Skitty Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 How can I make autoit read emails from GMAIL?Gmail has an api system for just that.
Dgameman1 Posted March 12, 2012 Author Posted March 12, 2012 Gmail has an api system for just that.The problem is, I have no idea how to use that I'm really sorry, can you give me a kind of skeleton?
Dgameman1 Posted March 14, 2012 Author Posted March 14, 2012 Sorry for being annoying but can someone give me some sort of starting ground?
Skitty Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Sorry for being annoying but can someone give me some sort of starting ground?Do you want read the entire email or just check if you have new emails and get email summaries, sender, title etc?
Skitty Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 (edited) I'm curious, did you get anything working? because believe it or not I was trying to find a way to do this as well, the furthest I got was being able to read the atom feed but I'm still stuck at trying to read the full email, I tried using winapiex.au3 to authenticate to Google but I can't figure it out :S I'd have posted this earlier but I was too inebriated to post it and make sense. expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/so #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <string.au3> Global $eReturn = _CheckMail("email", "password") Global $Emails = @extended Switch @error Case 0 Switch @extended Case True ConsoleWrite(" 0>"&$eReturn[0][0] & @CR) ConsoleWrite(" "& $Emails & " " & $eReturn[0][1] & @CR) For $x = 1 To $Emails ConsoleWrite("!>Title - " & $eReturn[$x][0] & @CR) ConsoleWrite("+>Name - " & $eReturn[$x][1] & @CR) ConsoleWrite("->Email - " & $eReturn[$x][2] & @CR) ConsoleWrite(">summary - " & $eReturn[$x][3] & @CR & @CR) Next Case Else MsgBox(64,"success!","Success! But you have no new emails :(") EndSwitch Case 1 MsgBox(0,"Error!","Couldn't get your new emails for some reason...") Case 2,3 MsgBox(0,"Error!","you need to enter an user name and password!") Case 4 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Error Getting URL Source!") Case 5 MsgBox(16,"Error!","No response?") Case 6 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Unauthorized access, possibly a wrong username or password!") EndSwitch ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _CheckMail ; Description ...: Checks a Google Email for new emails. ; Syntax ........: _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd[, $UserAgentString = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $UserName - An unknown value. ; $Pswd - An unknown value. ; $UserAgentString - [optional] An unknown value. Default is "". ; Return values .: A 2d array with email information as follows~ ; 1|Title ; 2|Name ; 3|Email ; 4|Summary ; 5|Date ; 6|Time ; ; Author ........: dantay9 ; Modified ......: THAT1ANONYMOUSDUDE ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd, $UserAgentString = "") If Not $UserName Then Return SetError(2,0,0) If Not $Pswd Then Return SetError(3,0,0) If $UserAgentString Then HttpSetUserAgent($UserAgentString) Local $source = InetRead("https://" & $UserName & ":" & $Pswd & "",1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!>Error Getting URL Source!" & @CR & " 404>@Error =" & @error & @CR & " 404>@Extended =" & @extended & @CR) Return SetError(4,0,0) EndIf If $source Then $source = BinaryToString($source) Else Return SetError(5,0,0) EndIf If StringLeft(StringStripWS($source, 8), 46) == "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If Not Number(StringBetween($source, "<fullcount>", "</fullcount>")) Then Return SetError(0,0,0) Local $Email = _StringBetween($source, "<entry>", "</entry>") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $Time Local $Count = UBound($Email) Local $Datum[$Count + 1][6] $Datum[0][0] = StringBetween($source, "<title>", "</title>") $Datum[0][1] = StringBetween($source, "<tagline>", "</tagline>") For $i = 0 To $Count - 1 $Datum[$i+1][0] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<title>", "</title>") If Not $Datum[$i+1][0] Then $Datum[$i][0] = "(no subject)" $Datum[$i+1][1] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<name>", "</name>") $Datum[$i+1][2] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<email>", "</email>") $Datum[$i+1][3] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<summary>", "</summary>") $Time = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<issued>", "</issued>") $Datum[$i+1][4] = DateFromTimeDate($Time) $Datum[$i+1][5] = TimeFromTimeDate($Time) Next Return SetError(0,$Count,$Datum) EndFunc Func StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) Local $B = _StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError(0,0,$B[0]) EndFunc ;==>StringBetween ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: DateFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns email sent date. ; Syntax ........: DateFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - A gmail date string ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func DateFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Year>d{2}|d{4})(?:-)(?<Month>d{1,2})(?:-)(?<Day>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return Int($RegEx[0]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[1]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[2]) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DateFromTimeDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: TimeFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns the email sent time. ; Syntax ........: TimeFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - An unknown value. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func TimeFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Hour>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Minute>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Second>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return (Int($RegEx[0]) - 4) & ":" & Int($RegEx[1]) & ":" & Int($RegEx[2]) ;don't know why I have to subtract 4 Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>TimeFromTimeDate Edited April 10, 2017 by Skitty Dgameman1 1
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted March 15, 2012 Moderators Posted March 15, 2012 Am I completely wrong, or is your solution not automating the login to GMail so you can read the email?? "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Skitty Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 (edited) Am I completely wrong, or is your solution not automating the login to GMail so you can read the email??It's not working for you? or what do you mean?Edit: haha, stupid me, I posted my gmail password and let everyone read my emails there, again. no worries... Edited March 15, 2012 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted March 15, 2012 Moderators Posted March 15, 2012 I mean, the forum rules explicitly state no discussion of auto-login methods. Unless I am wrong, your solution violates this. "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Skitty Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 (edited) I mean, the forum rules explicitly state no discussion of auto-login methods. Unless I am wrong, your solution violates this.Oh, you mean that, I was under the impression that it was ok to do this with gmail, especially since there are examples set in the documentation for winhttp.au3 by the autoit developers..Cookies are sessions' properties. You don't set them your self unless overwriting them.Both _WinHttpSendRequest and _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest have examples of gmail login.What exactly you want to do? Edited March 15, 2012 by THAT1ANONYMOUSEDUDE
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted March 15, 2012 Moderators Posted March 15, 2012 (edited) I asked a Mod to weigh in. Things may have changed since those were written. Edited March 15, 2012 by JLogan3o13 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Valik Posted March 16, 2012 Posted March 16, 2012 This seems pretty specific. The ATOM feed is read-only. The login method being used is trivial. It's also documented (though deprecated I think). It's also using a clearly supported API for programs to access as opposed to simulating a human performing a conventional login. In other words, this is fine.
