If $sCountry = "TAJIKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "TJ"
    If $sCountry = "TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "TZ"
    If $sCountry = "THAILAND" Then $sCountryCode = "TH"
    If $sCountry = "TIMOR-LESTE" Then $sCountryCode = "TL"
    If $sCountry = "TOGO" Then $sCountryCode = "TG"
    If $sCountry = "TOKELAU" Then $sCountryCode = "TK"
    If $sCountry = "TONGA" Then $sCountryCode = "TO"
    If $sCountry = "TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO" Then $sCountryCode = "TT"
    If $sCountry = "TUNISIA" Then $sCountryCode = "TN"
    If $sCountry = "TURKEY" Then $sCountryCode = "TR"
    If $sCountry = "TURKMENISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "TM"
    If $sCountry = "TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "TC"
    If $sCountry = "TUVALU" Then $sCountryCode = "TV"
    If $sCountry = "UGANDA" Then $sCountryCode = "UG"
    If $sCountry = "UKRAINE" Then $sCountryCode = "UA"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES" Then $sCountryCode = "AE"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED KINGDOM" Then $sCountryCode = "GB"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED STATES" Then $sCountryCode = "US"
    If $sCountry = "UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS" Then $sCountryCode = "UM"
    If $sCountry = "URUGUAY" Then $sCountryCode = "UY"
    If $sCountry = "UZBEKISTAN" Then $sCountryCode = "UZ"
    If $sCountry = "VANUATU" Then $sCountryCode = "VU"
    If $sCountry = "VENEZUELA, BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF" Then $sCountryCode = "VE"
    If $sCountry = "VIET NAM" Then $sCountryCode = "VN"
    If $sCountry = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH" Then $sCountryCode = "VG"
    If $sCountry = "VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S." Then $sCountryCode = "VI"
    If $sCountry = "WALLIS AND FUTUNA" Then $sCountryCode = "WF"
    If $sCountry = "WESTERN SAHARA" Then $sCountryCode = "EH"
    If $sCountry = "YEMEN" Then $sCountryCode = "YE"
    If $sCountry = "ZAMBIA" Then $sCountryCode = "ZM"
    If $sCountry = "ZIMBABWE" Then $sCountryCode = "ZW"
    Return $sCountryCode
EndFunc   ;==>_CountryNameToISO


Wouldn't Switch $sCountry work better than all those If statements?

My UDFs are generally for me. If they aren't updated for a while, it means I'm not using them myself. As soon as I start using them again, they'll get updated.

My Projects

Cisco FinesseGithubIRC UDFWindowEx UDF


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This code snippet is expansion to _ResourcePlaySound() from Resources UDF.

Thanks to Melba23 for helped me here:

'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Without his example, I could not develop this code snippet.


The purpose of the code is:

To play group of sounds in order without stopping the loop.

for example, if you have these sounds: sound1.wav , sound2.wav , sound3.wav

you can play them in order in simple way with my code in this way:

While 1
    $PlaySoundGroup = PlaySoundGroup()
    If $PlaySoundGroup = 1 Then
        ToolTip("Sounds Playing")
    ElseIf $PlaySoundGroup = 0 Then
        MsgBox(0,"","Sounds Stopped")

Full examle attached to this post.


I updated the code and example.


PlaySoundGroup - v2.rar

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

I had a need to change the z-order of windows and their position in the "alt-tab" list. I spent quite a long time trying to figure out how to make it happen, so I thought I'd post this snippet back since I finally came up with a workable solution.

USE CASE: I bring music applications to the foreground while I'm working/etc via a hotkey. I then press the hotkey again in order to minimize the program. When I did that, however, my alt-tab order was then modified so that I couldn't continue to "alt-tab" between active windows I was working on, which is a distraction that hurt my workflow. I wanted a way to set a window to the back of the alt-tab list and also to change the z-order of a window (two different problems, as it turned out). I've used this with Windows 8.1.

