Place the Notepad ++ in the AutoIt3 folder
Just replace the files in your Notepad++. The path must be "AutoIt3Notepad++" NotepadPlus.7z (v6.5.3 Ru, 4.9 Mb)
shortcuts.xml, Contains commands:
F5 - Start File (Alt + F5 - Setting)
F6 - Start Script (ConsoleWrite) (Ctrl + F6 - Setting)
Alt + F - Jump to function as a SciTEĀ
Alt+X - AutoIt3Wrapper (Ctrl + F6 - ConsoleWrite)
Alt + Z - Tidy.exe %1 /refc /reel /bdir=C:AutoIt3BackUp
Alt+i - Au3Info.exe
Alt + R - ToolsRegExpRegExp.exe
Alt + F