Skitty Posted March 16, 2012 Posted March 16, 2012 This seems pretty specific. The ATOM feed is read-only. The login method being used is trivial. It's also documented (though deprecated I think). It's also using a clearly supported API for programs to access as opposed to simulating a human performing a conventional login.In other words, this is fine.Well, now that this is cleared, then I guess I can continue in my attempt to get the full email data?and by btw, I was going to PM you but I know how you guys hate that, I wanted to ask...Can I post a script to the examples section that recovers Google Chrome stored passwords/login data? I know it can be used for malicious purposes but what if I just post a compiled obfuscated binary so as to avoid the obvious?
Valik Posted March 16, 2012 Posted March 16, 2012 Can I post a script to the examples section that recovers Google Chrome stored passwords/login data? I know it can be used for malicious purposes but what if I just post a compiled obfuscated binary so as to avoid the obvious?No.
Skitty Posted March 16, 2012 Posted March 16, 2012 lol, my foresight was pretty damn accurate on this one.
Dgameman1 Posted March 30, 2012 Author Posted March 30, 2012 Thank you so much apud.Just wondering though, would it be possible to make it download an attachment from the first unread email or would that be impossible? =/Sorry for being annoying.Thank you so much again =D
Skitty Posted March 30, 2012 Posted March 30, 2012 (edited) Thank you so much apud.Just wondering though, would it be possible to make it download an attachment from the first unread email or would that be impossible? =/Sorry for being annoying.Thank you so much again =DNo, of course it's not impossible, but the bad news is that I seem to be the only one willing to touch this subject and I so happen to not understand how to use winhttp sessions which seem to be needed for doing this. I tried it, I really did, But I just can't f***ing understand what the hell I need to do to read the full email, I keep getting a server response code saying that I'm unauthorized, I even skimmed through several gmail reader extensions for chrome and didn't really find out how they were doing it.Apparently one needs to login to authenticate ones self and in response, google gives you a cookie as it seems, what I'm stumped at is how the heck should I use that damn cookie to tell google I've already logged in so I can read them. Edited March 30, 2012 by ApudAngelorum
Rogue5099 Posted March 30, 2012 Posted March 30, 2012 I have tried searching through the source code of the message link returned from _CheckMail() and also tried checking source using: $oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET","LINKRETURNEDFROM_CHECKMAIL()") $oHTTP.Send() $HTMLSource = $oHTTP.Responsetext ConsoleWrite($HTMLSource) I got just the preview that comes with atom. None of the message was present using winhttp... My projects: Inventory / Mp3 Inventory, Computer Stats
Rogue5099 Posted March 31, 2012 Posted March 31, 2012 I thought I would combine Melba23's Notify UDF and ApudAngelorum's Modified CheckMail UDF here to notify of a new E-mail but I'm getting stuck if someone deletes a Email then a new one arrives.My horrible script:expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..Downloadsgmail.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #Obfuscator_Parameters=/so #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <string.au3> #include "Notify.au3" #include "CheckGmail.au3" Global $eReturn Global $Emails = @extended Global $Count, $NumberofEmails = 0 Global $User = InputBox("Gmail", "Please enter user name.") Global $Pass = InputBox("Gmail", "Please enter password.", "", "*") _Display() _Notify_RegMsg() _Notify_Locate(0) AdlibRegister("_Display", 5000) _Notify_Set(Default) While 1 Sleep(10) If $NumberofEmails < $Count Then For $x = $NumberofEmails To $Count _Notify_Show(@AutoItExe, "", $eReturn[$x][1] & @CR & $eReturn[$x][0]) Next $NumberofEmails = $Count ElseIf $NumberofEmails > $Count Then $NumberofEmails = $Count EndIf WEnd Func _Display() $eReturn = _CheckMail($User, $Pass) Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox(0,"Error!","Couldn't get your new emails for some reason...") Exit Case 2,3 MsgBox(0,"Error!","you need to enter an user name and password!") Exit Case 4 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Error Getting URL Source!") Exit Case 5 MsgBox(16,"Error!","No response?") Exit Case 6 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Unauthorized access, possibly a wrong username or password!") Exit EndSwitch EndFuncMelba23's Notify UDF:expandcollapse popup#include-once ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================ ; Title .........: Notify ; AutoIt Version : - uses AdlibRegister/Unregister ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Show and hides pop-out notifications from the side of the screen in user defined colours and fonts ; Author(s) .....: Melba23 - credit to UEZ for the PNG code ; ==================================================================================================================== ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_au3check_parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #INCLUDES# ========================================================================================================= #include <StringSize.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> ; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# ================================================================================================= ; Create array to hold data for Notifications ; [0][0] = Count [n][0] = Handle ; [0][1] = Max avail [n][1] = Timer duration ; [0][2] = X-coord [n][2] = Timer stamp ; [0][3] = Low Y-coord [n][3] = Clickable ; [0][4] = Location [n][4] = X-Coord Global $aNotify_Data[1][5] = [[0, Int((@DesktopHeight - 60) / 50), @DesktopWidth - 10, @DesktopHeight - 10, 0]] ; Adjust values according to taskbar position and desired location _Notify_Locate(0) ; Create array to hold default and current Notification values = [Style ($SS_CENTER), Col, BkCol, Font, Slide, Interference] ; [0][5] = Timer running, [1][5] = Click running Global $aNotify_Settings[2][6] = [[1, 0, 0, _Notify_GetDefFont(), False, False], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False]] Global $aNotify_Ret = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8 $aNotify_Settings[0][1] = $aNotify_Ret[0] $aNotify_Ret = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 5) ; $COLOR_WINDOW = 5 $aNotify_Settings[0][2] = $aNotify_Ret[0] ; Use the defaults as current settings For $i = 0 To 3 $aNotify_Settings[1][$i] = $aNotify_Settings[0][$i] Next ; #CURRENT# ========================================================================================================== ; _Notify_Locate: Determine notification start position, direction of movement and maximum number ; _Notify_Set: Sets text justification and optionally colours and font for notifications ; _Notify_Show: Shows a notification ; _Notify_Hide: Hides a notification ; _Notify_RegMsg: Registers the WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message to enable retraction of the notification on clicking ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; _Notify_Timer: Checks whether a notification has timed out ; _Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: Message handler to check if notification clicked ; _Notify_Delete: Retract a notification when timed out or clicked ; _Notify_Reset: Reposition remaining notifications on screen ; _Notify_GetDefFont: Determine system default MsgBox font ; _Show_PNG: Set PNG as image ; _BitmapCreateDIB: Create bitmap ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Notify_Locate ; Description ...: Determine notification start position, direction of movement and maximum number ; Syntax ........: _Notify_Locate($iLocation) ; Parameters ....: $iLocation - Start point and direction for Notifications ; 0 = Bottom right upwards (default) ; 1 = Top right downwards ; 2 = Top left downwards ; 3 = Bottom left upwards ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.2.0 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Notify_Show ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error as follows ; 1 = Notificatiosn displayed ; 2 = Invalid parameter ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: This function will only set or reset the location if no notificatiosn are displayed ; Example........: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Locate($iLocation) ; Can only reset notification location when no notifications are displayed If $aNotify_Data[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf ; Check valid parameter Switch $iLocation Case 0 To 3 $aNotify_Data[0][4] = $iLocation Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndSwitch Local $tWorkArea ; Determine which struct syntax to use to use If @AutoItVersion < "" Then $tWorkArea = DllStructCreate("long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom") Else $tWorkArea = DllStructCreate("struct;long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom;endstruct") EndIf ; Check if Taskbar is hidden Local $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "SHAppBarMessage", "dword", 0x00000004, "ptr*", 0) ; $ABM_GETSTATE If BitAND($aRet[0], 0x01) Then ; Set max number available $aNotify_Data[0][1] = Int((@DesktopHeight - 60) / 50) ; Adjust data array depending on required location Switch $iLocation Case 0 ; From bottom right $aNotify_Data[0][3] = @DesktopHeight - 10 ; bottom Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = @DesktopWidth - 10 ; right X Case 1 ; From top right $aNotify_Data[0][3] = 10 ; top Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = @DesktopWidth - 10 ; right X Case 2 ; From top left $aNotify_Data[0][3] = 10 ; top Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = 10 ; left X Case 3 ; From bottom left $aNotify_Data[0][3] = @DesktopHeight - 10 ; bottom Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = 10 ; left X EndSwitch Else ; Determine available work area ; $SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "SystemParametersInfoW", "uint", 48, "uint", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tWorkArea), "uint", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $aWorkArea[4] = [DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Left"), DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Top"), _ DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Right"), DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Bottom")] ; Set max number available $aNotify_Data[0][1] = Int(($aWorkArea[3] - $aWorkArea[1] - 60) / 50) ; Adjust data array depending on required location Switch $iLocation Case 0 ; From bottom right $aNotify_Data[0][3] = $aWorkArea[3] - 10 ; bottom Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = $aWorkArea[2] - 10 ; right X Case 1 ; From top right $aNotify_Data[0][3] = $aWorkArea[1] + 10 ; top Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = $aWorkArea[2] - 10 ; right X Case 2 ; From top left $aNotify_Data[0][3] = $aWorkArea[1] + 10 ; top Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = $aWorkArea[0] + 10 ; left X Case 3 ; From bottom left $aNotify_Data[0][3] = $aWorkArea[3] - 10 ; bottom Y $aNotify_Data[0][2] = $aWorkArea[0] + 10 ; left X EndSwitch EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_Notify_Locate ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Notify_Set ; Description ...: Sets text justification and optionally colours, font and movement for notifications ; Syntax.........: _Notify_Set($vJust, [$iCol, [$iBkCol, [$iFont_Name, [$fSlide]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vJust - 0 = Left justified, 1 = Centred (Default), 2 = Right justified ; Can use $SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTER, $SS_RIGHT ; >>>>> Setting this parameter to "Default" will reset ALL parameters to default values <<<<< ; >>>>> All optional parameters default to system MsgBox default values <<<<< ; $iCol - [Optional] The colour for the notification text ; $iBkCol - [Optional] The colour for the notification background ; Omitting a colour parameter or setting it to -1 leaves it unchanged ; Setting a colour parameter to Default resets the system colour ; $sFont_Name - [Optional] The font to use for the notification ; >>>>> Omitting this parameter leaves it unchanged <<<<< ; >>>>> Setting this parameter to Default resets the system message box font <<<<< ; $fSlide - [Optional] Movement of notifications into new position when one retracts ; False = Instant (default) ; True = Slide ; >>>>> Using this option increases the chances of a system crash - user beware!! <<<<< ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.2.0 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Notify_Show ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to 1 with @extended set to parameter index number ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Set($vJust, $iCol = -1, $iBkCol = -1, $sFont_Name = "", $fSlide = False) ; Set parameters Switch $vJust Case Default For $i = 0 To 3 $aNotify_Settings[1][$i] = $aNotify_Settings[0][$i] Next Return Case 0, 1, 2 $aNotify_Settings[1][0] = $vJust Case Else Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iCol Case Default $aNotify_Settings[1][1] = $aNotify_Settings[0][1] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $aNotify_Settings[1][1] = $iCol Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 2, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iBkCol Case Default $aNotify_Settings[1][2] = $aNotify_Settings[0][2] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $aNotify_Settings[1][2] = $iBkCol Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 3, 0) EndSwitch Switch $sFont_Name Case Default $aNotify_Settings[1][3] = $aNotify_Settings[0][3] Case "" ; Do nothing Case Else If IsString($sFont_Name) Then $aNotify_Settings[1][3] = $sFont_Name Else Return SetError(1, 4, 0) EndIf EndSwitch If $fSlide = True Then $aNotify_Settings[0][4] = True Else $aNotify_Settings[0][4] = False EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_Notify_Set ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Notify_Show ; Description ...: Shows a notification ; Syntax.........: _Notify_Show($vIcon, $sTitle, $sMessage, [$iDelay [, $iClick]]) ; Parameters ....: $vIcon - 0 - No icon, 8 - UAC, 16 - Stop, 32 - Query, 48 - Exclamation, 64 - Information ; The $MB_ICON constant can also be used for the last 4 above ; If set to the name of an exe, the main icon of that exe will be displayed ; If set to the name of an image file, that image will be displayed ; Any other value returns -1, error 1 ; $sTitle - Text to display as title in bold ; $sMessage - Text to display as message ; If $sTitle = "" then $sText can take 2 lines ; $iDelay - The delay in seconds before the notification retracts (Default = 0 = Remains indefinitely) ; $iClick - If notification will retact when clicked (Default = 1 = Clickable) ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.1.5 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Notify_Show ; Return values .: Success: Returns the handle of the Notification ; Failure: Returns -1 and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = Maximum number of notification that can be displayed ; 2 = Icon parameter invalid ; 