I'm not sure if "WinWaitDelay" is applicable to WinSetState operations. I just have it there for good measure. The _WinAPI_FlashWindowEx bit is needed sometimes to prevent windows from automatically flashing the newly un-hidden window. Also, two ancillary functions are used in order to ensure that a different window is active than the one that is to be sent to the back, since this doesn't seem to work right unless that is the case.

#include <WinAPI.au3>

$handle = WinGetHandle("A window which you would like to send to the back of all other windows")

Func _LastWindowTitle($z = 1)
    If $z < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Bad parameter
    Local $avList = WinList()
    For $n = 1 to $avList[0][0]
        If $avList[$n][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($avList[$n][1]), 2) Then
            If $z Then 
                $z -= 1
                Local $arr = [$avList[$n][0],$avList[$n][1]]
                Return $arr
    Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; z-depth exceeded

Func _FastActivate($hWnd)
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 20)
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 250)

Func _SendToBottom($hWnd)
    Local Const $HWND_BOTTOM = 1;
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 20)
    Local $active = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]")
    Local $lastWindow = _LastWindowTitle()
    Local $lastHandle = $lastWindow[1]
    If Not ($hWnd <> $active) Then 
        If (WinExists($lastHandle)) Then 
    DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowPos", "uint", $hWnd, "uint", $HWND_BOTTOM , "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0 , "uint", 0x13)
    ;disable the taskbar flashing that sometimes occurs when hiding and showing windows...
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 250)
Edited by j981
Posted (edited)

This is another simple function I've found to be quite handy.

USE CASE: Since chrome v32 and later no longer exposes any standard windows API controls, a huge number of "controlsend" based automation functions I was using against webapps broke. I changed things to bring those windows to the foreground instead to send keys and then minimize them again (with the _SendToBottom function I just posted as well), but with the standard 'winactivate' it took too long. This function basically just reduces the winwaitdelay temporarily, but it also disables the automatic flashing of windows in the taskbar which occurs if you activate windows too rapidly, which was extremely annoying. It's not particularly useful if you just want to bring something to the foreground to actively work with, but if the goal is to activate something solely to send a key and then minimize again, it speeds things up quite a bit since it happens almost instantly. Hopefully someone else also finds this useful.

#include <WinAPI.au3>

$handle = WinGetHandle("Some window you would like to activate")

Func _FastActivate($hWnd)
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 20)
    Opt("WinWaitDelay", 250)
Edited by j981
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Here is my solution to the sh!tty Windows Desklink  aka Right click 'Send To' menu. It's probably been done before and or better than how I have done it?
I wrote it this way because it's the easiest for me to understand how so I could fix a problem not because it is the best way. Feel free to critique/rewrite label as abortion code what ever it does what I need it to do on Windows 7 64 bit.

Credit nearly all goes to the two users mentioned in the credits. I merely grabbed their two ideas and joined them together to make a solution. None of the code is mine really

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Desktop (create shortcut).ico
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=Desktop (create shortcut).exe
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 AutoIt Version:
 Author:   Jarmezrocks
 Script Version: 1.0

 Script Function:   The purpose of creating this was due to an annoyance with Windows 7 where
                    I was constantly editing the shortcuts created from the right click 'Send To'
                    create 'Desktop (create shortcut)' where I would need to remove the junk that
                    Microsoft attached as a postfix i.e. - (short cut) and remove the file
                    extension as well. E.g. Notepad.exe -> creates a shortcut 'Notepad.exe - (shortcut)'
                    when what I really wanted created was a shortcut called 'Notepad'
                    This AutoIT script was created to solve this issue/annoyance.

 Usage:             Place the compiled exe where ever you like right click the compiled exe and create a shortcut
                    rename it 'Desktop (create shortcut)' the same as the Desktop (create shortcut).Desklink
                    item in the Send To menu.
                    Locate your Send To menu: Start -> Run -> type this: shell:sendto -> press enter
                    This opens the directory for your Send To items, likely located somewhere like
                    C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
                    Paste the shortcut to the exe here
                    Note: You will now have a duplicate in the Send To menu, so I advise that you hide the old .Desklink item
                    Right click -> File Properties -> Hidden
                    Test by Right clicking any file and choosing Send To -> Desktop (create shortcut)

 Acknowledgements:  AutoIT Forums;
                    User Harlequin for this post/thread -> http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/86839-how-get-file-extension/#entry623386
                    User Voodooman for this post/thread -> http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/122807-remove-extension-from-the-filenameexample/?p=1110846

 Improvements:      Place a link to it's self in the Send to Menu and hide the old desklink - Easily done
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global $Input = $CmdLineRaw
Global $LinkFileName = RemoveExt(GetFileName($Input))

; Borrowed from Voodooman
Func RemoveExt($Input)
    Local $ExtArray = StringSplit($Input, ".")
    Return StringReplace($Input, "." & $ExtArray[$ExtArray[0]], "", -1)
EndFunc   ;==>RemoveExt

Func RemoveExtRegExp($Input)
    Return StringRegExpReplace($Input, "\.[^.]*$", "")
EndFunc   ;==>RemoveExtRegExp

Func GetFileName($Input)
    Local $PathArray = StringSplit($Input, "\/")
    Return $PathArray[$PathArray[0]]
EndFunc   ;==>GetFileName

; Importance of the following. As pointed out by Harlequin using any StringRightTrim methods of obtaining the extension doesn't account for several
; things "." can located in the path of a folder name and  "." can appear more than once within files or folders i.e What would one do when trying
; to return the extension of a html file or any other long extension file type?

Func CreateLink()
    Local $Ext
    If $CmdLineRaw Then
        For $YLoop = StringLen($CmdLineRaw) To 1 Step -1
            If StringMid($CmdLineRaw, $YLoop, 1) == "." Then
                $Ext = StringMid($CmdLineRaw, $YLoop)
                $YLoop = 1
        Local $Type = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\." & $Ext, "")
        Local $FileName = $CmdLineRaw
        Local $LnkFileLocate = (@DesktopDir & "\" & $LinkFileName & ".lnk"); Here is the working part - Generate the Desktop shortcut from the derived file name
        Local $WorkingDirectory = ""
        Local $Icon = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\" & $Type & "\DefaultIcon", ""); Derive the file type icon from the registered application
        Local $IconNumber = 1
        Local $Description = "" ; I decided to leave this blank
        Local $State = @SW_SHOWNORMAL ;Can also be @SW_MAXIMUM or @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE or even @SW_HIDE
        If Not FileExists($LinkFileName) Then ;Check there isn't already as shortcut
            FileCreateShortcut($FileName, $LnkFileLocate, $WorkingDirectory, "", $Description, $Icon, "", $IconNumber, $State); Generate the shortcut
EndFunc   ;==>CreateLink
CreateLink() ; Execute the Function
Edited by DigitalFacade82

  On 5/5/2014 at 10:26 PM, DigitalFacade82 said:


Here is my solution to the sh!tty Windows Desklink  aka Right click 'Send To' menu. It's probably been done before and or better than how I have done it?

I wrote it this way because it's the easiest for me to understand how so I could fix a problem not because it is the best way. Feel free to critique/rewrite label as abortion code what ever it does what I need it to do on Windows 7 64 bit. ...


Just as a matter of interest, there is a registry hack that will turn off the "Shortcut to" on desktop shortcuts.

You can read about it here http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-shortcut-text-from-new-shortcuts-in-vista/

Good Luck. DeMo.

Quote of the week:"BASIC programmers never die, they GOSUB and don't RETURN." -- UnknownWisdom of the ages:


  • I'd be unstoppable... if not for law enforcement and physics.
  • Marriage, the number 1 cause of divorce.
  • Don't steal... the government hates competition.
  • Irish Government Motto: We’ve got what it takes to take what you’ve got.
  • Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
  • Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.-- Ferenc Mantfeld
  • If you learn from your mistakes, then why ain't I a genius?! -- Anonymous
  • Remember, live every day as if it was your last day! one day you will be right.
  • How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
  • Sure my system is secure, it just locked up again.
  • I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.  ~Author Unknown

  On 5/6/2014 at 9:25 AM, GerrOrneq said:

Just as a matter of interest, there is a registry hack that will turn off the "Shortcut to" on desktop shortcuts.