3 = StringSize error ; 4 = Title/text will not fit in widest message (@extended = 0/1 = Title/Text) ; 5 = Notification GUI creation failed ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Notes .........; ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Show($vIcon, $sTitle, $sMessage, $iDelay = 0, $iClick = 1) If $aNotify_Data[0][0] = $aNotify_Data[0][1] Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Local $aLabel_Pos, $iLabel_Width, $iLabel_Height = 20 ; Set default auto-sizing Notify dimensions Local $iNotify_Width_max = 300 Local $iNotify_Width_min = 150 Local $iNotify_Height = 40 ; Check for icon Local $iIcon_Style = 0 Local $iIcon_Reduction = 36 Local $sDLL = "user32.dll" Local $sImg = "" If StringIsDigit($vIcon) Then Switch $vIcon Case 0 $iIcon_Reduction = 0 Case 8 $sDLL = "imageres.dll" $iIcon_Style = 78 Case 16 ; Stop $iIcon_Style = -4 Case 32 ; Query $iIcon_Style = -3 Case 48 ; Exclam $iIcon_Style = -2 Case 64 ; Info $iIcon_Style = -5 Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndSwitch Else Switch StringLower(StringRight($vIcon, 3)) Case "exe", "ico" $sDLL = $vIcon $iIcon_Style = 0 Case "bmp", "jpg", "gif", "png" $sImg = $vIcon EndSwitch EndIf ; Determine max message width Local $iMax_Label_Width = $iNotify_Width_max - $iIcon_Reduction - 8 ; Get text size If $sTitle Then ; Measure title $aLabel_Pos = _StringSize($sTitle, 9, Default, Default, $aNotify_Settings[1][3]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf ; Check fits horizontally If $aLabel_Pos[2] > $iMax_Label_Width Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Else ; Set width required $iLabel_Width = $aLabel_Pos[2] EndIf ; Measure message $aLabel_Pos = _StringSize($sMessage, 9, Default, Default, $aNotify_Settings[1][3]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf ; Check fits horizontally If $aLabel_Pos[2] > $iMax_Label_Width Then Return SetError(4, 1, -1) Else ; Adjust width required if needed If $aLabel_Pos[2] > $iLabel_Width Then $iLabel_Width = $aLabel_Pos[2] EndIf EndIf Else ; Measure message $aLabel_Pos = _StringSize($sMessage, 9, Default, Default, $aNotify_Settings[1][3], $iMax_Label_Width) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf ; If wrapped check still fits vertically If $aLabel_Pos[3] > 40 Then Return SetError(4, 1, -1) EndIf ; Check fits horizontally If $aLabel_Pos[2] > $iMax_Label_Width Then Return SetError(4, 1, -1) Else ; Set Notification size and label position If $aLabel_Pos[2] > $iLabel_Width Then $iLabel_Width = $aLabel_Pos[2] EndIf $sMessage = $aLabel_Pos[0] ; Adjust vertical position to centre lines Local $iLabel_Y = Int((40 - $aLabel_Pos[3]) / 2) EndIf EndIf ; Set Notify size Local $iNotify_Width = $iLabel_Width + 8 + $iIcon_Reduction ; Increase if below min size If $iNotify_Width < $iNotify_Width_min + $iIcon_Reduction Then $iNotify_Width = $iNotify_Width_min + $iIcon_Reduction $iLabel_Width = $iNotify_Width_min - 8 EndIf ; Set Notify coords depending on location Local $iNotify_X, $iNotify_Y Switch $aNotify_Data[0][4] Case 0 ; From bottom right $iNotify_X = $aNotify_Data[0][2] - $iNotify_Width $iNotify_Y = $aNotify_Data[0][3] - (50 * ($aNotify_Data[0][0] + 1)) Case 1 ; From top right $iNotify_X = $aNotify_Data[0][2] - $iNotify_Width $iNotify_Y = $aNotify_Data[0][3] + (50 * ($aNotify_Data[0][0])) Case 2 ; From top left $iNotify_X = $aNotify_Data[0][2] $iNotify_Y = $aNotify_Data[0][3] + (50 * ($aNotify_Data[0][0])) Case 3 ; From bottom left $iNotify_X = $aNotify_Data[0][2] $iNotify_Y = $aNotify_Data[0][3] - (50 * ($aNotify_Data[0][0] + 1)) EndSwitch ; Create Notify slice with $WS_POPUPWINDOW style and $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST and $WS_EX_STATICEDGE extended style Local $hNotify_Handle = GUICreate("", $iNotify_Width, $iNotify_Height, $iNotify_X, $iNotify_Y, 0x80880000, BitOR(0x00020000, 0x00000080, 0x00000008)) If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) EndIf GUISetBkColor($aNotify_Settings[1][2]) ; Create icon If $iIcon_Reduction Then Switch StringLower(StringRight($sImg, 3)) Case "bmp", "jpg", "gif" GUICtrlCreatePic($sImg, 4, 4, 32, 32) Case "png" _Show_PNG($sImg) Case Else GUICtrlCreateIcon($sDLL, $iIcon_Style, 4, 4) EndSwitch EndIf ; Create labels If $sTitle Then ; Title GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 4 + $iIcon_Reduction, 0, $iLabel_Width, $iLabel_Height) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 800, 0, $aNotify_Settings[1][3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][2]) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][1]) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][0]) ; Message GUICtrlCreateLabel($sMessage, 4 + $iIcon_Reduction, 20, $iLabel_Width, $iLabel_Height) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, $aNotify_Settings[1][3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][2]) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][1]) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][0]) Else ; Message GUICtrlCreateLabel($sMessage, 4 + $iIcon_Reduction, $iLabel_Y, $iLabel_Width, 40 - $iLabel_Y) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, $aNotify_Settings[1][3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][2]) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][1]) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, $aNotify_Settings[1][0]) EndIf ; Slide Notify Slice into view and activate Switch $aNotify_Data[0][4] Case 0, 1 DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hNotify_Handle, "int", 1000, "long", 0x00040002) ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_RIGHT Case 2, 3 DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hNotify_Handle, "int", 1000, "long", 0x00040001) ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_LEFT EndSwitch ; Activate Notify without stealing focus GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $hNotify_Handle) ; Store Notify data $aNotify_Data[0][0] += 1 ReDim $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0] + 1][5] $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][0] = $hNotify_Handle $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][1] = $iDelay * 1000 $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][2] = TimerInit() $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][3] = $iClick $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][4] = $iNotify_X ; Start Adlib function for Notify retraction If $aNotify_Data[0][0] = 1 Then AdlibRegister("_Notify_Timer", 1000) EndIf Return $hNotify_Handle EndFunc ;==>_Notify_Show ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Notify_Hide ; Description ...: Hide a notification ; Syntax.........: _Notify_Show($hWnd) ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.1.5 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Notify_Show ; Return values .: Success: Returns 1 ; Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = Invalid handle passed ; 2 = Handle not found in Notification array ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Notes .........; ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Hide($hWnd) ; Check for valid handle If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Look for handle in array For $i = 1 To $aNotify_Data[0][0] If $aNotify_Data[$i][0] = $hWnd Then ; If found then retract _Notify_Delete($i) _Notify_Reset($i) Return 1 EndIf Next ; Handle was not found Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Notify_RegMsg ; Description ...: Registers WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message needed for the UDF ; Syntax.........: _Notify_RegMsg() ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.1.5 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Notify_Show ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If another WM_MOUSEACTIVATE handler already registered, call the _Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE handler ; function from within that handler ; If notifications not to retract when clicked the WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message need not be registered ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_RegMsg() GUIRegisterMsg(0x0021, "_Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE") ; $WM_MOUSEACTIVATE $aNotify_Data[0][4] = 1 EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Notify_Timer ; Description ...: Checks whether a notification has timed out ; Syntax ........: _Notify_Timer() ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Timer() If $aNotify_Settings[1][5] Then Return EndIf If $aNotify_Settings[0][5] Then Return EndIf ; Set Prevent simultaneous click $aNotify_Settings[0][5] = True ; Pause Adlib as retraction and movement could overrun delay time AdlibUnRegister("_Notify_Timer") Local $fMoved = False ; Run through notifications For $i = $aNotify_Data[0][0] To 1 Step -1 ; Check timer if needed If $aNotify_Data[$i][1] And TimerDiff($aNotify_Data[$i][2]) > $aNotify_Data[$i][1] Then _Notify_Delete($i) $fMoved = True ExitLoop EndIf Next ; Adjust positions of Notifications If $fMoved Then _Notify_Reset($i) EndIf ; Restart Adlib if needed If $aNotify_Data[0][0] Then AdlibRegister("_Notify_Timer", 1000) EndIf ; Re-enable clicks $aNotify_Settings[0][5] = False EndFunc ;==>_Notify_Timer ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE ; Description ...: Message handler to check if notification clicked ; Syntax ........: _Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; Parameters ....: Standard message handler parameters ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam ; Check timer is not checking If $aNotify_Settings[0][5] Then Return EndIf ; Check handler not already retracting If $aNotify_Settings[1][5] Then Return EndIf ; Set flag to show handler retracting $aNotify_Settings[1][5] = True ; Declare flag Local $fMoved = False For $i = $aNotify_Data[0][0] To 1 Step -1 If $aNotify_Data[$i][3] And $hWnd = $aNotify_Data[$i][0] Then _Notify_Delete($i) $fMoved = True ExitLoop EndIf Next ; Adjust positions of Notifications If $fMoved Then _Notify_Reset($i) EndIf ; Clear Running flag $aNotify_Settings[1][5] = False Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" EndFunc ;==>_Notify_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Notify_Delete ; Description ...: Retract a notification when timed out or clicked ; Syntax ........: _Notify_Delete($i) ; Parameters ....: $i - Index of notification to be retracted ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Delete($i) ; Retract and delete notification Switch $aNotify_Data[0][4] Case 0, 1 DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $aNotify_Data[$i][0], "int", 500, "long", 0x00050001) ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_RIGHT Case 2, 3 DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $aNotify_Data[$i][0], "int", 500, "long", 0x00050002) ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_LEFT EndSwitch GUIDelete($aNotify_Data[$i][0]) ; Adjust array For $j = $i + 1 To $aNotify_Data[0][0] For $k = 0 To 4 $aNotify_Data[$j - 1][$k] = $aNotify_Data[$j][$k] Next Next ReDim $aNotify_Data[$aNotify_Data[0][0]][5] $aNotify_Data[0][0] -= 1 EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Notify_Reset ; Description ...: Reposition remaining notifications on screen ; Syntax ........: _Notify_Reset($i) ; Parameters ....: $i - Index of notification just retracted ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_Reset($iIndex) If $aNotify_Settings[0][4] Then ; Set step size depending on number of notifications to move Local $iStep = 1 + Int(($aNotify_Data[0][0] - $iIndex) / 3) ; Slide notifications into new positions depending on location Switch $aNotify_Data[0][4] Case 0, 3 For $j = 1 To 50 Step $iStep For $i = $iIndex To $aNotify_Data[0][0] WinMove($aNotify_Data[$i][0], "", $aNotify_Data[$i][4], $aNotify_Data[0][3] - (50 * ($i + 1)) + $j) Next Next Case 1, 2 For $j = 1 To 50 Step $iStep For $i = $iIndex To $aNotify_Data[0][0] WinMove($aNotify_Data[$i][0], "", $aNotify_Data[$i][4], $aNotify_Data[0][3] + (50 * $i) - $j) Next Next EndSwitch Else ; Move notifications into new positions instantly depending on location Switch $aNotify_Data[0][4] Case 0, 3 For $i = 1 To $aNotify_Data[0][0] WinMove($aNotify_Data[$i][0], "", $aNotify_Data[$i][4], $aNotify_Data[0][3] - (50 * $i)) Next Case 1, 2 For $i = 1 To $aNotify_Data[0][0] WinMove($aNotify_Data[$i][0], "", $aNotify_Data[$i][4], $aNotify_Data[0][3] + (50 * ($i - 1))) Next EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Notify_GetDefFont ; Description ...: Determine system default MsgBox font ; Syntax ........: _Notify_GetDefFont() ; Parameters ....: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notify_GetDefFont() ; Get default system font data Local $tNONCLIENTMETRICS = DllStructCreate("uint;int;int;int;int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];byte[60];byte[60]") DllStructSetData($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS)) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", 41, "int", DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "int", 0) ; Read font data for MsgBox font Local $tLOGFONT = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;long;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;char[32]", DllStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 15)) ; Font name Return DllStructGetData($tLOGFONT, 14) EndFunc ;==>_Notify_GetDefFont ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Show_PNG ; Description ...: Set PNG as image ; Syntax ........: _Show_PNG($sImg) ; Parameters ....: $sImg - Path of image file ; Author ........: UEZ ; Modified.......: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Show_PNG($sImg) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hPic = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 4, 4, 32, 32) Local $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($sImg) Local $aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "int", 32, "int", 32, "int", 0, "int", 0x0026200A, "ptr", 0, "int*", 0) Local $hBitmap_Resized = $aResult[6] Local $hBMP_Ctxt = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap_Resized) DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipSetInterpolationMode", "handle", $hBMP_Ctxt, "int", 7) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hBMP_Ctxt , $hBitmap, 0, 0, 32, 32) Local $hHBitmap = _BitmapCreateDIB($hBitmap_Resized) _WinAPI_DeleteObject(GUICtrlSendMsg($hPic, 0x0172, 0, $hHBitmap)) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap_Resized) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBMP_Ctxt) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBitmap) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _BitmapCreateDIB ; Description ...: Create bitmap ; Syntax ........: _BitmapCreateDIB($hBitmap) ; Parameters ....: $hBitmap - Handle of bitmap ; Author ........: UEZ ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _BitmapCreateDIB($hBitmap) Local $hRet = 0 Local $aRet1 = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipGetImageDimension", "ptr", $hBitmap, "float*", 0, "float*", 0) If (@error) Or ($aRet1[0]) Then Return 0 Local $tData = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($hBitmap, 0, 0, $aRet1[2], $aRet1[3], $GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_PXF32ARGB) Local $pBits = DllStructGetData($tData, "Scan0") If Not $pBits Then Return 0 Local $tBIHDR = DllStructCreate("dword;long;long;ushort;ushort;dword;dword;long;long;dword;dword") DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 