You can read about it here http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-shortcut-text-from-new-shortcuts-in-vista/

Good Luck. DeMo.


Hmm hang on? Wait that will only remove - Shortcut right?

What about the file extension?

notpad.exe normally goes to -> notepad.exe - Shortcut

Registry edit

notepad.exe goes to -> notepad.exe

I still then need to double long click or right click shortcut properties and remove .exe from the end.

What I want then is this

notepad.exe goes to -> notepad

Or maybe I could improve it to reproduce the link in propercase Or propercase with string replace to substitute dashes and underscores


notepad.exe goes to -> Notepad


this-is-the-name-of-a-long-executable_1.exe goes to -> This is the name of a long executable 1

My snippet still applies I guess? But thanks for the reg hack. I have no idea why I never come across that earlier? 


Have you tried FileCreateShortcut? You can call it whatever you want with it.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

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I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator

  On 5/7/2014 at 3:49 PM, BrewManNH said:

Have you tried FileCreateShortcut? You can call it whatever you want with it.

5th line up from the bottom. I guess I should now go and seek who it was that created the initial FileCreateShortcut and add them to the credits....is that expected? I read it from the helpfile and yes that was very useful. If you read through the code in my snippet you will see why it alone cannot be used as the solution by its self and how I propose solutions to the issues that are created. I think you will like it ;-) As mentioned I am sure there are better ways that have been created to solve the same problem, this is just a different way of doing it and some of the parts or combination of parts may be useful to other forum members? 

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here a snipped how to colorize each character of a label text:


#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Global $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 570, 100), $i

Global $sText1 = "These chars were colorized separately"
Global $aColors1[StringLen($sText1)]
For $i = 0 To UBound($aColors1) - 1
    $aColors1[$i] = Random(0x000000, 0x400000, 1)
Global $aLabel1 = GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized($sText1, $aColors1, 10, 10, 18, "Comic Sans MS")

Global $sText2 = "using " & Chr(203) & "label controls" & Chr(202) & " with " & Chr(201) & "bold" & Chr(200) & " words. ;-)"
Global $aColors2[StringLen($sText2)]

Global $aLabel2 = GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized($sText2, $aColors2, 18, 50, 26, "Times New Roman")


;~  For $i = 0 To UBound($aColors2) - 1
;~      GUICtrlSetColor($aLabel2[$i][0], Random(0x000000, 0xD00000, 1))
;~  Next
;~  Sleep(40)


; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..............:  GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized
; Description ......:   Creates a label with possibility to set different color to each character
; Syntax ............:  GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized($sText, $aColors, $iX, $iY, $fFontSize, $sFont[, $iWeight = 400[, $iAttribute = 0[,
;                                                                       $iFQuality = 0[, $fCorrection = 0.95]]]])
; Parameters .....:     $sText              - A string value. Chr(200) = disable bold char, Chr(201) = enable bold char,
;                                                     Chr(202) = disable italic char, Chr(203) = enable italic char,
;                           $aColors          - An array of color values in format RGB.
;                           $iX                  - An integer value - x position of the label.
;                           $iY                  - An integer value - y position of the label.
;                           $fFontSize       - A floating point value - size of the font.
;                           $sFont             - A string value - font name.
;                           $iWeight          - [optional] An integer value. Default is 400.
;                           $iAttribute        - [optional] An integer value. Default is 0.
;                           $iFQuality        - [optional] An integer value. Default is 4 (checkout GUICtrlSetFont for more details about quality settings)
;                           $fCorrection     - [optional] A floating point value. Default is 0.925.
; Return values .:  An array with following values:
;                           [$i][0] = control id of the label
;                           [$i][1] = color value of the character in RGB format
;                           [$i][2] = x position of the character
;                           [$i][3] = y position of the character
;                           [$i][4] = width of the character
;                           [$i][5] = height of the character
; Version ..........:   0.95 build 2017-09-11 beta
; Author ...........:   UEZ
; Modified ........:
; Remarks .......:  AutoIt version or higher is required, __MeasureString is an internal function to measure each character.
;                           Don't forget to start GDI+ before you call the function!
; Related .........:    GUICtrlCreateLabel, _GDIPlus_StringFormatSetMeasurableCharacterRanges
; Link ..............:
; Example .......:  Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized($sText, $aColors, $iX, $iY, $fFontSize = 9.5, $sFont = "Arial", $iWeight = 400, $iAttribute = 0, $iFQuality = 4, $fCorrection = 0.925)
    If Not StringLen($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $aChars = StringSplit($sText, "", 2), $i, $aLabels[UBound($aChars)][6], $aCoord, $sChar, _
          $bBold = 0, $bItalic = 0, $iBold = 700, $iItalic = 2, $iWeightPrev = $iWeight, $iItalicPrev = $iAttribute
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aChars) - 1
        $sChar = $aChars[$i]
        If $sChar = " " Then $sChar = "." ;if char is space fill it up with . to calculate space between words
        Switch $sChar
            Case Chr(200)
                $bBold = 0
            Case Chr(201)
                $bBold = 1
            Case Chr(202)
                $bItalic = 0
            Case Chr(203)
                $bItalic = 1
        $aCoord = __MeasureString($sChar, $sFont, $fFontSize, $iAttribute + ($iWeight > 699) * 1)
        $aLabels[$i][1] = $aColors[$i] ;color
        $aLabels[$i][2] = ($iX - $aCoord[0]) * $fCorrection ;x pos
        $aLabels[$i][3] = $iY ;y pos
        $aLabels[$i][4] = $aCoord[2] ;width
        $aLabels[$i][5] = $aCoord[3] ;height
        $aLabels[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aChars[$i], $aLabels[$i][2], $aLabels[$i][3], $aLabels[$i][4], $aLabels[$i][5]) ;create label (char) control
        GUICtrlSetColor($aLabels[$i][0], $aLabels[$i][1]) ;set char color
        If $bBold Then
            $iWeight = $iBold
            $iWeight = $iWeightPrev
        If $bItalic Then
            $iAttribute = $iItalic
            $iAttribute = $iItalicPrev
        GUICtrlSetFont($aLabels[$i][0], $fFontSize, $iWeight, $iAttribute, $sFont, $iFQuality) ;set font for char
        $iX += $aCoord[1] ;calculate next x position
    Return $aLabels
EndFunc   ;==>GUICtrlCreateLabelColorized

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ............:    __MeasureString
; Description ....:     Measures a string
; Syntax ..........:    __MeasureString($sString, $sFont, $fFontSize[, $iAttribute = 0])
; Parameters ...:   $sString            - A string value.
;                           $sFont              - A string value.
;                           $fFontSize      - A floating point value.
;                           $iAttribute         - [optional] An integer value. Default is 0.
; Return values.:   An array with x, y, width and height values of the string
; Version ..........:   2020-03-08 beta
; Author ...........:   UEZ
; Modified ........:
; Remarks .......:  AutoIt version or higher is required
; Related .........:    GDIPlus
; Link ..............:
; Example .......:  Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __MeasureString($sString, $sFont, $fFontSize, $iAttribute = 0)
    Local Const $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC(0), $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC), $tLayout = _GDIPlus_RectFCreate()
    Local Const $hFormat = _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate(), $hFamily = _GDIPlus_FontFamilyCreate($sFont), $hFont = _GDIPlus_FontCreate($hFamily, $fFontSize, $iAttribute)
    Local $aInfo = _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureString($hGraphics, $sString, $hFont, $tLayout, $hFormat)
    Local $aRanges[2][2] = [[1]]
    $aRanges[1][1] = StringLen($sString)
    _GDIPlus_StringFormatSetMeasurableCharacterRanges($hFormat, $aRanges)
    Local Const $aRegion = _GDIPlus_GraphicsMeasureCharacterRanges($hGraphics, $sString, $hFont, $aInfo[0], $hFormat)
    Local Const $aBounds = _GDIPlus_RegionGetBounds($aRegion[1], $hGraphics)
    _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hDC)
    Local $aDim[4]
    $aDim[0] = $aBounds[0]      ;X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
    $aDim[1] = $aBounds[2]      ;Width of the rectangle for next char
    $aDim[2] = $aInfo[0].Width  ;Width of the rectangle
    $aDim[3] = $aInfo[0].Height ;Height of the rectangle
    Return $aDim
EndFunc   ;==>__MeasureString