1, DllStructGetSize($tBIHDR)) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 2, $aRet1[2]) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 3, $aRet1[3]) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 4, 1) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 5, 32) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 6, 0) Local $aRet2 = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CreateDIBSection", "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBIHDR), "uint", 0, "ptr*", 0, "ptr", 0, "dword", 0) If (Not @error) And ($aRet2[0]) Then DllCall("gdi32.dll", "dword", "SetBitmapBits", "ptr", $aRet2[0], "dword", $aRet1[2] * $aRet1[3] * 4, "ptr", DllStructGetData($tData, "Scan0")) $hRet = $aRet2[0] EndIf _GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($hBitmap, $tData) Return $hRet EndFunc ;==>_BitmapCreateDIBStringSize UDF Needed for Melba23's Notify UDF:expandcollapse popup#include-once ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================ ; Title .........: _StringSize ; AutoIt Version : v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Returns size of rectangle required to display string - maximum width can be chosen ; Remarks .......: ; Note ..........: ; Author(s) .....: Melba23 - thanks to trancexx for the default DC code ; ==================================================================================================================== ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #CURRENT# ========================================================================================================== ; _StringSize: Returns size of rectangle required to display string - maximum width can be chosen ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; _StringSize_Error_Close: Releases DC and deletes font object after error ; _StringSize_DefaultFontName: Determines Windows default font ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _StringSize ; Description ...: Returns size of rectangle required to display string - maximum permitted width can be chosen ; Syntax ........: _StringSize($sText[, $iSize[, $iWeight[, $iAttrib[, $sName[, $iWidth[, $hWnd]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sText - String to display ; $iSize - [optional] Font size in points - (default = 8.5) ; $iWeight - [optional] Font weight - (default = 400 = normal) ; $iAttrib - [optional] Font attribute (0-Normal (default), 2-Italic, 4-Underline, 8 Strike) ; + 1 if tabs are to be expanded before sizing ; $sName - [optional] Font name - (default = Tahoma) ; $iWidth - [optional] Max width for rectangle - (default = 0 => width of original string) ; $hWnd - [optional] GUI in which string will be displayed - (default 0 => normally not required) ; Requirement(s) : v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Return values .: Success - Returns 4-element array: ($iWidth set // $iWidth not set) ; |$array[0] = String reformatted with additonal @CRLF // Original string ; |$array[1] = Height of single line in selected font // idem ; |$array[2] = Width of rectangle required for reformatted // original string ; |$array[3] = Height of rectangle required for reformatted // original string ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Incorrect parameter type (@extended = parameter index) ; |2 - DLL call error - extended set as follows: ; |1 - GetDC failure ; |2 - SendMessage failure ; |3 - GetDeviceCaps failure ; |4 - CreateFont failure ; |5 - SelectObject failure ; |6 - GetTextExtentPoint32 failure ; |3 - Font too large for chosen max width - a word will not fit ; Author ........: Melba23 - thanks to trancexx for the default DC code ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The use of the $hWnd parameter is not normally necessary - it is only required if the UDF does not ; return correct dimensions without it. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _StringSize($sText, $iSize = 8.5, $iWeight = 400, $iAttrib = 0, $sName = "", $iMaxWidth = 0, $hWnd = 0) ; Set parameters passed as Default If $iSize = Default Then $iSize = 8.5 If $iWeight = Default Then $iWeight = 400 If $iAttrib = Default Then $iAttrib = 0 If $sName = "" Or $sName = Default Then $sName = _StringSize_DefaultFontName() ; Check parameters are correct type If Not IsString($sText) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) If Not IsNumber($iSize) Then Return SetError(1, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iWeight) Then Return SetError(1, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iAttrib) Then Return SetError(1, 4, 0) If Not IsString($sName) Then Return SetError(1, 5, 0) If Not IsNumber($iMaxWidth) Then Return SetError(1, 6, 0) If Not IsHwnd($hWnd) And $hWnd <> 0 Then Return SetError(1, 7, 0) Local $aRet, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel = 0, $hLabel_Handle ; Check for tab expansion flag Local $iExpTab = BitAnd($iAttrib, 1) ; Remove possible tab expansion flag from font attribute value $iAttrib = BitAnd($iAttrib, BitNot(1)) ; If GUI handle was passed If IsHWnd($hWnd) Then ; Create label outside GUI borders $hLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", -10, -10, 10, 10) $hLabel_Handle = GUICtrlGetHandle(-1) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $iSize, $iWeight, $iAttrib, $sName) ; Create DC $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "GetDC", "hwnd", $hLabel_Handle) If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then GUICtrlDelete($hLabel) Return SetError(2, 1, 0) EndIf $hDC = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "lparam", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $hLabel_Handle, "int", 0x0031, "wparam", 0, "lparam", 0) ; $WM_GetFont If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then GUICtrlDelete($hLabel) Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(2, $hDC), 0) EndIf $hFont = $aRet[0] Else ; Get default DC $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "GetDC", "hwnd", $hWnd) If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 1, 0) $hDC = $aRet[0] ; Create required font $aRet = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "GetDeviceCaps", "handle", $hDC, "int", 90) ; $LOGPIXELSY If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(3, $hDC), 0) Local $iInfo = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "handle", "CreateFontW", "int", -$iInfo * $iSize / 72, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, _ "int", $iWeight, "dword", BitAND($iAttrib, 2), "dword", BitAND($iAttrib, 4), "dword", BitAND($iAttrib, 8), "dword", 0, "dword", 0, _ "dword", 0, "dword", 5, "dword", 0, "wstr", $sName) If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(4, $hDC), 0) $hFont = $aRet[0] EndIf ; Select font and store previous font $aRet = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "handle", "SelectObject", "handle", $hDC, "handle", $hFont) If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(5, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel), 0) Local $hPrevFont = $aRet[0] ; Declare variables Local $avSize_Info[4], $iLine_Length, $iLine_Height = 0, $iLine_Count = 0, $iLine_Width = 0, $iWrap_Count, $iLast_Word, $sTest_Line ; Declare and fill Size structure Local $tSize = DllStructCreate("int X;int Y") DllStructSetData($tSize, "X", 0) DllStructSetData($tSize, "Y", 0) ; Ensure EoL is @CRLF and break text into lines $sText = StringRegExpReplace($sText, "((?<!x0d)x0a|x0d(?!x0a))", @CRLF) Local $asLines = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF, 1) ; For each line For $i = 1 To $asLines[0] ; Expand tabs if required If $iExpTab Then $asLines[$i] = StringReplace($asLines[$i], @TAB, " XXXXXXXX") EndIf ; Size line $iLine_Length = StringLen($asLines[$i]) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "bool", "GetTextExtentPoint32W", "handle", $hDC, "wstr", $asLines[$i], "int", $iLine_Length, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSize)) If @error Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(6, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel), 0) If DllStructGetData($tSize, "X") > $iLine_Width Then $iLine_Width = DllStructGetData($tSize, "X") If DllStructGetData($tSize, "Y") > $iLine_Height Then $iLine_Height = DllStructGetData($tSize, "Y") Next ; Check if $iMaxWidth has been both set and exceeded If $iMaxWidth <> 0 And $iLine_Width > $iMaxWidth Then ; Wrapping required ; For each Line For $j = 1 To $asLines[0] ; Size line unwrapped $iLine_Length = StringLen($asLines[$j]) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "bool", "GetTextExtentPoint32W", "handle", $hDC, "wstr", $asLines[$j], "int", $iLine_Length, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSize)) If @error Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(6, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel), 0) ; Check wrap status If DllStructGetData($tSize, "X") < $iMaxWidth - 4 Then ; No wrap needed so count line and store $iLine_Count += 1 $avSize_Info[0] &= $asLines[$j] & @CRLF Else ; Wrap needed so zero counter for wrapped lines $iWrap_Count = 0 ; Build line to max width While 1 ; Zero line width $iLine_Width = 0 ; Initialise pointer for end of word $iLast_Word = 0 ; Add characters until EOL or maximum width reached For $i = 1 To StringLen($asLines[$j]) ; Is this just past a word ending? If StringMid($asLines[$j], $i, 1) = " " Then $iLast_Word = $i - 1 ; Increase line by one character $sTest_Line = StringMid($asLines[$j], 1, $i) ; Get line length $iLine_Length = StringLen($sTest_Line) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "bool", "GetTextExtentPoint32W", "handle", $hDC, "wstr", $sTest_Line, "int", $iLine_Length, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tSize)) If @error Then Return SetError(2, _StringSize_Error_Close(6, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel), 0) $iLine_Width = DllStructGetData($tSize, "X") ; If too long exit the loop If $iLine_Width >= $iMaxWidth - 4 Then ExitLoop Next ; End of the line of text? If $i > StringLen($asLines[$j]) Then ; Yes, so add final line to count $iWrap_Count += 1 ; Store line $avSize_Info[0] &= $sTest_Line & @CRLF ExitLoop Else ; No, but add line just completed to count $iWrap_Count += 1 ; Check at least 1 word completed or return error If $iLast_Word = 0 Then Return SetError(3, _StringSize_Error_Close(0, $hDC, $hFont, $hLabel), 0) ; Store line up to end of last word $avSize_Info[0] &= StringLeft($sTest_Line, $iLast_Word) & @CRLF ; Strip string to point reached $asLines[$j] = StringTrimLeft($asLines[$j], $iLast_Word) ; Trim leading whitespace $asLines[$j] = StringStripWS($asLines[$j], 1) ; Repeat with remaining characters in line EndIf WEnd ; Add the number of wrapped lines to the count $iLine_Count += $iWrap_Count EndIf Next ; Reset any tab expansions If $iExpTab Then $avSize_Info[0] = StringRegExpReplace($avSize_Info[0], "x20?XXXXXXXX", @TAB) EndIf ; Complete return array $avSize_Info[1] = $iLine_Height $avSize_Info[2] = $iMaxWidth ; Convert lines to pixels and add drop margin $avSize_Info[3] = ($iLine_Count * $iLine_Height) + 4 Else ; No wrapping required ; Create return array (add drop margin to height) Local $avSize_Info[4] = [$sText, $iLine_Height, $iLine_Width, ($asLines[0] * $iLine_Height) + 4] EndIf ; Clear up DllCall("gdi32.dll", "handle", "SelectObject", "handle", $hDC, "handle", $hPrevFont) DllCall("gdi32.dll", "bool", "DeleteObject", "handle", $hFont) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseDC", "hwnd", 0, "handle", $hDC) If $hLabel Then GUICtrlDelete($hLabel) Return $avSize_Info EndFunc ;==>_StringSize ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _StringSize_Error_Close ; Description ...: Releases DC and deleted font object if required after error ; Syntax ........: _StringSize_Error_Close ($iExtCode, $hDC, $hGUI) ; Parameters ....: $iExtCode - code to return ; $hDC, $hGUI - handles as set in _StringSize function ; Return value ..: $iExtCode as passed ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _StringSize ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringSize_Error_Close($iExtCode, $hDC = 0, $hFont = 0, $hLabel = 0) If $hFont <> 0 Then DllCall("gdi32.dll", "bool", "DeleteObject", "handle", $hFont) If $hDC <> 0 Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseDC", "hwnd", 0, "handle", $hDC) If $hLabel Then GUICtrlDelete($hLabel) Return $iExtCode EndFunc ;=>_StringSize_Error_Close ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _StringSize_DefaultFontName ; Description ...: Determines Windows default font ; Syntax ........: _StringSize_DefaultFontName() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - Returns name of system default font ; Failure - Returns "Tahoma" ; Author ........: Melba23, based on some original code by Larrydalooza ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _StringSize ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringSize_DefaultFontName() ; Get default system font data Local $tNONCLIENTMETRICS = DllStructCreate("uint;int;int;int;int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];byte[60];byte[60]") DLLStructSetData($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS)) DLLCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", 41, "int", DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "int", 0) Local $tLOGFONT = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;long;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;char[32]", DLLStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 13)) If IsString(DllStructGetData($tLOGFONT, 14)) Then Return DllStructGetData($tLOGFONT, 14) Else Return "Tahoma" EndIf EndFunc ;=>_StringSize_DefaultFontNameCheckGmail UDF:expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _CheckMail ; Description ...: Checks a Google Email for new emails. ; Syntax ........: _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd[, $UserAgentString = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $UserName - An unknown value. ; $Pswd - An unknown value. ; $UserAgentString - [optional] An unknown value. Default is "". ; Return values .: A 2d array with email information as follows~ ; 1|Title ; 2|Name ; 3|Email ; 4|Summary ; 5|Date ; 6|Time ; ; Author ........: dantay9 ; Modified ......: THAT1ANONYMOUSDUDE ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd, $UserAgentString = "") If Not $UserName Then Return SetError(2,0,0) If Not $Pswd Then Return SetError(3,0,0) If $UserAgentString Then HttpSetUserAgent($UserAgentString) Local $source = InetRead("https://" & $UserName & ":" & $Pswd & "",1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!