Requires AutoIt version or higher!



Edited by UEZ
Little update

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io

The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ

Posted (edited)

Thanks JLogan3o13. Changed bg to black to be less dazzling for your eyes. ;)




Edited by UEZ

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

Selection of finest graphical examples at Codepen.io

The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Slided ON / OFF by @taietel

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
$bOn = True
$hGUI = GUICreate("On/Off", 120, 45)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("ON", 10, 10, 50, 25, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE))
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "Arial",5)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xC0C0C0)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x101010)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("OFF", 60, 10, 50, 25, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE))
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "Arial",5)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xC0C0C0)
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x101010)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)
$hSwitch = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 60, 10, 50, 25)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800, 0, "Arial")
GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFF0000)

While 1
Switch GUIGetMsg()
  Case -3
  Case $hSwitch
   $aPos = ControlGetPos($hGUI, "", $hSwitch)
   If $bOn Then
    For $i = 0 To 50
     ControlMove($hGUI, "", $hSwitch, $aPos[0] - $i, $aPos[1])
    $bOn = False
    For $i = 0 To 50
     ControlMove($hGUI, "", $hSwitch, $aPos[0] + $i, $aPos[1])
    $bOn = True
Edited by mLipok

Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:

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Signature last update: 2023-04-24


Thanks mLipok. Though the code needs a bit of updating in my opinion.

UDF List:

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Updated: 22/04/2018


based on:


List of active sesion and opened files :

Local $objConnection = ObjGet("WinNT://localhost/LanmanServer")

Local $colSessions = $objConnection.Sessions
For $objSession In $colSessions
    ConsoleWrite("Computer: " & $objSession.Computer & @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("Connected Time: " & $objSession.ConnectTime & @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("Idle Time: " & $objSession.IdleTime & @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("Name: " & $objSession.Name & @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("User: " & $objSession.User & @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF )

Local $colResources = $objConnection.Resources
For $objResource in $colResources
    ConsoleWrite("Name: " & $objResource.Name& @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("Path: " & $objResource.Path& @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("User: " & $objResource.User& @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite("LockCount: " & $objResource.LockCount& @CRLF )
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF )

Signature beginning:
Please remember: "AutoIt"..... *  Wondering who uses AutoIt and what it can be used for ? * Forum Rules *
ADO.au3 UDF * POP3.au3 UDF * XML.au3 UDF * IE on Windows 11 * How to ask ChatGPT for AutoIt Codefor other useful stuff click the following button:

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Signature last update: 2023-04-24

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Get all environmental variables from the local computer:

#include <Constants.au3>

Local $PID, $line, $PIDerror

;;This simple program will pop a msgbox up showing all enviroment variables in the local machine

$PID = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c set', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD)
$PIDerror = @error
If $PIDerror <> 0 Then
    MsgBox(0, "error", "error running the $PID command; error: " & $PIDerror)

;;main line

While 1
    $line &= StdoutRead($PID)
    If @error Then

Edited by MikahS

Snips & Scripts

  Reveal hidden contents

My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvars
My Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4

Feel free to use any of my code for your own use.                                                                                                                                                           Forum FAQ


Posted (edited)

Simple CPU temp monitor using >GraphGDIPlus.au3. Updates ticks allowing it to run indefinitely.