>Error Getting URL Source!" & @CR & " 404>@Error =" & @error & @CR & " 404>@Extended =" & @extended & @CR) Return SetError(4,0,0) EndIf If $source Then $source = BinaryToString($source) Else Return SetError(5,0,0) EndIf If StringLeft(StringStripWS($source, 8), 46) == "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If Not Number(StringBetween($source, "<fullcount>", "</fullcount>")) Then Return SetError(0,0,0) $EmailCount = StringBetween($source, "<fullcount>", "</fullcount>") Local $Email = _StringBetween($source, "<entry>", "</entry>") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $Time $Count = UBound($Email) Local $Datum[$Count + 1][6] $Datum[0][0] = StringBetween($source, "<title>", "</title>") $Datum[0][1] = StringBetween($source, "<tagline>", "</tagline>") For $i = 0 To $Count - 1 $Datum[$i+1][0] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<title>", "</title>") If Not $Datum[$i+1][0] Then $Datum[$i][0] = "(no subject)" $Datum[$i+1][1] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<name>", "</name>") $Datum[$i+1][2] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<email>", "</email>") $Datum[$i+1][3] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<summary>", "</summary>") $Time = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<issued>", "</issued>") $Datum[$i+1][4] = DateFromTimeDate($Time) $Datum[$i+1][5] = TimeFromTimeDate($Time) Next Return SetError(0,$Count,$Datum) EndFunc Func StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) Local $B = _StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError(0,0,$B[0]) EndFunc ;==>StringBetween ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: DateFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns email sent date. ; Syntax ........: DateFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - A gmail date string ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func DateFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Year>d{2}|d{4})(?:-)(?<Month>d{1,2})(?:-)(?<Day>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return Int($RegEx[0]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[1]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[2]) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DateFromTimeDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: TimeFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns the email sent time. ; Syntax ........: TimeFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - An unknown value. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func TimeFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Hour>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Minute>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Second>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return (Int($RegEx[0]) - 4) & ":" & Int($RegEx[1]) & ":" & Int($RegEx[2]) ;don't know why I have to subtract 4 Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>TimeFromTimeDate Dgameman1 1 My projects: Inventory / Mp3 Inventory, Computer Stats
Skitty Posted March 31, 2012 Posted March 31, 2012 I don't think I understand what's going on really. expandcollapse popup#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..Downloadsgmail.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #Obfuscator_Parameters=/so #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <string.au3> #include "Notify.au3" #include <array.au3> Global $eReturn Global $Count Global $User = "marlboroloco" Global $Pass = "astronomicamente" _Display() _Notify_RegMsg() _Notify_Locate(0) AdlibRegister("_Display", 5000) _Notify_Set(Default) While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func _Display() AdlibUnRegister("_Display") $eReturn = _CheckMail($User, $Pass) Switch @error Case 0 Switch @extended Case True $Count = UBound($eReturn) - 1 For $x = 0 To $Count _Notify_Show(@AutoItExe, "", $eReturn[$x][1] & @CR & $eReturn[$x][0]) Switch @error Case 4 MsgBox(16,"text error!","Maximum text legth breached!") EndSelect Next Case False ; EndSwitch Case 1 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Couldn't get your new emails for some reason...") Exit Case 2, 3 MsgBox(0, "Error!", "you need to enter an user name and password!") Exit Case 4 MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Error Getting URL Source!") Exit Case 5 MsgBox(16, "Error!", "No response?") Exit Case 6 MsgBox(16, "Error!", "Unauthorized access, possibly a wrong username or password!") Exit EndSwitch Return AdlibRegister("_Display", 5000) EndFunc ;==>_Display ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _CheckMail ; Description ...: Checks a Google Email for new emails. ; Syntax ........: _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd[, $UserAgentString = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $UserName - An unknown value. ; $Pswd - An unknown value. ; $UserAgentString - [optional] An unknown value. Default is "". ; Return values .: A 2d array with email information as follows~ ; 1|Title ; 2|Name ; 3|Email ; 4|Summary ; 5|Date ; 6|Time ; ; Author ........: dantay9 ; Modified ......: THAT1ANONYMOUSDUDE ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd, $UserAgentString = "") If Not $UserName Then Return SetError(2,0,0) If Not $Pswd Then Return SetError(3,0,0) If $UserAgentString Then HttpSetUserAgent($UserAgentString) Local $source = InetRead("https://" & $UserName & ":" & $Pswd & "",1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!>Error Getting URL Source!" & @CR & " 404>@Error =" & @error & @CR & " 404>@Extended =" & @extended & @CR) Return SetError(4,0,0) EndIf If $source Then $source = BinaryToString($source) Else Return SetError(5,0,0) EndIf If StringLeft(StringStripWS($source, 8), 46) == "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Unauthorized</TITLE></HEAD>" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If Not Number(StringBetween($source, "<fullcount>", "</fullcount>")) Then Return SetError(0,0,0) Local $EmailCount = StringBetween($source, "<fullcount>", "</fullcount>") Local $Email = _StringBetween($source, "<entry>", "</entry>") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $Time Local $Datum[$EmailCount][6] $Datum[0][0] = StringBetween($source, "<title>", "</title>") $Datum[0][1] = StringBetween($source, "<tagline>", "</tagline>") For $i = 0 To $EmailCount - 1 $Datum[$i][0] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<title>", "</title>") If Not $Datum[$i][0] Then $Datum[$i][0] = "(no subject)" $Datum[$i][1] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<name>", "</name>") $Datum[$i][2] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<email>", "</email>") $Datum[$i][3] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<summary>", "</summary>") $Time = StringBetween($Email[$i], "<issued>", "</issued>") $Datum[$i][4] = DateFromTimeDate($Time) $Datum[$i][5] = TimeFromTimeDate($Time) Next Return SetError(0,$EmailCount,$Datum) EndFunc Func StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) Local $B = _StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError(0,0,$B[0]) EndFunc ;==>StringBetween ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: DateFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns email sent date. ; Syntax ........: DateFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - A gmail date string ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func DateFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Year>d{2}|d{4})(?:-)(?<Month>d{1,2})(?:-)(?<Day>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return Int($RegEx[0]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[1]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[2]) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DateFromTimeDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: TimeFromTimeDate ; Description ...: Returns the email sent time. ; Syntax ........: TimeFromTimeDate($String) ; Parameters ....: $String - An unknown value. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ??? ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func TimeFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?<Hour>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Minute>d{1,2})(?::)(?<Second>d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return (Int($RegEx[0]) - 4) & ":" & Int($RegEx[1]) & ":" & Int($RegEx[2]) ;don't know why I have to subtract 4 Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>TimeFromTimeDate
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