#include <GraphGDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>

AdlibRegister("findTemp", 9000)
AdlibRegister("_Draw_Graph", 10000)

Local $hGUI, $hGraph, $temp, $Counter = 1, $iCheck, $msg, $xVal = 1

$hGUI = GUICreate("", 600, 350) ; create the GUI window
$iCheck = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Reset on next interval", 462, 1)
GUISetState() ; show the window

CreateGraph() ; create the graph
findTemp() ; find the temp
_Draw_Graph() ; draw the graph

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Func CreateGraph()
    If IsArray($hGraph) = 0 Then ; if an array hasn't been made; then make it
        $hGraph = _GraphGDIPlus_Create($hGUI, 37, 24, 545, 300, 0xFF000000, 0xFF88B3DD) ; create the graph
    If $Counter > 24 Then ; if the counter is greater then 24; lets start making this move over one on the x range
        _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX($hGraph, $xVal, $Counter, 24) ; this will move us one full tick over to the right from the start and finish of the x range
        $xVal += 1 ; add one to our start x range
        _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX($hGraph, 0, 24, 24) ; set the x range from 0 - 24 putting all 24 ticks on screen
        _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY($hGraph, 0, 125, 5) ; set the y range from 0 - 125 only putting 5 ticks on screen
        _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX($hGraph, 1, 0xFF6993BE) ; set the x grid
        _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY($hGraph, 1, 0xFF6993BE) ; set the y grid
EndFunc   ;==>CreateGraph

Func _Draw_Graph()
    Local $rCheckbox
    $rCheckbox = GUICtrlRead($iCheck) ; read the checkbox value; 1 if clicked
    If $rCheckbox = 1 Then ; if clicked then...
        ControlClick($hGUI, "Reset on next interval", $iCheck) ; unclick the checkbox
        _GraphGDIPlus_Delete($hGUI, $hGraph) ; delete the graph
        $Counter = 1 ; reset the counter
        $xVal = 1 ; reset the x range counter
        CreateGraph() ; and create the graph again
    If $Counter > 24 Then ; if we've reached the end
        CreateGraph() ; and create the graph again
    _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor($hGraph, 0xFF325D87) ; set the color of the line
    _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize($hGraph, 2) ; set the size of the line
    _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start($hGraph, $Counter, 0) ; set the start on the graph plot
    _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line($hGraph, $Counter, $temp) ; set the line ending
    _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh($hGraph) ; draw it to the screen
    $Counter += 1 ; add one to our counter
EndFunc   ;==>_Draw_Graph

Func findTemp()
    Local $aClasses, $nCounter = 0
    $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10
    $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20
    $strComputer = "."
    $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\wmi")
    $Instances = $objWMIService.InstancesOf("MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature")
    $aClasses = $objWMIService.subClassesOf()
    For $class in $aClasses
        If StringInStr($class.Path_.Path, "MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature") <> 0 Then
            $nCounter += 1
    If $nCounter = 0 Then
        MsgBox(0, "Not Supported", "I'm sorry, but getting of the CPU temp is not supported on your machine. Exiting...")
    For $Item In $Instances
        $temp = ($Item.CurrentTemperature - 2732) / 10 ; set the temp
EndFunc   ;==>findTemp

Func Quit()
    _GraphGDIPlus_Delete($hGUI, $hGraph) ; delete the graph
    Exit ; get us out
EndFunc   ;==>Quit

EDIT: Added a check to see if the WMI temperature hive was present; if it is not, then it will tell you and exit.

Edited by MikahS

Snips & Scripts

  Reveal hidden contents

My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvars
My Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4

Feel free to use any of my code for your own use.                                                                                                                                                           Forum FAQ


  • Moderators

MikahS, you may want to add a check in there for whether that WMI hive is present, or they'll be staring at a blank graph. Remember that not all machines support reading of the cpu temperature.

If you Google "msacpi_thermalzonetemperature not supported" you'll find a number of threads on MSDN and SO where people run into just this kind of issue.

Otherwise, a great use of GDI+ graphing, very nice addition :)

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